Welcome to my Guestbook!

Grant Fischer - 06/19/00 20:22:50
My Email:grantfischer@hotmail.com
Fishing Comments: You can't catch a fish if your hook is not in the water

Rob Ward - 03/09/00 04:07:13
My Email:wardr@stolaf.edu
Your Location: In my underwear
Fishing Comments: I like the ladies
Matt, I voted for you but just because I felt sorry that you only had one vote. I am the hottest man at St. Olaf! Rob

jessica Richardson - 01/29/00 22:29:57
My Email:sassyprincess48@hotmail.com
I love the mudnecks!

jessica Richardson - 01/29/00 22:29:22
My Email:sassyprincess48@hotmail.com
I love the mudnecks!

IgonnakickSnowmans ass - 01/17/00 23:10:47
My Email:Bring it on
Your Location: Duluth
Fishing Comments: I am the best fisherman
Other: Hey Snowman I think your a pussy
Blah, Blah, Blah: Im going to kick snowman ass
Well I see Snowman is to fucking chicken to put his name on here, and he has a right because he is scared of me. Im here and waiting Snowpussy, Im not scared.

jessica rudenick - 12/26/99 04:07:52
Fishing Comments: take off your clothes

jessica rudnick - 12/26/99 04:07:08
Fishing Comments: take off your clothes

Aimee Hintz - 12/11/99 05:00:19
My Email:hintzaj@uwec.edu
Your Location: UWEC
Fishing Comments: love it
Other: your the coolest
Hope you had fun drinking in my room!!

Snowman - 11/24/99 20:58:41
Your Location: a salboat
Fishing Comments: What time is it?
Other: Steier is a pus
Blah, Blah, Blah: Nicky makes no sense
Oh yeah Steier is a pus

Sir Nixalot Nieling - 10/18/99 19:19:07
My Email:jufus8@hotmail.com
Your Location: you you
Fishing Comments: UHHhhh, matt. im fucked. what now tim.
Other: lets play some fecking cerds.
Blah, Blah, Blah: yo yo yo.
wu tang clan aint nutin to WHAT! you ever caught a whale? i did. it was dope yo. i shot it with your gun. then i laughed because those stupid animals are already going extinct. remember when sam shot me in the back with the bee bee gun. that was awesome. it hunrt like a muff. ba doom daa da da. im thursty fer cool aid. "im feeling sumthin" "colorful waves hurt my cheek, dry mouth!" well, it was nice visiting. P.S. eyes b

Darla Enright - 08/25/99 15:53:54
My Email:enright.darla@mayo.edu
Your Location: work
You left your screen saver on our computer! Guess we will always remember who the greatest fisherman in the world is!! Have fun at school!

Dad - 06/03/99 17:14:09
My Email:fritz.kevin@mayo.edu
Your Location: 201 Building, Rochester
Fishing Comments: None
Other: "What's going on here?"
Blah, Blah, Blah: "It looks like your social life is improving!"
"There's a few raunchy comments on your web page. Can you explain this?"

tommy - 04/06/99 18:16:17
My Email:hugeballs@your taint
Fishing Comments: i like crappies
Blah, Blah, Blah: sam tri is gay

Eyota Bitch #1 - 04/05/99 23:04:30
My Email:lawle_ma@students.uwlax.edu
Your Location: school
Fishing Comments: fishing sucks!
Other: michelle wants a picee of your big ol bass!
Blah, Blah, Blah: roch boys suck!
hey there big ol ross, i like the web page! i had to check it out cause i heard there was some pictures of this hot ass guy from roch in his boat, and damn is he one good-looking punk ass bitch! i bet you michelle would like to hump you! bye! :) megan

Big Papa Pump - 04/05/99 03:45:29
My Email:Hogboss2
Your Location: Rochester
Fishing Comments: Fish? I wanna drink
Other: O'Reilly I like the comment below
Blah, Blah, Blah: Hollar if you need me
What the hell have you been up to the past couple of months. Well I have been up to the usual you know kicking peoples asses and answering all the womans calls. Ahhhh just can't beat the life of Big Papa Steier. O'Reilly I will help you find the person that did that message below mine, I think it was think Nick. We can take that little pussy plumber any day. Well Matt stay sober(ya right) and tell Sheehan not to fall in the closet again.

