I am 31 years old!! WOW!! (Where did the time GO?) OMG!!

I live in the town of Thunder Bay. It is a very beautiful town. Lots of great outdoor activities abound near here. There is the Terry Fox Monument and bike and hike trails all over the place.

I'm engaged to a wonderful guy. Pat and I have been together for, Umm, like 10 years or so now. He has a daughter, Tara, that I'm proud to call my own! We all are currently running around in World of Warcraft, if you want to find us. I currently run a guild there, in Whisperwind, called Legends of Blood. Really great guild (cause the members are awesome)! My main character (and guildleader) there is Arannghealle, or Arann for short(try pronouncing that one LOL!! Here's the correct pronounciation: Air-AN-ghee-all).

I used to work as a florist at Safeway. I recently took some time off from working. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last August and needed some recovery time. Hopefully things are all back to normal for me. Looks like things are going ok...my meds seem to be working. I'm awake way more often than not...thankfully! LOL I have one more treatment in June sometime, then all done. Well that's the plan anyways! Gonna look for something new to get into come July (or maybe September...to enjoy the summer again LOL)

A bit about me: I love READING...Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Historical Stuff...well pretty much anything! My two favorite books are Magic's Pawn by Mercedes Lackey (not ashamed to say it made me cry...) and Daggerspell by Katharine Kerr (Finally got Pat reading it too...and about time...LOL!) My favorite short story is A Wolf Upon The Wind by Jennifer Roberson. It is brutal and grusome and I love it!

I also read "Wolverine: Road of Bones" by David Alan Mack. REALLY GOOD WOLVERINE NOVEL!! Well worth the read, if you like Wolverine. Uncharacteristic ending...but only the last 2 pages...the rest was WICKED! If you love Wolverine getting blown up, shot, stabbed, beaten around, and basically tortured, all while kicking ass, you will LOVE this book!!!

I was, for a time (a few years back now), involved in an awesome group known worldwide (even in Australia!!!) as the SCA...Which is the Society for Creative Anachronism. We got together to recreate the medieval era. In other words we got together, drank lots, dressed in armor and beat each other up...LOL. Well, truthfully we did do a lot more (Needlework, Cooking, Dancing, Archery, Costume Making)! It was really fun...I know it sounds fun. Becuase of the SCA I have involved myself in archery...I even bought a bow. Althought I don't really have a place to practice anymore. If you're interested in the SCA either e-mail me...or go to the site and look around.

Here are some pictures of me and my family...if you want to look at them just click here.


Updated: January 9, 2008

Last update: May 14, 2008
(C) Cyberlass, 1998