Keys available:
Celtic 6 hole major -- chromatic
G, A, B, B flat, C, D, E;
Native American style 5 hole pentatonic in
G minor, A minor, C minor, and D minor.
Each flute comes with
a cloth carrying bag. A leather carrying bag and a simple sculptural stand may be purchased.
type of flute available is the Highlander model or two flutes in tandem.
One flute plays the root tone, similar to a drone, while the other side
with 6 holes plays
melody, available only in D major.
Throughout its long
history, flutes have been associated with magic and mystery, ritual and
courtship. Twin pipes, sometimes called panpipes, named after Pan, goat-footed
nature god of classical literature, were developed and played in Bolivia,
Peru, Mongolia, China, eastern Europe, Burma, and Greece.
Earliest examples were made of bone or bamboo. An Egyptian likeness
of a flute dated 4000 B.C. has been found. A flute was pictured on a Greco-Roman
coin dated 169 A.D. and on a painting in middle Europe about 1100 A.D.
Nearly every ancient peoples have been credited with its origin.
In India, Hindu divinity Krishna is said to have caused rivers to
stop flowing and birds halt in flight with his flute playing.
Native flutes are played on the islands of the South Pacific, in Alaska,
and here on the American continents, we bring you the Indian flute, sometimes
called the love flute.
Native Americans suitors were said to play the flute
in soft tones outside of the tent of the young woman during courtship.
These flutes
especially lend themselves to outdoor playing and plaintive or meditative
moods. It has been our observation that animals such as cats and deer are attracted to the sound of the flute, perhaps because of its elemental sound that communicates so well. A bird who built her nest on our porch will sit on the nest while we sit close by, playing the flute. In our presence without flute music, she is too shy to approach. One realizes why flutes were associated with the spiritual connection early peoples felt with animals. You too, will be reminded of the connection to the spirit while you play.
The Celtic flutes have a more versatile scale and can be played with verve
and pep or with warm intimacy. Many of the traditional tunes which
are popular are played with fiddles, and are in keys popular with that
instrument, such as the key of D and A. Whether you play alone or
with a group, flutes are a pleasure to play.