     I really LOVE to fish.  The problem is that normal life gets in the way and I seldom do it.  However, you can bet that if my brother Robert comes to town.. or I visit him, we are going to fish somewhere, sometime!  He is a fishing fool.  He usually out fishes me... and he makes sure I know it!  We are great friends and enjoy the times we are together.  On one recent trip to Houston, we went out with my cousin Sandra West, another fishing fool, into Galveston Bay with a guide and had a great time.

     My favorite fishing is salt water.  I think it was the times that Robert and I spent with our step father during the time we lived in Florida that hooked me on it.  There are so many types of fish and looks to the water.. and of couse the smell of salt in the air.



     Another favorite is fishing mountain streams for trout.  Having lived in Utah for 9 years I had the opportunity to go often to some beautiful canyon streams near my home.  I am not real good at fly fishing but the first large fish to take my top water fly made me a fan forever.  I love the sound of the water rushing over the rocks and the cool air that swirls above the water.  And a stream has a smell all it's own.  The entire experience is relaxing.

I lived at the base of Mt. TIMPANOGAS in Pleasant Grove, Utah

     Camping is something that I have done mostly in the mountains of Tennessee and Utah.  I think that it is an exciting thing to wake up early, crawl out of a tent and cook breakfast after being hungry.  And fresh air seems to make you that way!  Now that I am getting older.. I prefer the comfort of a camper over the floor of a tent.  Now, to find a way to get that camper!

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