My Latest Fishing Updates
Date Fished: August 21, 2005
Location: Dog Lake, West of Delano, MN
Technique Used: Spinnerbait
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 5 pounder
Comments: Steve Allen from Northwest Athletic Club tipped me off about this small lake that his dad lives on. Caught 3 fish - 1 pounder, 4 pounder, 5.5 POUNDER!!! Water is very stained in a light color. The fish have a hard time seeing the lures and miss them a lot. The 5.5 pounder missed the spinnerbait the first time and ate it on the second cast. Use darker lures (black) next time.
Date Fished: August 2, 2005
Location: Lake Charlotte, near St. Michael, MN
Technique Used: flippin docks
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 3 pounders
Comments: Caught a 3 pounder and some 2 pounders flippin docks with brush hog. Watch out for the bars and chains!
Date Fished: July 23, 2005
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Spinnerbait, jig
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, northern
Size: 4 pound bass, 6 pound northern
Comments: Caught 3.5 and 4 pound bass, caught 6 pound northern
Date Fished: July 11 - 12, 2005
Location: Round Lake, Hayward, WI
Technique Used: All
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass
Size: 1 pounders
Comments: Murphy vacation at huge 13,000 square foot cabin property (Billy's friend's). Super clear lake, could see schools of smallmouth by bouy drop off. Wouldn't bite very often. Use dropshot next time. Rented jet skis and ski boat.
Date Fished: June 27 - 29, 2005
Location: Long Lake, Park Rapids, MN
Technique Used: All
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 1-2 pounders
Comments: Quittem vacation. Caught most of the bass in a back bay filled with pads. Kristine caught fish and so did Willy and Cadi.
Date Fished: June 25-26, 2005
Location: Lake Minnewaska, Big Birch Lake
Technique Used: All
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: small
Comments: Mudneck tournament hosted at Nick's house in St. Rosa. Fished with Brian. Caught limits, but no size. Nate Carlson and Trevor Haukert won overall.
Date Fished: June 21, 2005
Location: Pleasant Lake Willard, Cannon Falls, MN
Technique Used: Senko, Spinnerbait, Slugo
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 5 pounds
Comments: Fished with Nate out of his canoe. Caught 42 bass in 2 hours including dual 5 pounders! Day of Great Grandma Wagner's funeral.
Date Fished: June 13, 2005
Location: Mille Lacs
Technique Used: Lindy Rig
Type of Fish Caught: Walleye
Size: 4 pounder
Comments: Fished with Jake. Caught a 4 pounder on Garrison Reef.
Date Fished: April 24, 2005
Location: Pleasant Lake Annandale, MN
Technique Used: crankbait
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 3 pounders
Comments: Fished with Luke. Caught a bunch of 3 pound largies and one decent northern.
Date Fished: April 23, 2005
Location: Lake Minnetonka
Technique Used: slip bobber
Type of Fish Caught: panfish
Size: average
Comments: Fished Lake Minnetonka Crappie Contest with Willy and Cadi. Caught a lot of sunfish and crappies, and one small northern. Grilled hotdogs on the boat. It was chilly and windy. Watched the geese fight with each other.
Date Fished: April 21, 2005
Location: Fish Lake Maple Grove, MN
Technique Used: roadrunner
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 3 pounds
Comments: Caught 3 pound largie on north end of lake.
Date Fished: April 9, 2005
Location: Kinnickinnic River, River Falls, MN
Technique Used: Fly
Type of Fish Caught: Brown trout
Size: 6 - 10 inchers
Comments: Fly fishing with Ken Norris. Caught a decent amount.
Date Fished: April 6-8, 2005
Location: Fish Lake Maple Grove, MN
Technique Used: Roadrunner, crankbait
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth, crappie
Size: 3 pound largemouth, 13.5 inch crappie
Comments: Caught 13.5 inch crappie on white and green roadrunner. Caught 3 pound largemouth on baby -1. First boat on the lake in 2005.
Date Fished: April 3, 2005
Location: Mississippi River, Elk River, MN
Technique Used: Jig & Fathead minnow
Type of Fish Caught: Smallmouth Bass
Size: 3 pounds, 17 inches
Comments: Caught 3 pound smallie just down river from the bridge. First fish of the season.
Date Fished: February 26, 2005
Location: Upper Red Lake
Technique Used: Ice fishing with minnows/waxies.
