David Kersh Internation Fan Club
P.O. Box 121926
Nashville, TN 37212


Full Name: Charles David Kersh

Birthday: December 9, 1970

Birthplace: Houston, Texas

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 155 lbs.

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Charles Kersh - Father
Pam Weidemann - Mother
Jan Kersh - Stepmother
Michael Kersh - Brother
Tammy Kersh - Sister

Education: Southwest Texas State University / Physical Therapy major

Instruments Played: Acoustic Guitar

First Musical Performance: Church solo at the age of 8

First Song Learned: Is There Anything I Can Do For You?

First paying non-music job: sacking groceries at Humble Food Market

First paying music job: The Emotions (a Texas Dancehall Band)

Goals : To capitalize on achievements and continue in a forward, positive progress.

Influences: God, parents

Musical Influences: George Strait, everybody

I Never Leave Home Without: Sayin' a prayer to God

Hobbies: Hunting, golfing, sun, outdoors, water, and snow skiing

Sport: Bow Hunting
Songs You've Written: Words Can't Say It All
Book: Bible
Actor: Sean Connery
Actress: Meg Ryan
Ice Cream: All
Tennis Shoes: Nike
Place: Home
Singers: George Strait and Shania Twain
Movie: It's A Wonderful Life
Food: Popcorn
Sports Team: "No favorite - I like 'em all!!"
Restaurant: Log Haven in Salt Lake City, UT
Color: Blue

Pet Peeves: Slow drivers, smackers, loud and obnoxious people.

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Last update: December 8, 1998