<bgsound src="valentine.mid" loop=infinite> "VALENTINE"
Thanks for visiting our page. Please sign our guestbook and feel free to come back often. We would like to know how you rate our page.

Joe - 12/19/00 08:25:25

"Lady in Red" is by chris deberg

Joe - 12/19/00 08:25:18

"Lady in Red" is by chris deberg

Motts - 06/09/00 04:11:39
My URL:http://motts.lovesfriday.com
My Email:suziq@dixie-net.com
nickname: Samantha or Ms24Gal
How did you reach us?: Surfin'

I love your homepage! Keep up the great work :)

ElectriKa - 11/18/99 22:57:18
How did you reach us?: surfed in

your music is so soothing hugssssssssss

Seamore :O) - 10/02/99 12:01:00
My URL:/Heartland/Lane/4160/page1.html
My Email:shines@neo.lrun.com

You have a Super web site and I enjoyed my stay .
I have booked Marked your site so I may return and see you often...


EMMA WALKER - 05/18/99 19:33:08
My URL:http://not known
My Email:emma@nadine98.freeserve.co.uk.
nickname: walker's crisp's
How did you reach us?: looking around on the internet.
Your comments & suggestions.: I would like to hear from Felicia

I think that youre web page is AMAZING!hello my name is emma walker and i live in the uk in waels in cardiff.i speak welsh!iam also 11 years old and gess what i have nickelodeon as well i like keanen and kel.Have you seen the rugrats movie did you like it i did.Iwould love to hear from you.please email me.....................

- 04/18/99 17:42:06
My Email:Ole MRWork
nickname: Stud


Marion Scissons - 04/17/99 03:58:20
My Email:scisssenior@msn.com
How did you reach us?: email direction


Joe Mantooth - 04/16/99 03:52:31
My Email:renegade@cwis.net
nickname: Renegade
How did you reach us?: e-mail
Your comments & suggestions.: How about helping me.

I have known Richard for about 4 years. I played in a Band with Richard for about 3 years.Excellent Keyboard Player!!! Since he has left the STEEL HEART Band I am still with them. And I just want to let him know that I can't do everything on my GUITAR SYN HESISER like he did on the Key-Board. KEY-BOARD,HELL,He played 3 on a stand,AWSOME!! PS:I Love Your Web-Site!

Joe Mantooth - 04/16/99 03:43:07
My Email:renegade@cwis.net
nickname: Renegade
How did you reach us?: net duh
Your comments & suggestions.: How about helping me.

I have known Richard for about 4 years. I played in a Band with Richard for about 3 years.Excellent Keyboard Player!!! Since he has left the STEEL HEART Band I am still with them. And I just want to let him know that I can't do every on my Guitar Synthesi er like he did on the Key-Boards you make a TOUGH ACT TO FOLLOW MY FRIEND. PS:I LOVE YOUR WEB-SITE.

ric rosales - 04/15/99 22:59:23
My Email:rocnric@gateway.net
nickname: ric
How did you reach us?: my brother Tony Rosales
Your comments & suggestions.: none at this time


Antonio Rosales - 04/15/99 13:09:43
My URL:http://www.DreamscapeRecordsLtd.freeservers.com
My Email:bigtr2101@aol.com
nickname: Bigtr
How did you reach us?: e-mail
Your comments & suggestions.: there were a couple of errors you need to check

Hey Richard, you have a great webpage and I've sent it to everyone I know so they could enjoy it too. Antonio Rosales

Rod - 02/25/99 15:28:09
My Email:axeman@webzone.net
nickname: ummm?

I like it! Neat page :-)

Kara - 02/21/99 18:22:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~KarasPlace
My Email:karasplace@usa.net
How did you reach us?: 4everFriends webring
Your comments & suggestions.: none

Hi I'm on a 4everFriends webring tour meeting all the friend from the ring...I love your site and the music.Happy Friendship Day!!!!

Debbie - 02/21/99 17:41:46
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/misc/carlyn98/
My Email:debos@bellsouth.net
How did you reach us?: 4 Ever Friends

Stopped by for a visit! Great place you have here! I will be back later!

Virgilene - 02/21/99 11:36:45
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~VIRGILENE
My Email:virg68@swbell.net
nickname: Virgilene
How did you reach us?: 4ever friends webring

Your page is really nice.....good luck with your music!!

Snappie - 02/20/99 01:34:29
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Snappie
My Email:Snappie@webtv.net
nickname: Snappie
How did you reach us?: 4EverFriends webring tour
Your comments & suggestions.: Cool

I came from Tulsa....Loved our home pgs. Shall return.

Christie - 01/10/99 16:04:54
My URL:http://fly.to/earlybird
My Email:twke63d@prodigy.com
nickname: Lil
How did you reach us?: I dont remember :)
Your comments & suggestions.: Read below...*g*

Hey nice page

Laurie - 12/18/98 22:16:28
My URL:http://members.aol.com/lanino/life1/index.htm
My Email:LAnino@aol.com
How did you reach us?: Family Web Ring

Great Page! I liked the music playing in the background too. I'm going to have to learn how to do that. Happy Holidays!!