Type of fish caught: Not much. Few perch and walleyes
Size: tiny
Comments: Upper Red Lake ice fishing trip with Ryan, his girlfriend and friends, Nate, Ken, and Ken's friend Matt. Ryan picked up Nate in Cannon and headed to my house at about 6am. Ryan called a little after 6am to tell me he just got a speeding ticket (in the same spot he got one coming to see me last spring) between Plymouth and Maple Grove on 494. So Ken, Matt, and I met Ryan's crew in Rogers and Nate switched to our truck that Matt was driving and we headed up north der hey. One the way up north on 169 some old lady passed us in the left lane going the wrong way down the highway! We stopped at my cabin to pick up the ice shack when I realized I didn't have the key to the shed, so we decided to break the cheesy lock that was on the shed with a pipe wrench. Nate broke the lock extremely easily because it was so old and cheesy. Loaded the ice shack and kept going. When we were around Blackduck, MN a cop pulled both cars over and ticketed both of them, so now Ryan has 2 tickets for the day and Matt has 1. Ryan switched drivers. When we got close to Upper Red Lake Ryan lost his cell phone because it "flew" out the window of his girlfriend's mom's new SUV that they were driving. After our 6.5 hour drive we put up the ice shack that we discovered a mouse had chewed to hell with about 30 holes in it. We fished and didn't catch much, certainly none of the slab crappies we were after. Ryan discovered that somehow the new SUV now has a basketball sized dent in it, and packed up and headed home after 3 hours of fishing. We left a few hours later, returned the ice shack to the cabin shed and made it look like it was locked, and headed the rest of the way back to Maple Grove.
So in summary: 13 hours of driving, few fish (I caught none), 1 broken pad lock, 3 speeding tickets, a lost cell phone, and a dented new SUV.
Date Hunted: December 31, 2004
Location: Pine Island, MN
Technique Used: Guided Pheasant Hunt at Hidden Valley Hunt Club.
Type of Birds Shot: Rooster and Hen Pheasant
Size: Normal
Comments: Jim Suk took Bob, Dick, Chad Springer, Chad's dad, and myself on a guided pheasant hunt. Shot "the flury" - a sporting clay shoot before we hunted. Hunted corn, grass, pine trees. Shot 17 pheasants. I shot 5 personally. Most shots were between 10 and 20 yards.
Date Hunted: December 6, 2004
Location: Hutchinson, MN
Technique Used: Guided Goose Hunt with Phil Schmidt of Goose Buster Guide Service.
Type of Birds Shot: Canadian Geese
Size: Big
Comments: Took Dad on another goose hunt for his birthday. Jake came along. We shot 12 big geese. It was sweet!!!
Fall 2004 Duck Hunting Season:
I shot about 20 ducks in the face. Hunted Pelican Lake (Wright County) a lot. Best hunt was on Lake Onamia with Ryan. Over 500 ducks in the air swarming over our spot. We took down 12 ducks and 2 geese. Then the bearing on my boat trailer fell apart and my wheel fell off on the boat landing. I would have been pretty pissed off had we not pounded the ducks! William shot a wood duck and a goose from way out of range on Youth Waterfowl Day at Gores Pools.
Date Fished: August 21 - 23, 2004
Location: Lake Michigan, Port Washington, WI
Technique Used: Guided Salmon Fishing. Trolled flys and J-Plugs
Type of Fish Caught: King Salmon, a few lake trout, one Coho Salmon
Size: Biggest was 16 pounds
Comments: Grandpa Fritz, Dad, Jim, Ryan, Jake and I fished Salmon Sunday and Monday. Caught 11 on Sunday and 12 on Monday. Played quarters with Dad Saturday night. He kept giving us "bolus" doses of beer in the cup. Jim puked 5 times off the side of the boat Sunday because of sea sickness, Dad puked once. We all caught fish.
Date Fished: August 13 - 15, 2004
Location: Mississippi River, Camp Lacupolis, South of Lake City
Technique Used: Jigging, Trolling, and everything for bass
Type of Fish Caught: Freakin' sheephead, small catfish, large and smallmouth bass
Size: 2 pound 6 ounce smallmouth
Comments: Luke's bachelor party weekend. Fished "7th" annual Mudneck Fishing Tournament. Walleye tournament on Saturday, bass tournament on Sunday. Had 6 boats. The teams were: Jake and Justin Brandt; Nick and Jeremy; Brian and Nate; Me and Josh Brandt; Luke and Jay Hanson; Brother Matt and Jed. Nick and Jeremy won the walleye tourney on Saturday and the whole tournament overall. Nate and Brian won the bass tournament on Sunday. It was later found that they were using live bait(minnows), oh well. I got big fish for the bass tourney with a 2 pound 6 ounce smallmouth, Josh also caught a smallmouth over 2 pounds. Joe showed up, weird. Jake was in prime form Saturday night. I think he's gay.
