Move to Texas
for a new job
     June 29, 1998:  I began a new job in Houston, Texas and it was a summer of record breaking heat all around the country,... so I didn't panic at my decision...  because it was HOT in Houston !!  I noticed that my glasses fogged up every time I got out of my airconditioned car... and I had to take my glasses OFF to see.

    I wasn't really looking for a job in Houston.  But as job searches go, sometimes an opportunity comes your way.  This one came unexpectedly and everything worked out.  I am working for a major company with good people and the position offers great opportunity for growth and advancement.

    My responsiblitites include negotiating land leases all over south Texas from Austin down to the Mexico border and over to Louisiana.  I manage the real estate department for the Houston office of my employer.

     So far, I have been VERY pleased with my move.  I like the area and the job.  Of course, I am not a stranger to Houston.  I was born here and I have plenty of relatives living here.

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