Brian Fatass Orielly - 04/05/99 03:38:11
My Email:1-800-96-Jenny
Your Location: Chubbytown
Fishing Comments: I like fat fish, Hey I'm fat I guess we have a lot in common
Other: Jeff Steier is the toughest guy I know
Blah, Blah, Blah: Anybody see Jenny Craig
Man were the hell is the candy page I'm starting to get hungry.

Rob Mutha Fuckin Ward - 03/07/99 08:13:49
My Email:wardr@stolaf.edu
Your Location: My secret underground lair.
Fishing Comments: Kickback. War=1,000,000
Matt, Whats up with corey schmeideberg? Is He gay or what. I heard he was. Hi tim. Jeff Steir. That kid is hilarious. This is just like sigining a yearbook. (But without the dirty pictures.) Matt, I don't know what it is but this food here gives ,e big ole dump . What am I doing. I am looking at a normal websites when there are plenty of pornographic ones out there. My favorite is Private.com Username Private Password may. It works. Just a thought. I have more email me. Love Robio Fabio

Elissa Roerish - 02/24/99 01:14:22
My Email:roerised@uwec.edu
Your Location: eau claire
Matt, when are we going fishin'?

Crazy Carl Wainscott - 02/13/99 02:23:09
My Email:hansw_@hotmail.com
Fishing Comments: I like fish
Other: I like boobies
Blah, Blah, Blah: I like BIG boobies
Needs more boobies.

Jamie Burke - 01/28/99 22:12:54
My Email:burkejl@uwec.edu
Your Location: UWEC
Fishing Comments: BASS R GOOD
Other: nope
Matt, We heard about this awesome web page from this really cool girl named Ellen! We are so impressed!Jamie

Ellen Borst - 01/27/99 23:31:49
My Email:borstec@uwec.edu
Your Location: Eau Claire, WI
Fishing Comments: You haven't fished with the best until you've fished with me!
Other: nope
Matt,You were right I was wrong. That guy in the picture was pretty good looking and you know what that means!

Dawn Londowski - 01/27/99 23:03:09
My Email:londowdm@uwec.edu
Your Location: UW-Eau Claire
Fishing Comments: I get a better orgasm when I fish than I do when I'm having sex!
Other: Do you agree?
Blah, Blah, Blah: Fishin' is life, there's nothing more or nothing less.
Matt! Hey dude! I love what you've done with the place! I'm sorry it took me so long to visit, but I got caught up in traffic and that minor volcanic eruption that occured in good ol' Eau Claire was kind of a drawback. Thanks for inviting me over, but next t me I come, I expect treats, okay? Oh, and by the way, next time I see you, please stay out of the ditch, it's a little too much excitement for me! Dawn "Hook-line-and-sinker" Londowski

Emily Shonyo - 12/15/98 05:48:41
My Email:shonyoe@post.uwstout.edu
Your Location: when in doubt go to Stout
Other: your web page looks awesome! I like the pictures especially the one of the hot guy (all my friends want him)
Blah, Blah, Blah: I'm visitor number 929, your page has been pretty busy
Hey Matt Hope you had fun at the Dave concert I'll see you soon for x-mas break and we'll all have to party, or just get drunk.

lee gerads - 12/15/98 03:36:30
My Email:lcjjm@aol
Your Location: rochester,mn
Fishing Comments: when will the ice be here so we can ice fish??
Other: nice web page Matt!! I had to visit twice cause the first time i bumped the enter bar before i got to write anything-blah,blah blah.
Blah, Blah, Blah: When do you add the duck hunting to the page?

corey schmiedeberg - 12/01/98 21:31:28
My Email:scco9803@stcloudstate.edu
Your Location: scsu
matt i like the web page. it's very fishy.

