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Aunt Louise - 12/27/00 02:47:16
My Email:merls_girl@yahoo.com
Page you visited: nate & montana

Hi Nate & Montana,,enjoyed your pages..

Marie - 12/05/00 09:39:04
My Email:alexandria_2001_2000@yahoo.ca

I really enjoyed the picture, lovely words that came from someone's soul, and the lovely music. Celine is my favorite female singer and I really enjoyed listening to her. Thank you so much. I'd be happy to recieve more anytime.

lucy - 09/06/00 06:22:06
My Email:lulu_76520@yahoo.com
ICQ number: 49044485

I have been enjoying all the songs a friend sent me from here and they r very nice to hear while working or talking to sumone on the puter!!!

- 09/05/00 22:04:14


Jung Moo Sung - 07/13/00 06:43:50
My Email:m9510943@dwmc.co.kr
Page you visited: /cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry
ICQ number: 39184136

I can open this site but can't hear the melody of this site. How can I hear? Can you tell me how?

Nancy - 06/30/00 16:44:03
My URL:http://NashvilleOpry/WhenINeedYou
My Email:nancycarew@sprint.ca
Page you visited: When I Need You
ICQ number: 42018445

Fabulous job!!! Keep up the great work! :-)

- 06/11/00 22:55:44


Sandy Hansen - 05/19/00 07:28:20
My URL:http://geocitieies.com. nashville
My Email:qtpie1941hotmail.com
ICQ number: 66149826

the songs and pic are beautiful and very well done

Kelly - 04/17/00 09:49:40
My Email:k.tice@its.uq.edu.au

Nice page - few spelling errors - do you have the full lyrics to this song? i know there is a part that goes: when the dog bites when the bee stings when I'm feeling sad I simply remember my favorite things and then I don;t feel so bad

- 01/31/00 00:57:07


Carol - 01/25/00 06:52:23
My Email:vinny@mako.com
Page you visited: soft place to fall
ICQ number: 50528382

it was wonderful...thank you for them...they say all the right things....

- 01/05/00 01:50:54


Bassam - 05/17/99 05:53:43
My Email:Mr.Bassam@usa.net

it's really cool :)) i like it so much **

Harry&Mary - 05/09/99 19:40:09
My Email:harandmary@worldnet.att.net
Page you visited: A Soft Place to Fall

Site was great, love the song, the illustration and words were great, what is the artist's name, it escapes me, we saw her the other nite on a Country Music Awards Show, and in the Horse Whisperer. Thought she really deserved an award. We like the links your site takes us to also.

Sweetie - 04/29/99 16:00:57
ICQ number: 33664727


- 03/20/99 20:56:51


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