Date Fished: August 4-7, 2004
Location: Fish Lake, Maple Grove, MN
Technique Used: spinnerbaits
Type of Fish Caught: largemouths, northerns
Size: 1 - 3 pounders
Comments: Cadi and Willy came up for a few days. Caught some fish and then went knee boarding on Saturday morning. They took off from the sand by the public access. William went first and got up on the second try, and did a 360 while he was wiping out. Cadi got up on the first try and took a huge face dive going over some big waves.
Date Fished: July 4th 2004 Weekend
Location: Big Birch Lake, St. Rosa (Nick's house North of St. Cloud)
Technique Used: All
Type of Fish Caught: largemouths
Size: 1 - 4 pounders
Comments: Jake and I fished against Nick and Luke. We lost by 1.5 inches.
Date Fished: June 27 - 30, 2004
Location: Long Lake, Park Rapids
Technique Used: All
Type of Fish Caught: Walleye, bass, panfish
Size: 18 inch walleye, 2 pound largies
Comments: Quittem vacation at Edgewood Resort. Caught a lot of panfish with the kids. Caught an 18 inch walleye on 'the road'. Made stepping stones, hung out, swam in 65 degree water.
Date Fished: June 4 - 6, 2004
Location: Round Lake, Holt Lake
Technique Used: All
Type of Fish Caught: Walleyes, bass, northerns
Size: 15 inch walleyes
Comments: Nate and I went up to the cabin, was supposed to be Canadian weekend but the Volkers planned it. Went to round lake and slip bobbered for walleyes off of point in 9 feet of water, caught 10 walleyes. Had to let them take it down for about 60 seconds or you wouldn't hook them. Saturday caught a bunch of bass and northerns, nothing too big. Limited out on crappies on the sand of Holt Lake. Black Berry Brandy did the trick.
Date Fished: Early May, 2004
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Crankbait: Baby Minus 1
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth, Northern
Size: 5.5 pound largemouth
Comments: Dad and I pounded the fish on the south end of holt with crankbaits before bass season. I caught 5.5 pound largemouth, dad caught a 6 or 7 pound northern. Caught a ton of fish.
Date Fished: May 1-2, 2004
Location: Millwaukee
Technique Used: all
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth
Size: little
Comments: Went down to Milwaukee and fished with Jake for his Birthday.
Date Fished: April, 2004
Location: Fish Lake
Technique Used: Roadrunner (Beattle spin)
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth
Size: Three pounders
Comments: Caught two nice 3 pounders on Fish Lake.
Date Fished: April 24, 2004
Location: Lake Minnetonka
Technique Used: Slip Bobber/Minnow
Type of Fish Caught: 2 Crappies
Size: small
Comments: Fished the 37th Annual Crappie Contest on Minnetonka with Cadi and William. William caught a small crappie that we weighed in at Lord Fletcher's. The winner had a 2 pound crappie.
Date Hunted: December 6, 2003
Location: Hutchinson, MN Late Season Goose Hunt
Comments: Took dad on a late season goose hunt with Phil Schmidt from Goose Buster Guide Service. Awesome hunt, limited out with 5 guys 25 geese!!! Dad drilled one right in front of my blind when it was 2 feet off the ground at 15-20 yards. I got a few doubles, and had a good shot right in front of my blind which I nailed. Big birds, sweet layout blinds, 140 big foot decoys. Snow covered field off of refuge about a mile. Dad is having one mounted. Also, Dad had a trigger lock on his gun when he got to my house, and the key was in Rochester. Had 24 hour lock smith come out and took it off in about 30 seconds, which cost $95.
Fall 2003 Duck Hunting Season in St. Cloud, Wright County:
I shot about 15 ducks in the face. Best shot of the year was on Pelican Lake in Wright Count out of my fishing boat. Drake and Hen mallard came right in, took the drake. Also, got out on Lake Onamia. Very good for opening day. Ryan and I got 6 from noon to 4, birds everywhere.
Date Fished: September 19-21, 2003
Location: Lake Minnewaska
Technique Used: Spinner Bait, lizard
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth/Smallmouth
Size: Three pounders
Comments: My bachelor party at Nick's cabin. Jake, Nick, Brian, Nate, Ryan, Tim, Sam, Jed, Brother Matt. Caught a bunch of bass, partied. Jed fell and slid down the dock naked. Brian drank chew spit after 6 hour game of Texas Hold 'Em. "NOOOOOOO, Blagh". Jake, Ryan, and I took my boat out at 1am, caught some smallies and Jake caught a walleye on a spinnerbait; Full moon. Broke Nick's smaller boat lift. Boche ball was played, strippers were seen.
