
Hi everybody! I'm Elizabeth, also known by many other names including Liz, Mintblizzard, Blizzy, Lizard, Minty, Sunshine, and more. Computers, art, and music are things I enjoy and I'm planning to work them into a career. I'm currently attending Southwest State University, majoring in computer science and secondary education with a minor in music. I taught myself everything you see (with some help from others) so please don't criticize it too much. After college, I will have a master webpage! :o) Other things I like include smiley faces which I have everywhere from my rearview mirror ornament to one of my email addresses. I also like driving, dancing, going to movies, and hanging out with my friends. Football is my all time favorite sport-both to watch and play. Even though the Vikings never won the SuperBowl, I still cheer them on. Other sports I like are soccer, hockey, baseball, wrestling (if you call it a sport), and I watch wheelchair basketball. If there's anything else you'd like to see me put on my webpage, please don't hesitate to email me and tell me. I usually take advice.
I haven't updated this recently, and I'd just like to add a few of the new things going on in my life. It's now my junior year at SSU in Marshall, MN and one would think that I could get a college page going so that it isn't all highschool pictures, but I guess I'm too busy. I'm still trying to decide exactly what I want my major to be. The first two years were computer sci and math education, but I'm not sure about those anymore. Some various important points in those years were a choir trip to Jamaica, a Global Studies program trip to Germany and Austria, a few relationships, and a major car crash in which I broke my neck. Don't worry though, I'm okay! Someday *soon, I hope* I will get an updated page with some awesome college pics on it. We'll see.

My ICQ# is: 15481907.

