April 6, 2001 - "Friend, when you are confused,... I will use little words to explain it to your dumb ass."

Sent by my sis....

Man, dinner with Selina's mom last night was soooo yummy. we went to a Greek restaurant, Ampeli, on the Danforth. Calamari and salad... YUM! So much work to catch up on for classes. I was writing emails last night, I love my little cousins. They've just discovered email, much to the chagrin of my aunt and uncle, and so my cousin Chi-chi books time on the computer to write secret emails to me and my sis. SO cute, she asks us for advice as to what to write to my parents, tells us about her story telling competitions which consist of Emily Dickenson poems... haha... and she also wrote, "Do you have many homeworks? I have ten homeworks!! TEN! ha he hi ho hu!"

So I got my hair cut yesterday with Marianne at Solis - this salon on Queen St where Casey did wonders to my hair. I had it rehighlighted - and so now i look like a tiger! I think my most enlightened moment of the year was when he asked me what I wanted to be for the rest of my life and I said, "Admired..." Yep, that one took it out of me.

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