Date Fished: July 12, 2003
Location: Lake Minnetonka
Technique Used: Spinner Bait
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth/Northerns
Size: Couple pounds
Comments: Nate and I fished Minnetonka. Started out in Black Lake. Caught a few bass and northerns.
Date Fished: July 4-6, 2003
Location: Holt Lake, Mille Lacs
Technique Used: mostly lizard, Jig & Chomper
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth/Smallmouth Bass
Size: 5 pound largie, three 4 pound largies!!! Mille Lacs smallmouth 2 pounds
Comments: Had parade of pontoons on Holt. Caught some crappies. Luke, Jeremy, and the Saras came up they camped on South Long Lake. Nick came up later. We caught some crappies on the pontoon. Nick and I hammered the bass. I caught a 5 pounder followed by three 4 pounders on Holt on the jig. Nick caught some nice fish too. We then went out on Mille Lacs on Sunday with the Aqua View and found the smallmouth on a long narrow rock reef on Garrison Reef. We caught about a dozen on lizards, crank baits, and grubs.
Date Fished: June 18-22, 2003
Location: Long Lake, Park Rapids
Technique Used: spinner bait, live bait, jig
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, rock bass, panfish
Size: decent
Comments: Family vacation at the big cabin. William and Cadence pounded the panfish and bass. Josh caught my spinner bait rod as he casted and threw it into the lake. I jumped in and got it back. I lost a 5 or 6 pound walleye on the road. Caught some bass with Nate.
Date Fished: Friday May 23-26, 2003
Location: Holt Lake, Mille Lacs
Technique Used: mostly lizard, spinnerbait
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, northern, walleye
Size: 24" walleye
Comments: Kristine caught 4 pound northern on Holt. Then she mowed the back lot on the rider!!! Caught a bunch of bass and small northerns. Luke came up Sunday and we fished Mille Lacs; I caught one 24" walleye and had to be off the lake by 10pm. Grandma used her new G. Loomis GLX. Holly caught some fish as well.
Date Fished: Thursday May 22, 2003
Location: Missouri River, Bismarck,ND
Technique Used: Jig & Fathead Minnow
Type of Fish Caught: Walleye
Size: 14-19 inches
Comments: Target flew me out to Bismarck on first work trip to visit Basin Electric Power Co-Op. Corey Perman took me out on the Missouri River. Caught over 50 walleyes in 2.5 hours (4:30pm - 7:00pm) with three of us! Flipped a jig and fathead onto shallow sand bar in 2-4 feet of water.
Date Fished: Tuesday May 20, 2003
Location: Lake Minnetonka
Technique Used: lizard, spinnerbait
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, northern
Size: 2-3 pounder
Comments: Caught a few bass; one northern.
Date Fished: Thursday May 15, 2003
Location: Fish Lake, Maple Grove
Technique Used: lizard, spinnerbait
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, northern
Size: Biggest bass 2 pounds, 5 pound northern
Comments: Caught almost a dozen right before dark, off of point on West side.
Date Fished: Tuesday May 13, 2003
Location: Lake Minnetonka
Technique Used: lizard, spinnerbait
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, northern
Size: 2-3 pounder
Comments: First time on Lake Minnetonka. Went to Browns Bay and caught two. Went back into Tanager and caught one more.
Date Fished: May 10-11, 2003 Fishing Opener
Location: Holt Lake, Mille Lacs
Technique Used: Lizards
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 5 pounders
Comments: Jake and I caught consecutive 5 pound bass on Holt, off of point by pastors cabin. Both caught on lizards. Crappy weather, wind. Dad, Jake, and I went out on Mille Lacs on Saturday morning, no fish. Dad caught a bass on Holt on north shore by Herb's. Some dumbass yelled at us for fishing too close to his dock.
Date Fished: May 3, 2003
Location: Rice Lake from shore
Technique Used: Jig and Minnow
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, Northern
Size: Northern 4 pounds
Comments: William and Cadi came up. William caught 4 pound northern. Both Cadi and William caught bass.
Date Fished: April 26 & 27, 2003
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Spinner Bait, Jig and Chomper
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: Couple 3 pounders, 2's
Comments: NW corner of Holt caught 6 on Sat. evening. Fished with Dad on Sunday caught 2.
Fall 2002 Duck Hunting Season in Mille Lacs area, Alexandria area & Winona:
I shot about 15 ducks in the face, and about 4 hooded the face. The Ducktoon is born.
