Response to the TMMIC

( The Team Member MIS- Information Committee )

  Well fellow TM's, they're up to their usual un-truths again. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures! In their most recent anti-union propaganda newsletter they once again lie to you and try to mislead you with several of the statements they make. As we are finding out more and more each day, you are tired of being made a fool of. They don't expect any of you to take the time to check out these accusations, or else they figure your just a bunch of blind sheep that will follow them where ever they lead.
   We would like to address a few of the un-truths that our TMMIC have told us:

1. Mr. Yokich had arranged for an open public meeting at Vance Elementary during his recent visit.

   The meeting was never billed or implied or intended in any way or at any time as such a meeting. Mr. Yokich wanted to meet with the VOC while he was here to discuss the drive and get to know the TM's who were working so hard to help you form your union. The TMMIC only showed up as they always do, to disrupt and cause problems. This was very dis-respectful of them to treat a DC Advisory Board Member in such a way.

2. They wanted to thank their good friend Jay Cole for all the good ole' boy advice and help he has been giving them.

  Jay Cole is NOT a good ole' boy. He is a hired gun that is being paid big bucks to fight organized labor, and he doesn't care whether it's here or California. He just goes where the money is, and right now thanks to "The Mysterious Donor Companies" that the TMMIC refuse to disclose out of shear embarassment, Mr. Cole continues to be on the payroll.

3. They continue to beat a dead horse with their argument about the infamous "UAW Job Bank" by telling us all how we are going to lose all the future jobs at MBUSI to a bunch of yankees from up north.

   We'll say it again: We can only become a part of the Job Bank if and only if we as a local vote to do so. What they don't want you to know is that we as TM's and members of the UAW with our own local will decide for ourselves what we want to negotiate into our contract.

4. In their "It's a Fact" section they make the only true statement they have made so far and we would like to commend them for it and would likewise ask you to follow their advise in the matter. They ask all TM's to, and I quote: " Please don't sign a union card until you become informed". Even they admit that once a TM becomes informed that they will sign a card. This is what we've said all along! Thanks TMMIC for the advice!

Last but not least:

5. They mention some  UAW salaries they dug up.

   At least the UAW discloses their finances. Why won't the TMMIC tell us where they get their operating funds and how they dispurse them? What are they covering up? Who are they protecting? Could it be MBUSI, Delphi, Johnson Controls, Smith's Machine etc. ?