Bill Baize/Susan Farah home page

Bill Baize & Susan Farah

father/daughter gospel singers

Hello Everyone

Welcome from Bill and Susan.
We're delighted you stopped by
and we'd like to show you around.

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We will be adding and changing things often and will be
offering samples of different songs from the albums,
as well one complete song that can be downloaded.

We hope you bookmark this page and keep us on your calender.We'd also love to link to your web site

Bill Baize and Susan Farah are a father/daughter
team of gospel musicians.

Bill performed for 5 1/2 years as a back up singer with Elvis Presley, with The Stamps Quartet, and is the voice doing the high "Ahhh..." at the end of Elvis's hit song, "Burning Love".

Susan is music director at the Center Harbor Christian Church, in Moultonboro, NH, and composed the music included in their three albums.

All thumbnail photos are clickable to show a larger version.

Each month Bill and Susan will present their thoughts for you, on their music and their gospel and what God is doing in and with their lives. You will find their messages on their respective "Word from..." index entries.

If you would like to know about Bill's time as a backup singer with Elvis, or want info on any concerts that he has done recently involving Elvis or Graceland, choose "Bill's time with Elvis" on the index. We will keep you updated with past Elvis stories or future concerts at Graceland. There are also a number of sites that present information about Bill's musical career.

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Father/Daughter Gospel Musicians

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Last updated 2/5/00

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