Date Fished: September 7 & 8, 2002
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Jig and Chomper, crankbaits
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, Northern
Size: Bass 2 pounds, 6 pound Northern
Comments: Fished with Dad on Sat. evening caught a few small ones. Caught a few bass and 6 pound Northern on Sunday. Caught northern on Bandit crankbait (black and white).
Date Fished: August 30-September 1, 2002
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Jig and Chomper, crankbaits
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, Walleye
Size: Bass 2 pounds, 22" Walleye
Comments: Caught a few. The walleye should have been about 3 pounds, but it only wieghed about 2. It was really skinny. Probably came up from Mille Lacs looking for food.
Date Fished: August 3-4, 2002
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Jig and Chomper
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 2.5, 3, and 5 pounds
Comments: Caught a bunch of bass with Dad. Caught a 3 pounder and another 5 pounder out of 'the hole'. Dad caught a few bass on the jig as well.
Date Fished: July 26-28, 2002
Location: Lake Minnewaska, Nick's cabin
Technique Used: Jig and Chomper, spinner bait, crank, worm
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: My biggest was 3 pounds
Comments: Bachelor party for Jake. Jake and I caught some bass in Holt before going to Minnewaska. Caught a bunch of fish. Nick had a 4 pound smallmouth, but lost it bringing it in the boat. Huge storm on Minnewaska again. Luke and I were out in it but got back just in time, before the big wind and hail started. Everyone came up on Sat. night. Went to Waterama Days in Glenwood. Partied there and almost got in fight. Nate had a good fall, Nicky broke two chairs and his wrist(found out later), the cops came, good time.
Date Fished: July 12-14, 2002
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Jig and Chomper
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 2.5, 3, 4, and 5 pounds
Comments: Caught a lot of big bass on the jig. I pulled a couple 2.5 pounders, a couple 3 pounders, a four pounder, and a five pounder out of 'the hole' on Holt lake. Caught five pounder with Ryan, Tyler, and Jim. Used the 'blue bomber'.
Date Fished: June 26-28, 2002
Location: Lake of the Woods - Ontario, Canada
Technique Used: Everything, mainly jigging and crankin'
Type of Fish Caught: Walleye, Northern, Smallmouth
Size: Mainly walleye in the 12 - 18 inch range
Comments: Caught a lot of fish! 5.5 pound walleye, 5 pound northern, a lot of smallmouth on small fire tiger crank baits and tubes. Ryan caught a ten pound northern that fell into the water with my digital scale in it's mouth. I saw northern floating back to the surface belly up with the scale still in it's mouth. Ryan grabbed the scale and brought the scale and northern back into the boat with us! Grandpa and Jim caught a lot of walleyes with the biggest being 4 pounds. Found dead moose floating in lake of the woods. Stayed at Hidden Island Resort
Date Fished: June 16-23, 2002
Location: Long Lake - Park Rapids, MN
Technique Used: Slip bobber on steep "road" drop off
Type of Fish Caught: Walleye, Northern
Size: 4.5 and 5 pounds
Comments: Caught a 4.5 pound walleye and 5 pound northern on the first night. William and Cadi caught a bunch of rock bass, largemouth bass, northerns, and perch.
Date Fished: June 7-8, 2002
Location: Mille Lacs Lake
Technique Used: Lindy Rigging no snag bottom bouncer with leech
Depth: 15-24 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Walleye
Size: .5 lbs to 5.3lbs.
Comments: Caught 45 walleyes with Nick on Garrison Reef. Caught a lot of 2-3 pounders, some 4 pounders, and one 5.3 pounder. A lot of big fish!!! Picked up Ryan and Jim from shore later that night and caught a few more. Awesome day!!! Also caught 3.5 pound walleye on Holt on a jig and chomper, and some bass on lizards and spinner baits
Time: Mille Lacs Walleye 3-10pm
Date Fished: Wednesday after Bass Opener, 2002
Location: Holt Lake/Mille Lacs
Technique Used: Jig/chompers and spinner baits, Lindy rig
Depth: Bass 4 feet, Walleye 24 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Bass, Walleye
Size: 19 inch walleye, decent bass/northerns
Comments: Went up for the day caught 2 walleyes on Mille Lacs. May flies bad. Fished Holt and caught some nice bass and northerns in the shallow south bay.
Time: 11am-6pm
Date Fished: Bass Opener, 2002
Location: Holt Lake/Mille Lacs
Technique Used: Spinner baits/chompers and spinner baits
Depth: 2-12feet
Type of Fish Caught: Bass, Northerns, Walleye
Size: 12 pound Northern, Bass up to 4 pounds
Comments: Caught 12 pound northern on white/yellow spinner bait in the middle of the bay across from cabin. Dad netted it after Ryan, Jim, and Grandpa came over with the pontoon to give us the net. Caught a lot of nice bass as well (4 pounder). Caught 2.5 pound walleye on holt, grandpa caught a 3.5 pound walleye on holt, both caught on jig and chomper. Ryan and I caught 3 walleyes on Mille Lacs in 18 feet of water off of point by McDonald's launch.
