<bgsound src="/Nashville/Opry/5078/midis/lean-on-me.mid" loop="1">

Midi playing is "Lean On Me"

Wolfie--One half of the Canuck DuoMellie's senior pic
The Wolfster...aka...BrandtFanWolfie. And from her name you can tell
she likes wolves and ohhh buddy does she love Paul
Brandt. *smiles* I must agree that he is something else. LOL.

This is April aka CountryMuddinGirl. Hey can I go muddin with y'all sometime? J/k.....LOL

Ok this is Farley, one of my new found friends/internet
siblings sorta thing. He is totally nuts about Chris Farley
and all sorts of other things.

The Snakeypooski...hehehe
WOO HOO go get em Dar Dar....hehehe this is
Darley_309...among some other really off the wall, but Dar Dar like names...aka...oh wait, I don't know if i can tell you his
real name *grin*

Kirsten--one of my online sisters
This is Cowgirl Beauty...aka...Kirsten, one of my
internet sisters. *grins* Wonder how many sisters
I got? LOL We ought to have a sister reunion...
whatcha think? LOL

Suz...she has that southern grace thing going on
Suzie...man we have fun in chat my friend...tons
of it too!! Remember all them wild times in the old Yahoo?
Man we were crazy...wait we still are! LOL

Ang--another sister
This is Ang...another sister...aka Rodeoincowgirl...sorry guys...
she is taken...I think. LOL. She has
a wonderful baby boy...who yet I have to get
pictures of...AHEM! Hehehe...Love ya
sis...and get east of the Mississippi soon for a visit!

This is Adam
...aka...Kentucky_Redneck_98. I don't
know what he has been up to lately...and
I haven't seen hide nor hair of him
lately either. All I know is that he is down
there somewheres in that state below
me...SO GET AHOLD OF ME!!! LOL...Hopes
to hear from you soon Adam!

Mikey in the Navy
Ohio_Mike...aka...Mikey...*grins* Mikey you
are the best of friends...you have been there
for me through good and bad, thick and thin.
I wish you and Marshelle all the luck
in the world. *hugs*

JW...aka...Duke...yeah the Yankees may have beaten
the Tribe in '98...but just wait
we will get ya again...LOL. *grins*

I am slowly getting pics to put on pages....just have to get permission *Smile*....Becky

I have more pages now with friends...don't forget to visit them, ok? Just click on the next button.

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