Truths and Myths about the UAW

Myth #1     The Union is an outside, third party.

The truth is, the Union is made up of Mercedes workers. Mercedes workers elect other Mercedes workers to represent them at the bargaining table. Mercedes workers decide what will be in their contract. Mercedes workers vote to accept their contracts and Mercedes workers protect their rights on the job through the grievance procedure.

Myth #2     The anti-union committee is just "concerned" team members who can speak for themselves.

The truth is, management is afraid to openly debate the Union, and instead, is using workers ( ie: TMIC ) to attack the UAW while professing neutrality.

Myth #3     The Union can't guarantee anything.

The truth is that the UAW stands on it's 50 year record of bargaining with DaimlerChrysler. The UAW has bargained some of the highest wages and benefits in the industry. More importantly, UAW members in the Big 3 look forward to going to work every day in jobs that they can retire from after 30 years on the line; in jobs where they have their policies set forth in a contract that can't be changed like the company's policy manual; in jobs where their seniority and qualifications count for something; in jobs where they have a say in all of the decisions that affect them in their work life.

Myth #4     With a Union, you can't speak for yourself.

The truth is, the Union is an independent voice for workers. Through the Union, you not only speak for yourself, but also speak for all of your co-workers on issues that affect your workplace. Union members have the option of settling problems without going through the Union or using the grievance procedure.

Myth #5     The Union is broke and just wants your money. Dues in the UAW are $120 a month.

The truth is, dues in the UAW are 2 hours wages a month. You don't pay dues until you vote to accept your first contract. Nearly half of every dues dollar stays in your local union and your local union members decide how it is used.

Myth #6      We can form our own committee and use management's open door policy to settle our problems.

The truth is, management still makes every decision that affects you in your job if you don't have a union. They are not required to negotiate anything with you if you don't have a union and have shown time and again their un-willingness to listen to and act on TM's issues and concerns. With a Union, management is required by law to negotiate over everything that affects you in your job.

Myth #7     Chrysler workers will take our jobs in the event of a layoff.

The truth is, Chrysler workers could not bump Mercedes workers out of their jobs. If there was a layoff in Chrysler, and if Mercedes workers were covered under the National Chrysler Bargaining Agreement, both Chrysler and Mercedes workers would have preferential hiring rights over people off the street, if there were an opening in DaimlerChrysler. More importantly, if we negotiate it in our contract, we could make sure that our own TM's families and friends were considered for any open positions before anyone off the street or from "out of state", as has been the practice of MBUSI many times in the past. MBUSI has run ads in many newspapers across the U.S. many times in the past for job openings at our plant that should have been filled by Alabamians!

Myth #8      If there was a strike somewhere in Chrysler, Mercedes workers would have to go on strike.

The truth is, sympathy strikes are illegal. Only TM's can decide to strike, and the strike vote must pass by a two-thirds majority. 98% of all contracts are settled without a strike.