Time: Northern mid-day, bass mid-morning/evening
Date Fished: May 10-12, 2002
Location: Mississippi River, Winona/Alma
Technique Used: Spinner bait, Jig, bottom bouncing live bait
Depth: Bass 2-6ft, Walleye 12-20ft
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth bass, Walleye
Size: 1.5 pounds
Comments: Fished walleye tournament with Jake in Alma. Took third place out of 9 boats with a weight of 3lbs 3oz. Horrible weather, cold, sleet, rain, wind. Caught bass on the river and Lake Winona.
Time: all day
Date Fished: April 9, 2002
Location: Mississippi River, La Crosse
Technique Used: Pitching plastic worm, texas rigged
Depth: 2-6 feet
Type of Fish Caught: largemouth bass
Size: 1.5 pounds
Comments: Fishing with Ben Potaracke out of his '96 Champion with 150 V6 Johnson. Caught 2 bass on pumpkin/green worm in a backwater channel. Water temp was 50 degrees.
Time: 4 -7 pm
Date Fished: January 11-14, 2002
Location: Lake Lac Qui Parle
Technique Used: Ice fishing using rattle reels and fatheads/shiners
Depth: 5-7 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Walleyes, a few Northerns
Size: Walleyes under 15", Northerns up to 7 pounds
Comments: Ice fishing in Nick's ice house with Nick and Jake. Caught 60-70 walleyes. Drove Jake's bronco out on the 13 inches of ice and stayed in the shack for three nights. Also went to the bar & had some beers, good time! "Ahoy Hoy!!!"
Time: Day and Night
Fall 2001 Duck Hunting Season in La Crosse & Winona:
I shot about 30 ducks in the face, and 1 the face.
Date Fished: September 22, 2001
Location: Turtle Lake
Technique Used: White/Yellow Spinnerbait, Single Blade
Depth: 3-6 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: Up to 3.25 pounds
Comments: Caught some good bass on Turtle. The biggest was 3.25 pounds, which I caught in the corner by the log just before I had to leave to take the dock out at 10:00.
Time: 8:30-10:00 mid-morning
Date Fished: September 1 & 2, 2001
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Flippin' Jig and Garlic and Salt Chomper
Depth: 8 to 12 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: Up to 3.5 pounds
Comments: Ryan and I hammered the bass on Saturday morning. I was using a brown and green flipping jig with a chomper and I gave Ryan a smaller orange jig and he used half of a power craw for a trailer. We caught quite a few along the deep weedline on opposite side of Holt. I caught the biggest, which was 3.5 pounds.
Time: mid-morning
Date Fished: August 12, 2001
Location: Mississippi River, Winona
Technique Used: Spinner bait, zipper worm
Depth: 1 to 4 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Northern, Smallmouth Bass
Size: Northerns 7-10 pounds
Comments: Jake and I caught a northern double on spinnerbaits. Jake's was about 10 pounds and mine was about 7 pounds. I also caught a smallmouth on a texas rigged zipper worm.
Time: Late evening to night
Date Fished: August 3-5, 2001
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Spinner bait, J-Mac Jig, Jungle Jig
Depth: Bass 3 to 10 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, Northern
Size: Bass up to 2.5 pounds
Comments: Caught a few on a jig. Kristine caught 1 bass and 3 northerns. Jumped on floating trampolines on Mille Lacs.
Time: Mid-day to evening
Date Fished: July 7-8, 2001
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Spinner bait, Plastic worm
Depth: Bass 3 to 6 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass and Dogfish
Size: Bass up to 2.5 pounds, Dogfish 6 pounds
Comments: Caught a few bass in the milfoil, Kristine caught one on a tube bait. The dogfish was caught on a spinner bait.
