Although titled 'Frequently Asked Questions', this page will hold the answers to questions about the site which I think may be of interest to others visitors, whether they have been asked many times or just once.
The previous Nashville Music News (fortunecity) used to have a news page. What happened to this?
I did not feel this page was particularly useful, far better for you to get the latest daily news in the same way I do, by checking countrycool's news page each day(see links page). I will still collect news relevant to those artist who have pages on the site and add it to their news pages, and also anything especially relevant may appear on the Homepage.
Why do you have a mail button on every screen?
Basically Because I want to encourage two way traffic and hear from visitors to the site. If you are reading any page and think of something you wish to say or ask then you can do so by going to the end of that page, rather than trawling round the site hoping to find a mail button. Also, with the method I use to build pages for the site it is as easy to put the button on every page as it is to put it on just one.