Welcome to my Guestbook!

Robyn - 09/28/00 19:24:58
My URL:http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/g/gavinscott
My Email:Robyn.stegeman@hboc.com
How did you hear about our page?: PP

Hey there - I hope everything goes well with the upcoming birth!! I can't imagine what you are going to do with three little ones at home but it sounds like you are sure in "heaven" with all your babies! -Robyn

Reneelynn - 04/08/00 20:34:50
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/reneelynn/
My Email:drurka@planet.eon.net
How did you hear about our page?: July 99 Playgroup

Hi Tracy! Just thought I'd surf on in and check out your webpage..I think I have been here before but didn't get a chance to sign your guestbook, so here I am!! I love your sight! What a great job you did! And your kids are so cute! Take care and see you n the boards!

Dawn Hutchison - 04/03/00 18:29:24
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/dhutchison/index.html
My Email:dhutch.1999@ivillage.com
How did you hear about our page?: friend

Great site. Liked reading about your romance!

Annie Vigneau - 03/11/00 18:29:44
My Email:titanie_im@yahoo.fr
How did you hear about our page?: by your mother, Windy

Hi Tracy! I'm Annie, 23 years old Henri's daugther. It's fun to learn about my cousin's nice love story. (I hope that I'll receive news about you... Sorry for my english !)

Sheri - July 99 Playgroup - 02/25/00 17:59:26
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/sherilynn
My Email:slheflin@yahoo.com
How did you hear about our page?: Tracy

Great page Tracy! I like being able to put a face with a name. Hope all is well with you! Thanks for signing my guestbook.

mom2allison990730 - 02/20/00 03:52:22
My Email:mom2allison990730@ivillage.com
How did you hear about our page?: july 99 website

Tracy...I loved looking at your pictures and reading your stories! You have a lovely family! Jenn T. & Allison from the PP July1999 board

Holli (hollimc) - 02/12/00 04:09:47

Tracy, you're pictures are wonderful. You looked beautiful on your wedding day! Holli

~Chicky~ - 02/11/00 12:10:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/chicky_74
My Email:chickyoz@ihug.com.au
How did you hear about our page?: another guestbook

What a lovely couple you both make...and a truley beauriful love story...all the best for the future...~Debbii~

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Brenda Clark - 10/10/99 06:11:52
My Email:brendaluvschance@yahoo.com
How did you hear about our page?: PP July 99 playgroup

Hi, Tracy, this is keelyaidansmama from July99 playgroup. You did a great job! Brenda

catherinemarie - 10/06/99 23:27:09
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/catherinemarie/index.html
My Email:charriso@bellsouth.net
How did you hear about our page?: July99 Playgroup

Really nice work! Thanks for sharing. I'm learning HTML also, hope to try and start a webdesign business from home. Catherine

ammc99 - 10/06/99 21:47:59
My Email:creaghb@nb.sympatico
How did you hear about our page?: July 99 playgroup

Very nice site. Your wedding pictures are beautiful!

Sheri - 10/06/99 20:04:48
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/sherilynn
My Email:slhelfin@yahoo.com
How did you hear about our page?: July Playgroup

You have a beautiful site. I love the way you used your wedding napkins as a background on your album page. What a great idea!

Krazykidz99 - 10/06/99 18:54:35
My URL:http://www.npoint.net/users/tjmeier/index.html
My Email:tjmeier@npoint.net
How did you hear about our page?: July 99 playgroup

Neat web site and a sweet story! Good Luck to you both and your growing family!

Laura - 10/03/99 13:46:04
How did you hear about our page?: I'm your sister! you told me.

Nice job! Wish I could figure out how to get started on one.

Tracy - 09/28/99 18:38:15
My Email:land0016@hotmail.com
How did you hear about our page?: I made it!

Hope you enjoy reading about how our wedding came to be!

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