Time: Mid-day to evening
Date Fished: June 8-9, 2001
Location: Turtle Lake, Holt Lake
Technique Used: White spinner bait, 7" plastic worm
Depth: Bass 6 inches to 3 feet, walleye 10-12 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass and Walleye
Size: Bass up to 2.5 pounds, Walleye 5 pounds
Comments: Caught a lot of bass on Turtle in the pads, caught 5 pound walleye on Holt Lake using a power worm
Time: Bass-evening, walleye-Mid-day
Date Fished: May 11-13, 2001 Fishing Opener
Location: Holt Lake, Mille Lacs
Technique Used: Spinner bait (yellow,blue,& white)
Depth: 0-8 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass, Northern, Muskee(almost)
Size: Bass 1-4 pounds
Comments: In northwest corner of Holt Lake I caught 6 bass in about 10 casts and each one was over 3 pounds, caught 4 pound bass earlier that day, caught 5 pound northern Friday night on jig and fathead minnow, had on a 20+ pound muskee on Mille Lacs but it broke the line. Muskee hit on a storm lure in 3 feet of water, we were trolling right in front of Mir Mar. Also caught big crappies on Bay Lake. Fishing out of my boat with Jim and Ryan.
Time: bass and northern caught late evening, muskee hit about mid morning.
Date Fished: May 9, 2001
Location: Winona, flooded park
Technique Used: Spinner bait (white)
Depth: 0-3 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Northern
Size: 7 pounds
Comments: Fishing flooded Prairie Island Park from shore with Jake.
Time: Mid-day
Fall 2000 Duck Hunting Season in La Crosse:
I shot many ducks in the face, and 2 the face.
Date Fished: August 13, 2000
Location: Holt Lake
Technique Used: Pitching 7" power worm
Depth: 6-14 feet
Type of Fish Caught: northern
Size: 7 pounds
Comments: Had a tag in it's back from DNR when they stocked the fish, turned number in to DNR for info. on the fish. Also a few bass caught.
Time: morning
Date Fished: July 1-2, 2000
Location: Turtle Lake
Technique Used: 1/4 oz. white spinner bait on top of the pads
Depth: 3-5 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 3 pounder, half dozen pound and a halfers
Comments: 3 pounder came out of no where and destroyed spinner bait, straight across from boat access on Turtle.
Time: mid-morning
Date Fished: June 24-25, 2000
Location: Mille Lacs Lake
Technique Used: crank baits, trolling
Depth: 3-12
Type of Fish Caught: Smallmouth Bass
Size: 2.5 pounds
Comments: I caught smallmouth on blue/orange Husky Jerk, Jake caught 5 pound northern trolling
Time: Smallmouth caught mid-day, northern caught late evening
Date Fished: June 17-18, 2000
Location: Turtle Lake
Technique Used: crank baits, spinner baits
Depth: 3-8
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 1-3 pounds
Comments:Caught a lot
Time: mid-morning
Date Fished: June 9-11, 2000
Location: Holt Lake, Garrison,MN
Technique Used: jig and minnow
Depth: 12-15 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Crappie
Size: normal
Comments: Limited out at 15, but caught 20, also some bass and northerns
Time: 7:30-9:45pm
Date Fished: June 2-4, 2000
Location: Lake Minnewaska,MN
Technique Used: Spinner baits and crank baits
Depth: 5-10 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 1-3 pounds
Comments: rained, then Nick and I woke up the next morning to fish a walleye tournament and found that Hell had broken loose on the lake along with rain, sleet, cold, and tons of wind. We went back to bed. Jake's boat filled with water, broke boat lift.
Time: mid-morning and evening
Date Fished: August 7-8, 1999
Location: Turtle Lake, Garrison,MN
Technique Used: 1/4oz. white spinner with single colorado blade
Depth: 5-8 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 2 to 2.5 lbs
Time: Mainly evening, mid morning
Date Fished: August 1-5, 1999
Location: Blackduck Lake Blackduck,MN
Technique Used: Slip bobber and leech
Depth: 10-15 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Walleyes
Size: Many walleyes around 14"
Comments: Nate caught 5 pounder on 5" jointed rapala. I also lost my mudneck hat in the lake in about 32' of water.
Time: Mainly 8p.m. - 10p.m.
Date Fished: July 16-18, 1999
Location: Turtle Lake, Garrison,MN
Technique Used: 1/4oz. white spinner with single colorado blade
Depth: 5-8 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: Many 2 to 3lb. bass
Time: Mainly evening, mid morning
Date Fished: July 10, 1999
Location: Turtle Lake, Garrison,MN
Technique Used: 1/4oz. orange spinner with single colorado blade
Depth: 8-10 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 2.5 pounds
Time: 10:00am
Date Fished: July 9, 1999
Location: Turtle Lake, Garrison,MN
Technique Used: power worm and jig
Depth: 8-10 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 3 pounds
Time: 9:00pm
Date Fished: July 7, 1999
Location: Mississippi River Winona,MN
Technique Used: Jig and nightcrawler
Depth: 5 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Smallmouth Bass
Size: 2.5 pounds
Time: 8:00pm
Date Fished: July 7, 1999
Location: Mississippi River Winona,MN
Technique Used: Crawdad colored Bomber A
Depth: 5 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Walleye
Size: 3 pounds
Time: 9:00pm
Date Fished: May 27, 1999
Location: Turtle Lake, Garrison,MN
Technique Used: Crawdad colored Bandit crank bait
Depth: 5 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 5 pounds
Comments: Bass was under half sunken tree trunk in shallow water bay on Turtle. I casted to the tree trunk and the bass basically just stopped the bait as soon as it hit the water and ran with it, didn't hit hard, but fought well after that.