Jeff "Sting" Steier or otherwise called Big Papa Pump girls hollar if you need me. - 11/27/98 04:57:50
My Email:Hogboss2
Your Location: Rochester
Fishing Comments: Man good thing I dont fish Im just to damn good. Fish would go extinct.
Other: Fritz if I didn't have a bad knee you would never beat me in a game of hoops.
Blah, Blah, Blah: Aaron Herman is my idol.
Have a nice time in La Crosse. See ya around. Hollar if you need me!

tim - 11/17/98 05:42:52
Your Location: your dorm room
Fishing Comments: i'll stick to nintendo
Blah, Blah, Blah: i want to buy urine for $10000
no matter what i put you will change it anyway so tell you what see you later

rob mother fuckin Ward - 11/08/98 08:13:34
My Email:wardr@stolaf.edu
Your Location: Black Knight
Fishing Comments: KICKBACK
Blah, Blah, Blah: "This is where the shit hits the FAN!"
Hello Matthew, I had a huge dump yesterday..... You would have loved it. UH oh that cop car is turning around.......Oh wait he really is!

stacy theis - 11/04/98 00:59:25
My Email:stacy@rasmussen.edu
Your Location: rasmussen college
Fishing Comments: I adore fishing, was just checking site.
Other: I love your page!!!


Rubero - 10/01/98 00:39:49
My URL:http://www.iwishihadsome.come
Your Location: Mexico
Fishing Comments: I am the man!!!
Other: Cornholio
Blah, Blah, Blah: Matt-Dawg!
Hey, I wish I was as cool as this Rubero.

Hannes Hubmayr - 09/30/98 17:07:17
My Email:jhubmayr@coloradocollege.edu
Your Location: colorado springs, co
Fishing Comments: fishing rules, but I suck!!!
Matt Fritz is the coolest person I have ever known, and also the best fisherman in the world!!! By the way, there is some excellent fly fishing in Colorado. You should come out. When the hell did you build a web page? Hannes

jake donze - 09/30/98 16:42:42
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Arena/5536
My Email:donze.jacob@mayo.edu
Your Location: Rochester, MN
Fishing Comments: 'Tis a good sport.
Other: Fishing, I mean.
Blah, Blah, Blah: The sport. Fishing. 'Tis good.
Is there any difference between your fill-in the blank categories of "Other," "Blah, Blah, Blah," and "Your Comments?" You have to be the most redundant man I've ever met. However, you're also one of the toughest so I don't want to mess with that kind o firepower. DDP. Oh, and congrats to the Dixie Chicks for their CMA. In the meantime, you can KMA. And you might want to CYA, PAB. Peace.

I hate squirrels - 09/29/98 14:24:43
My Email:suck it
Your Location: in your clam
Fishing Comments: donde esta los ruberos
Other: I also love gyros
Blah, Blah, Blah: atleast I think I do

gyroman - 09/23/98 02:21:58
My Email:mattrocks
Your Location: here
Fishing Comments: bigolbass
Other: matt does not suck
Blah, Blah, Blah: no, matt kicks ass

nicky nieling - 09/21/98 15:01:32
My Email:jufus8@hotmail.com
Your Location: roch
Fishing Comments: i dont fish
Other: smut rules
Blah, Blah, Blah: hows shawn?
hey man! how was fishing? ill probably be coming this weekend so see you then. see ya! nicky

Sam Tri - 09/16/98 14:57:01
My Email:tri_sd@students.uwlax.edu
Your Location: la crosse
Fishing Comments: matt is the best fisherman who has ever lived
Other: matt rocks
Blah, Blah, Blah: matt rocks more
Comments:I have 3 points