Amanda - 11/27/98 01:02:49
My Email:Arquette@ntl.sympatico.ca
nickname: Panda
How did you reach us?: I donno


Nicole Tajalle - 11/23/98 22:09:19
My URL:http://welcome.to/whackmaster
My Email:musicgirl@hollywoodkids.com
nickname: Nic, BB (Baby Bird)
How did you reach us?: through WebRing
Your comments & suggestions.: PLEASE CHECK OUT MY OFFICIAL HOMEPAGE!!!

Hi, I'm a 17 year old from Vegas and my dreams are pretty much what you guys seem to be doing! I admire you so much, me and my best friend are moving to Hollywood when we graduate high school this year so we can become musicians, and our next move is Tul a, so maybe we'll run into each other some day 8-) We're actually going there this Easter Break to check out the local music scene so it's weird that I ran across your page. Well good luck in the future, maybe we can keep in touch?!?!

Doris - 11/10/98 14:58:05
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/CajunPride
My Email:dblack48@aol.com
How did you reach us?: ICQ Web

Thanks I really enjoyed your pages They are beautifully done.

- 10/06/98 11:21:21


Nancy - 10/03/98 04:12:46
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/7163/index.html
My Email:nancye@pdq.net
Your comments & suggestions.: Doing good

You are doing a great job here. I love the unicorn. And the music alot. You keep up the great work. I know I will be back to see more and hear more of the things that you do here. Great job .

Joni a/k/a Lady Gabburp - 09/30/98 23:39:59
My Email:gabburp@olg.com
nickname: Lady Gabburp
How did you reach us?: 4ever Friends


Hi, I am Joni a/k/a Lady Gabburp and am on the Welcome Wagon Committee of 4EverFriends I hope you enjoy your stay with us and we are a great bunch of people hoping to bring joy and laughter to all today's society!!! I've been married for 14 years to a wonderful guy who has given me the opportunity to explore the internet with this wonderf l tool...the computer!!! I in turn hope to help those in need when I myself didn't have the facilities to communicate like this years ago during my trying times. I have two great kids, Leslie 11 1/2 and Neil, 5 who have sustained me in my conquest for h ppiness, truth and a better understanding of how the world should be through their eyes!!! The gift is yours to take!!! Glad to have you aboard!!!
Lady Gabburp a/k/a Joni

ICQ# 273624

Eva - 09/16/98 13:11:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi/EvasPlace
My Email:chavala@writeme.com
How did you reach us?: you signed my guestbook!
Your comments & suggestions.: Just keep doing what you're doing!!!!

Really enjoyed my visit to your site! The two of you have really done a wonderful job.. I will visit often for updates! Good luck on future pages!!! Eva : )

Tony Rosales - 09/14/98 14:38:06
My Email:bigtr2101@aol.com
nickname: Antonio
How did you reach us?: just surfed in
Your comments & suggestions.: na

Love the site Richard thanks for putting my stuff in your site . TonyRosales

Becky (cajunmama) - 09/06/98 00:03:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/4168
My Email:RHedr57731@aol.com
nickname: CajunMama

Your pages are wonderful! Keep up the good work!

Ed Reed - 08/25/98 00:32:41
My Email:r reed10342
nickname: Mr. Reed
Your comments & suggestions.: more nudity


Kevin - 07/21/98 01:50:54
My URL:http://www.geeocities.com/~black-hawk
My Email:blackvulture@hotmail.com
nickname: Black Vulture
How did you reach us?: Through E-Mail

You did a pretty good job. Just get rid of the yellow initial background.

Jocelyn Lester - 06/18/98 17:37:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Opry/1942
My Email:j.lester@mailexcite.com

Comments? Just keep doing what you're doing! The page look excellent.

tom - 06/16/98 21:39:52
My Email:murder1@msn.com
How did you reach us?: you invited me....lol
Your comments & suggestions.: looks good.....


sugarbare - 05/11/98 13:46:24
My Email:sugarbare16@rocketmail.com
Your comments & suggestions.: Great

There are some great pages here.Hope to see you on Icq soon.

James aka Seductive Gentlem@n - 05/01/98 05:41:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Concourse/2008
My Email:maggjam@hotmail.com
nickname: James
How did you reach us?: from my Lady..SugarBare aka Maggie
Your comments & suggestions.: great job

If you need any help just let me or Maggie know and we will be glad to help you with your homepage

Loren & Karen Cook - 05/01/98 02:31:22
My Email:akleen@softwareplus.net

It looks and sounds great. Your doing a good job!

Donna - 04/30/98 18:07:20
My Email:nvrgetz2pla@hotmail.com
nickname: nvrgetz2pla

Karen, I think it is really neat.....I'm jealous,,,,lol......go girl!....thanks for sending it to me. Huggers gf Donna

Richard Henley - 04/30/98 16:21:24
My Email:wysiwyg@megalink.net
nickname: rick
How did you reach us?: you know
Your comments & suggestions.: kewl.


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