My Wife's Jorgenson Ancestors

My wife's grandmother.

Hilda Jorgenson was born November 1, 1863 at Vatendal, Ovre Sirdal, Vest Agder, Norway to Jergen Thorkaldson and Helga Bjorndatter. She immigrated to the United States in about 1889. This picture was taken at Baileys studio in Ashland, Wisconsin. She and Ellef Tollefson had 7 children in addition to her child Henry who was born to she and Halvor Pederson Ostabo in Norway. Hilda passed away March 3, 1934 and is buried at the Reiner church near Goodridge, Minnesota.

My wife's great uncle.

Bertinius (Bert) Jorgenson was born January 4, 1873 at Vatendal, Ovre Sirdal, Vest Agder, Norway to Jergen Thorkaldson and Helga Bjorndatter. He died of a heart attack at the railroad station in Thief River Falls, Minnesota on April 1,1903. He had been to Germantown (a community east of Thief River Falls) and had arrived late and ran to the depot. He sat down in the depot and died. The picture was taken Ely photo studio in Duluth, Minnesota.

My wifes great aunt and great uncle.

Bertha and Bert Jorgenson. Bertha Jorgenson was born September 14, 1869 at Vatendal, Ovre Sirdal, Vest Agder, Norway to Jergen Thorkaldson and Helga Bjorndatter. She immigrated to the United States in about 1889. Bertha was married twice, the first time to Sam Carlson and the second marriage to Swan Anderson. She had two children, Bert and Hazell by the first marriage and none by the second marriage. In a letter written in 1979 by Anne (Tollefson) Easthouse, she said that Hazell had recently died. Nothing more is known of the family at this time. The picture was taken at Banks Brothers in Duluth, Minnesota.

My wife's great aunt.

It is believed that OK Knutson, shown in the picture with Bertha Jorgenson is a double cousin of Ellef Tollefson. He came to the United States with Ellef. This picture was taken at Baileys studio in Ashland, Wisconsin.

My wifes great aunt and friend.

Bertha Jorgenson and a friend (unknown) This picture is a tintype which is not in the best condition.

My wifes grandmother aunt and great aunt.

Hilda (Jorgenson) Tollefson, Hilda's daughter Tillie, and Hildas sister Bertha.

My wifes great aunt's child.

This is Bert Anderson, the son of Bertha Jorgenson. It is believed that he took the name Anderson after his mother remarried Swan Anderson.

My wifes great uncle.

This is a picture of Nels and Christine (Olson) Jorgenson. Nels is my wifes great uncle, a brother of Hilda (Jorgenson) Tollefson. Nels was born on the Vatnedal farm in Norway March 22, 1876. On November 24, 1899 he married Christine Olson, the daughter of O.K. Olson in Crookston, Minnesota. They had 6 children. Nels died August 18, 1957 and Christine November 16, 1966 in Salem Oregon.

My wifes great uncle.

This is an enlargement of the above picture of Nels and Christine (Olson) Jorgenson.

Brother of Wifes Greatgrandmother.

This man was a tailor. He was also very short. He would stand by the kitchen table and sew mens suits. He was known as "Mobro" to the children of Ellef Tollefson which translates to mothers brother. He was actually a brother of the grandmother, Helga Bjorndatter. His name was Johannes Bjornson Osen, born in 1833. He found that he needed surgery and didn't trust doctors in America so went back to Norway for the surgery. He died in surgery. He had two sons, Anton and Bert Osen.

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