Kristine Suk - 08/26/98 01:51:05
My Email:suk@colorado.edu
Your Location: Boulder, Co
Fishing Comments: I love fishing, especially when I get to watch this group of guys who call themselves mudnecks fish without shirts!
Who is that blonde guy on the webpage?!?!? He is the hottest guy I have ever seen in my life!!! Can I get his number?!?!?!??! love you matta! kristine

Jenna - 08/18/98 17:28:37
My Email:travel@seasontravel.com
Your Location: Cannon Falls
Fishing Comments: catch more bass
awesome webpage

sheri fritz - 08/17/98 18:20:34
My Email:travel@4-seasonstravel.com
Your Location: cannon falls
Fishing Comments: nice web ..
Looks good Matt... Any infor on kenny lake? Were heading up Tuesday night hope to see you this weekend.. Sheri

Emily Bengali - 08/06/98 16:16:03
Your Location: In our office
Fishing Comments: Gonna catch a big one!
Other: I love your glasses!
Blah, Blah, Blah: The DoJo Rules!
Matt, When are you going to take me to go fishing at your lake??? We would definitly have BIG fun, and for sure catch Big 'Ol Bass (well, maybe you and I would just watch and catch the rays).

wicked stepmother - 07/31/98 20:02:25
Your Location: home
Fishing Comments: Matt learned everything he know about fishing from me

cadence - 07/24/98 15:15:53
Your Location: home
Fishing Comments: Fishing with Matt is the best.
Other: I want to catch a Muskee!
When can we go fishing again, Matt?

William Sawyer - 07/24/98 14:41:12
My Email:gsawyer104@aol.com
Your Location: Rochester, MN
Fishing Comments: Fishing is fun
Other: I like to fish with Matt.
Add links to some games for me to play.

Sadrul Jamali - 07/23/98 20:02:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Exchange/6864/
My Email:sad-amin@rocketmail.com
Your Location: Accross the office
Fishing Comments: Way too go dude!!!
Other: Dixie Chicks are cool babe...
Keep me updated on your fishing hobby

Don't trust Sadrul! - 07/23/98 20:00:28
My URL:http://no-one-trusts-Sadrul.com
My Email:me@no-one-will-even-talk-to-him.com
Your Location: Not far enough away from Sadrul
Fishing Comments: Sadrul can't fish
Blah, Blah, Blah: Sadrul sayd this statement quite often.
Sadrul probably signed this right around me, didn't he. I think he's stalking me.

Dan - 07/18/98 18:46:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/kingdan/
My Email:dan_1184@hotmail.com
Your Location: wisconsin
Fishing Comments: i love fishing people who say they don't are liers
Other: check out my web page
Blah, Blah, Blah: check out my music web page
cool page can you tell me how you got your links to have pictures instead of words like on my web page i have to have words then you click on it and you go to where ever and on your page you have pictures and all you have to do is click there and it takes you there so tell me how to do that k LATER

John Hoyt-Williams - 07/17/98 21:00:45
Your Location: The Falls
Fishing Comments: I have no insight into catching fish.
Other: I used to run the half mile quite fast.
Blah, Blah, Blah: This is usually how I sound on most occasions!

Autumn Watts - 07/17/98 19:20:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/nashville/opry/6601/index.html
My Email:missautumn@yahoo.com
Your Location: summerville,sc
Fishing Comments: none
Other: none
Blah, Blah, Blah: blah blah blahv lbd'sgf;
hey neighboor! im in 6601 next door. wanna have a cook out some time or go fishing? hahahah (j/k) visit my page sometime and sign the guestbook. p.s.- link me!

P.A.B. - 07/16/98 21:51:27
My Email:PAB@PAB.com
Your Location: across the office

Big 'Ol Jake - 07/16/98 21:27:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.cm/SunsetStrip/Arena/5536
My Email:donze@juno.com
Your Location: Earth
Fishing Comments: Love them fish!
Other: Other yourself
Blah, Blah, Blah: You bet.
I'm all out.

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