Time: 10:30am
Date Fished: May 19, 1999
Location: Ceder Lake, Faribault,MN
Technique Used: Jig and nightcrawler
Depth: 8-12 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Walleye
Size: 3 pounds
Comments: Fishing with Nick Shaw
Time: 2:30pm
Date Fished: May 14, 1999
Location: Kenny Lake, Garrison,MN
Technique Used: Jig and grub tail
Depth: 5 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Northern
Size: 12 pounds
Comments: Fishing off Uncle Jim's dock the day before the season opens. The fish hit the bait right next to the dock. I thought I caught the tire that hangs off the dock as a bumper, but I soon realized that it was a big northern. Caught on 4lb. test line.
Time: 12:30pm
Date Fished: October 10, '98
Location: Mississippi River, Wabasha
Technique Used: Trolling a Shad Rap
Depth: 10-14 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Walleyes
Size: 2 to 3 pounders
Time: Mid-morning
Date Fished: September 19 ,'98
Location: Kenney Lake(Uncle Jim's cabin) Garrison,MN area
Technique Used: White 1/4 oz. Spinner single Colorado blade
Depth: 5-8 feet, weedline
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 4.5 lbs. BIG OL' BASS
Time: Caught at about 11:30 a.m.
Comments: Fishing with Ryan
Date Fished: September 18 and 19 ,'98
Location: Turtle Lake Garrison,MN area
Technique Used: White 1/4 oz. Spinner single Colorado blade or Power Worm Texas rigged
Depth: 5-10 feet, weedline
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass and Northerns
Size: Many 2 pound bass, many 2 pound northerns
Time:Mid morning and late evening.
Date Fished: August 30, '98
Location: Borden Lake, Garrison,MN area
Technique Used: Brown and orange fat rap
Depth: 2-8 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Smallmouth Bass
Size: 2.5 pounds
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Date Fished: August 15,'98
Location: Round Lake Garrison,MN area
Technique Used: Rapala Husky Jerk
Depth: 5-10 feet, weedline
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 2 lbs.
Time: About 9:00 a.m.
Date Fished: August 1,'98
Location: Turtle Lake Garrison,MN
Technique Used: Crankin' brown/orange Fat Rap
Depth: 5-10 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 1.5 to 2 lbs.
Time: Mid morning
Date Fished: July 19,'98
Location: Round Lake
Technique Used: Small 1/8oz. black jig and leech
Depth: 7-8 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Smallmouth Bass
Size: 1.5 to 2.5 lbs.
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Date Fished: July 18,'98
Location: Round Lake
Technique Used: Bottom bouncing spinner rigs tipped with a leech or nightcrawler
Depth: 6-10 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Walleyes
Size: About 16 in.
Time: 8:30 p.m.
Date Fished: July 4,'98
Location: Nokay Lake
Technique Used: Black 1/8oz. jig and leech
Depth: 5-15 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 4lbs.
Time: 7 p.m.
Date Fished: June 20, '98
Location: Lake Mille Lacs, Seguchie Flat
Technique Used: Fishing off the launch, using a silver plain Mustad hook with a red bead on top, and a leech along with a slip bobber.
Depth: Approximately 32 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Walleyes
Size: 17-18 in.
Time: 8 p.m.-12 midnight
Date Fished: May 23,'98
Location: Turtle Lake, Garrison,MN
Technique Used: Flipping 6" Texas rigged Power Worms into underwater cover. Retrieving slowly by lifting and dropping back down.
Depth: 2-6 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 2 to 4 pounders
Time: 8 p.m.-9 p.m.
Date Fished: May '97
Location: Turtle Lake, Garrison,MN
Technique Used: Rapala Husky Jerk, Blue and Orange
Depth: 5 feet
Type of Fish Caught: Largemouth Bass
Size: 6 lbs.
Comments: Fishing with Ryan out of his 14' foot boat with a 1.2 horse power Neptune outboard motor on the back. It took us a while to get across Turtle after catching the fish.
Time: 10 a.m.