of Los Angeles

Jeremy Express

Cue Sheet

Footwork: Left for all
Position: Couples in a circle (followers face in, leaders face out)
Level:    Easy Intermediate

INTRO:   (8)   8 count hold

A:       (4)   2 Clogs
         (4)   4 Runs
         (8)   4 Cross Touches

B:       (4)   2 Clogs          (chain forward, holding left hands)
         (2)   1 Brush
         (2)   1 Reach   

[Repeat B, chaining forward again]

[Repeat A, leaders move out & followers move in]

[Repeat A, move back and pass through]

C:      (16)   8 Clogs          (Highland Swing)
         (8)   2 Vine Brushes   (left, then right) 
         (8)   4 Clogs          (balances)
         (8)   4 Clogs          (leaders turn followers under right arm)
         (8)   2 Triples        (varsuevian position, move line of dance)
        (16)   4 Touch Backs/Touch Fronts

D:       (4)   2 Clogs          (followers turn right, fold behind leaders)
         (4)   1 Pushoff        (move left)
         (4)   2 Clogs          (pass 1 person, moving right)
         (4)   1 Pushoff  
         (4)   2 Clogs          (pass 1 person, moving left)
         (4)   1 Pushoff  
         (4)   2 Clogs          (pass 1 person, moving right)        
         (4)   1 Pushoff  

E:       (4)   2 Brushes        (turn 1/4 left)
         (4)   2 Clogs          (form a circle)
         (2)   1 Brush          
         (2)   1 Reach
         (4)   2 Clogs          (chain forward, holding right hands)
         (2)   1 Brush          
         (2)   1 Reach
         (4)   2 Clogs          (chain forward, holding left hands)
         (2)   1 Brush          
         (2)   1 Reach
         (4)   2 Clogs          (chain forward, holding right hands)

[Repeat A: leaders move out, followers move in]

[Repeat A: leaders turn 1/2 left, move in]

ENDING:  (8)   4 Clogs          (weave a basket)
         (8)   2 Pushoffs       (left, then right)  
         (8)   4 Clogs          (un-weave)
         (8)   4 Clogs          (break circle, form a single line)
         (4)   1 Triple         (move forward)
         (4)   1 Triple Cross Brush  (move forward)

Sequence: INTRO, A, B, B, A, A, C, D, E, A, A, ENDING

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Page last updated 10/15/03.