Well my favorite past time is chatting whether it be in the chathouse,msn chat,ICQ or anywhere else. *L* Because I have many friends & cyber family in Easy riding & they mean so much to me I will tell you about them.I also have many friends from other places on the net that mean a lot to me as well so here they are.Those of my friends who have a web page have an image under their name which has a blue border around it. Please feel free to visit their page by clicking on the image: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daytona Wolfie - You are definately one of a kind. Never have I met a man like you. When ever I have a problem you're always ready to help whether it be my mic, my car, guys, letting me buzz you.... (ok people no sick thought...it's a feature on yahoo *L*)...Now if only I can see what you did to my pic. *L* Anyways what I really want to tell you is I love talking to you & it's not just cause you have a sexy voice which I just have to say I loooove your laugh but it's more so cause you're fun to talk with. *hugz you*
Kia - Hmmmmm Missa Lissa is ma woman....You think thats enough said? *LMAO*....ok ok well we actually knew each other a few years back & met up again a few weeks ago.....Ahem did you see that Zach...I've known Kia a little more then a few weeks *L*... Anyways back to my story.... See we knew each other but just didn't remember we knew each other. *L* It was crazy...She knew my handle from somewhere but didn't know from where aaaaand because she changes her hadle as much as I hope she changes her undies *gglz* I had no clue as to who she was until she took a stroll through her guestbook. Missa Lissa & I are a lot alike...the same temper, the same take on most things, heck we're both Libras. Actually her birthday is the day after mine...Freaky eh? Ever hear of love at first sight? The same holds true for friendship too. I loved this girlie at first sight. In such a short time she's become one of my closest friends. I would trust my life with her. Girlie, I love ya. *hugglez & snugglez*
Empty Spaces - Alrighty what to say about this guy.Well he's a tease*L*....But he's also a wonderful guy....damn cute ta boot too. Damn them cute guys. *LMAO*...Zach, though we may not always see eye to eye & my temper comes into play I want you to know I do deem ya a good friend. You'll always be my baby *L* *huggiez, kissiez & gropiez* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~MMerz~ - This girlie here is a riot. No matter what handle she uses, as soon as she dons her trademark laugh she gives herself away. She's a barrel of laughs. I laugh at her endless attempts at throwing stuff at me. I think one of these ol days she's going to get it right & throw me a cute, single,loving guy....Yeah, yeah I know in my dreams right girlie? Geesss she can at least help me find one. *Smort* Girlie you're just like a sista to me *Huggie wuggiez*
Oh just a warning,my blankie only works for me. *LOL* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~Red Lace Angel~ - I met this girl under pretty weird circumstances but we turned out to be great friends. She's one hell of a girl. It's amazing how I find friends who are just as stubborn as me *LOL* Goooooober you're one hell of a good friend. I'm honoured to call you my best friend & my soul sister . L**hugz*
Lady Rider - This girl is one of the best.She's my cyber sis too. We enjoy getting auntie crim all riled up. *G* I have to say that I feel really close to this girl. It's like I can tell her anything. Girl thanx for being there for me. I really appreciate it. Oh girl & I love that Texan accent.*L**hugz*
Clutch - This guy is one hell of a flirt.*L* But he's a nice flirt. I happen to like him a lot. Clutchie wutchie dear, you can flirt with me anytime, just clear it with Lady first.*L* *kotc*
Mynxey mouse-
*giggle* Okay her real handle is Mynx although she should change
it to Mynxey mouse. *hint,hint* She is a wonderful friend & a great cyber mom too.
Not to forget she is beautiful & available guys. But beware ,if you want to
date her you have to get Honey's & my approval first. *L*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harley - This sweetie is armed with saying.*L* One of which is my favorite but I won't say it cause my page is for all ages.
He's a great guy to have around when you're sad but he's not good at finding me a cowboy. It's taking him WAAAAAAAAAAAY too long! *LOL* If he were single I'd pick him. Harley you're a great guy *hugz*
Tana - This girl is a great friend. She really understands when I'm hurt about something stupid & never once has she made me feel dumb about it. She's always there when I need to talk or just want to vent out & for that I love this girl. Oh & Tan keep thinking of ideas for Texas *LOL**hugz*
Well here are a lot of other great friends.Those who have a web page have their names in blue.Just click on them if you'd like to visit their page. *S*: Overseer,Wrangler,Ace, Vampire's Kiss,Johnny P, from the sticks,Skylar,Audio God,Captain(my snookems) Then we got the wild west wing gang:Pure Texan,CowboyX,Cowboy from hell,who's cheatin who. *hugz to you all & kotc to the guys* Oh & if I forgot someone all you gotta do is let me know. Remember I am a blonde.*L*