The Automobile Museum

Elvis' 1955 pink Cadillac sits out front of Graceland
Elvis' 1956 purple Cadillac convertible,Originally, the car was white, but legend has it that when Elvis decided to have it painted, he squashed a handful of grapes on it and said "I want it that color".
Elvis loved motorcycles and owned many through the years. Shown here are his 1966 Harley chopper, 1965 Honda and two 1976 Harley Davidson Electra-Glide 1200 bikes, along with a couple of his black leather Harley jackets and other gear.
Elvis bought this pink Willys jeep in 1960. His security staff used it to patrol the Graceland grounds for a number of years, often giving fans who gathered at the mansion gates a ride.
Elvis' 1975 Dino Ferrari 308 GT4 Coupe.
Elvis favored this 1973 Stutz Blackhawk during the last years of his life. It features red leather interior and gold-plated trim throughout. When Elvis drove home through the gates of Graceland for the last time on August 16, 1977, he was at the wheel of this fine automobile.
Elvis' 1955 pink Cadillac was his mother's favorite, and is almost certainly the most famous car in the world. It has become a universal symbol of 1950's youth culture and Rock & Roll.
Elvis' 1956 Continental Mark II. It is a collector's item on its own merit, and priceless because of who owned it.
In the auto museum in this "drive-in" theater, where you sit in authentic 1957 Chevy seats and watch a short Elvis video, with sound provided by vintage drive-in speaker boxes.
Elvis used these planes to travel for fun and for his hectic concert schedule of 1975-77.
The "Hound Dog Two" is a Lockheed JetStar purchased by Elvis in September 1975 for $899,702. The customized interior(not pictured)has blue carpet, off-white overhead, and seats in lime green and sunshine yellow. The cabin seats ten and includes a gallery, bar, private lavatory, three tables and a Sony stereo system.
Elvis purchased this Convair 880 plane on April 18, 1975 for about $250,000. It was manufactured in 1958 by General Dynamics in San Diego and formerly served as a commerical airline seating 96 passengers. Elvis spent about $750,000 having the jet customized to his specifications and renamed it the "Lisa Marie" after his daughter. His personal logo, the initials TCB and a lightning bold(Taking Care of Business in a Flash")is painted on the tail. Elvis sometimes called the plane "Hound Dog One" or his "Flying Graceland".
The plane's living room features sude sofas, leather-top game tables, televisions, a video tape player, and quadraphonic stereo. The "Lisa Marie" comfortably accommodated 28 passengers.
The private bedroom provides a bed complete with FAA-required safty belt, dressed Elvis-style with a gold-plated buckle.
Six leather chairs surround this conference table in the center of the "Lisa Marie".
Some of Elvis' favorite moto-toys: a go-cart, a dune buggy, three-wheeled super cycles, a pedal car, one of his fleet of golf carts, and one of his fleet of grass-converted snowmobiles.

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