Number of U.S. medical schools: 125

Number of U.S. medical schools with a required course in nutrition: 30

Training in nutrition received during 4 years of medical school by average U.S. physician: 2.5 hours

How frequently a heart attack strikes in U.S.: Every 25 seconds

How frequently a heart attack kills in U.S.: Every 45 seconds

Most common cause of death in U.S.: Heart attack

Risk of death from heart attack by average American Man: 50%

Risk of death from heart attack by average American vegetarian man: 15%

Risk of death from heart attack by average American pure vegetarian man: 4%

Amount you reduce your risk of heart attack by reducing your consumption of meat, dairy products and eggs 10%: 9%

Amount you reduce your risk of heart attack by reducing your consumption of meat, dairy products and eggs 50%: 45%

Amount you reduce your risk of heart attack by reducing your consumption of meat, dairy products and eggs 100%: 90%

Rise in blood cholesterol from consuming 1 egg per day: 12%

Rise in heart attack risk from 12% rise in blood cholesterol: 24%

Meat, dairy and egg industries claim there is no reason to be concerned about your blood cholesterol as long as it is
"normal": over 50%

Your risk of dying of a disease caused by clogged arteries if your blood cholesterol is "normal": 50%

Your risk of dying of a disease caused by clogged arteries if you do not consume saturated fat and cholesterol: 5%

Leading sources of saturated fat and cholesterol in American diets: Meat, dairy products and eggs

Hollywood celebrity paid by Meat Board to tout beef as "Real food for real people": James Garner

Medical event experienced by James Garner in April, 1988: Quintuple coronary artery bypass surgery

World populations with high meat intakes who do not have correspondingly high rates of colon cancer: None

World populations with low meat intakes who do not have correspondingly low rates of colon cancer: None

Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat meat daily compared to women who eat meat less than once a week:
4 times higher

Egg Board's advertising slogan: The incredible edible egg

Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat eggs daily compared to women who eat eggs less than once a week:
3 times higher

The meat, dairy and egg industries don't tell us: The diseases which are commonly prevented, consistently improved, and
sometimes cured by a low-fat vegetarian diet include:

Strokes                              Heart disease                   Osteoporosis

Kidney stones                    Breast cancer                   Colon cancer

Prostate cancer                  Pancreatic cancer               Ovarian cancer

Cervical cancer                  Stomach cancer                  Endometrial cancer

Diabetes                            Hypoglycemia                    Kidney disease

Peptic ulcers                      Constipation                    Hemorrhoids

Hiatal hernias                     Diverticulosis                  Obesity

Gallstones                         Hypertension                    Asthma

Irritable colon syndrome        Salmonellosis                   Trichinosis

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