SUHAIL F. BARAKAT P.O.BOX (425734) AMMAN 11140 JORDAN (962-6-) 4922772(Res.) (962-6-)5355000 ext.: 2620 Email URL
Main Activities. Develops, tests, and documents computer programs, applying knowledge of programming techniques and computer systems. Evaluates user request for new or modified program. Read Manuals, periodicals, and technical reports to learn ways to develop programs that meet user requirements. Formulates plan outlining steps required to develop programs, using structured analysis and design. Submits plans to user for approval. Prepares flowcharts and diagrams to illustrate sequence of steps program must follow and describe logical operations involved. Designs computer terminal screen displays to accomplish goals of user request. Converts project specifications, using flowcharts and diagrams, into sequence of detailed instructions and logical steps for coding into computer system. Enters commands into computer to run and test program. Reads computer printouts or observes display screen to detect syntax or logic error during program test, or uses diagnostic softwareto detect errors. Replaces, deletes, or modifies codes to correct errors. Analyzes, reviews, and alters programs to increase operating efficiency or adapt to new requirements. Writes documentation to describe program development, logic, coding, and corrections. Writes manual for users to solve operating roblems. Assists users to solve operating problems. Recreates steps taken by user to locate source of problem and rewrites program to correct errors. Trains use computer-aided software tools, such as flowchart design and code generation, in each stage of system development. Train users to use programs. Oversee installation of hardware and software. Provides technical assistance to program users. Installs and tests program at user site. Monitors performance of program after implementation. Specializes in developing programs for business or technical applications. Additional Activities. Analyzes user requirements, procedures, and problems to automate processing or to improve existing computer system. Confers with personnel of organizational units involved to analyze current operational procedures, identifies problems, and learn specific input and output requirements, such as forms of data input, how data is to be summarized, and formats for reports. Writes detailed description of user needs, program functions, and steps required developing or modifying computer program. Reviews computer system capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations to determine if requested program or program change is possible within existing system. Studies existing information processing systems to evaluate effectiveness and develops new systems to prepare workflow charts and diagrams to specify in detail operations to be performed by equipment and computer programs and operations to be performed by personnel in system. Conducts studies pertaining to development of new information systems to meet current and projected needs. Plans and prepares technical reports, memoranda, and instructional manuals as documentation of program development. Upgrades system and corrects errors to maintain system after implementation. Assists computer programmer in resolution of work problems related to flowcharts, project specifications, or programming. Prepares time and cost estimates for completing projects. Directs and coordinates work of others to develop, test, install, and modify programs. Professional experience Since Sept. 1st 1994 as a Programmer University of Jordan. - Development and Programming as a team member in the following applications, using COBOL with RDB Relational Data Base on a Digital computers running under VMS and OpenVMS operating systems: Financial system and Modules. Library system and Modules. Student information system and Modules. - On behave of Computer Center coordinating Center for consultation technical, services & studies, I have designed an advance Excel Programming with Visual Basic training course, for Jordan Phosphate Mines Co., to comply with the Word Bank requirements. - Designed and developed a Window based application, for the University of Jordan employees Club. Handling the following modules using MS ACCESS: Membership. Supplier's information. Loans. Sales and Commissions. Accounting. - Supervision and development of an Online Student self-registration subsystem, using Developer 2000 as front end, while the Digital RDB Database is the back end, using ODBC RDB Adapter. - Design and development of Central Tenders department activities using MS ACCESS. - Design and development of Golden Jubilee Travel and Tourisim Agency activity using MS ACCESS. 14/08/93-30/08/94 freelancer. - Designing and developing the following Modules using RM. COBOL on a PC LAN Novel Network. - Maintaining the systems developed for Arab Aluminum Co. - Development of Incoming and Outgoing mail. - Development of cheque consolidation subsystem. - PC Services in the following fields: Standalone environment. PC LAN Networks. PC Software. 01/11/92-14/08/93 as Programmer/Analyst International Traders. - Evaluation of Hardware and Software of Altybeh tourism project. - Evaluation of the Hardware, software and PC LAN Novel Network, at Kan Zeman tourism village, and conducted a full analytical study of the actual Hardware and Software requirements needed; this study covered: Sales and Invoicing. Inventory and Stock Control. Handicraft sales and stock control. Internal Sales and Export sales. Purchasing of raw and manufactured goods. - Designed and developed the following integrated Modules using RM.COBOL: Sales and Invoicing. Stock Control Management. Internal & External Handicraft sales & Stock control. Management Statistics Information. Management Inquiries. - Linking the previously mentioned Modules with the Accounting and General Ledger System, which was written in clipper. 01/01/92-01/08/92 as Programmer/Analyst Computer Research Consultant (CRC). - Implementation of an Insurance Package, on Wang VS machine, Using COBOL language. This Package consisted of the following modules: General Insurance Modules. Motors Insurance. Marine Insurance. Fire and General Accidents Insurance. Accidents and Claims. Recoveries. Accounting. Reinsurance. - Maintenance and development of Stock Exchange for Union Bank. 01/09/90-01/01/92 Freelancer. - Designing and developing the following Modules using RM. COBOL on a PC LAN Novel Network: Stock Control. Accounting. General Ledger. Accounts Receivable. Sales Control. MIV and MRV Modules. Statistics Module. Customer Information Module. 01/01/90-31/08/90 as Programmer/Analyst Comcent Trading and Contracting Co. - Designing and developing the following modules for Zarqa Chamber of Commerce, using COBOL on WANG VS machine: Incoming and Outgoing mail. Certificates of origin. Member's Information system. - Converting the following systems, from VS COBOL to Microsoft/ Microfocus COBOL. theses were running on the WANG VS, to run on IBM and compatible PC's: Payroll and Personnel. Stock Control. Customer's Information. General Ledger. 15/05/85-31/12/89 as Programmer/Analyst Associated Software Co. (ASC). - Participated in Designing and Programming of a general purpose Inventory System for PC's users, using FOXBASE. This system Composed of the following modules: Orders Handling. Suppliers with their Information. Purchase Orders Handling. Inventory and Stock Control. Accounting. Work done with regard to Jordan Distribution Agency: - System Analysis studies for the manual procedures, and was fully documented. - System Design and development using Oracle V5. Work done with regards to Islamic Hospital. - Conducted system analysis study for the Islamic Hospital, this study covered their Pharmacies, Procument department, and Laboratories. - Participated in the development of the following modules: Procument and Stock Control. Main Pharmacy, as well as, the pharmacies located in the floors. Laboratories. Work done with regard to military Consumer Establishment - Participated in the Designing and Programming of an on line Inventory system on a WANG VS, using COBOL. This System composed of the following modules: Distribution to sales locations. Inventory and Stock control. Work done with regard to T.G.F. (Tawfiq Gargour and Fils) - Participated in the programming of an on line Accounting and Managerial information for Shipping on Texas Instrument (TI990), using COBOL. This system composed of the following modules: Shipping. Container's follow up. Disbursement. Documentation. Accounting. Work done with regard to J.L.C. (Jordan Leasing Co.) - Participated in the maintenance of the Lease system on PDP 11/23, using COBOL PLUS. This system composed of the following modules: Leasing Contracts follow up. Accounting and Lease Accounting. Shareholders. Work done with regards to Arab Life Insurance co. - Participated in the testing, implementation and maintenance of an Insurance Package on PDP 11/23, using COBOL PLUS. This System composed of the following modules: General Insurance. Motors Insurance. Marine Insurance. Fire and General Accidents Insurance. Accidents and Claims. Recoveries. Accounting. Reinsurance. 01/02/83-01/06/85 as Programmer Jordan Phosphate Mines Co.(JPMC). - Participated in the development and maintenance of the following systems and modules, on an IBM 4331 Main frame. - Material Issuing Vouchers (MIV) and Material Receipts Vouchers (MRV) module, using COBOL. - Fixed Assets Accounting system, using COBOL. - Participated in the maintenance of the following systems: Stock Control system written in COBOL. Cost Control system written in FORTRAN. Survey system written in FORTRAN. Topography system written in FORTRAN. Additional professional activities - I have worked as an accountant Clerk, in the Cost Control Department, in Jordan Phosphate Mines Co., where I was responsible for keeping the daily Journal book, as well as, providing the Computer Department with the proper classified data, for the Cost Control system, in addition to producing daily trial balance Report. - I have a reasonably good knowledge and experience on a vast range of PC software, Microsoft office, Utilities, Network Software, Lotus, Presentation Software, such as Author wares. - I have the ability to read and understand programs written in, Basic, Visual Basic, Paradox and Informix. Ability to learn fast with the aid of Manuals. Education and Training - Diploma in Programming and Systems Analysis. AL-Bironi Community College. Amman Jordan - Tow years of study GCE (Advance Level in Pure, Applied Math and Physics.) Hastings College of Further Education. Hastings England - Oracle DBA training course. - SQL programming. - Cost Control Accounting. - Accounting for non accountants. - VMS utilities and commands. - Windows NT. Professional memberships Member in the Jordan Computer Society. Languages known Cobol (of different venders), RDB Embedded with Cobol, SQL Embedded with Cobol, Oracle, Foxbase & Foxpro, Fortran, Clipper, Microsoft Aaccess.
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