Avatar's kick ass. They are the second best character in the game stat wise and if you use him properly he can take down anything. Everybody says well he's good but one hit with a lascannon and he's dead... well who the hell would be stupid enough to put him in the open against a heavy weapon? All you do with the Avatar is keep him charging from cover to cover until you can get close enough to enemy units then charge and come into base to base combat with as many things as you can. You'll kill them for sure. I highly recommend you use him in games under 500 points. I have used my Avatar 5 times in games under 500 points and I have not lost mainly because of the Avatar. He draws most of the intention from your opponent , he draws most of his good h-t-h fighters( my Avatar was once attacked by 6 Death Company members and a Chaplain and he didn't come close to dying).Usually if you keep your Avatar behind hard cover or out of anyones line of site for a while the opponent will tend to forget about him then you start manouvering him and before you know it the Avatar is in close combat.Also if you use him in games under 500 points there is alot less heavy weapons that can hurt the Avatar. Especially in 500 point games or less. So he will dominate. But we all forget one cool thing about the Avatar... he looks kick ass and he draws a worried comment from almost all of my opponents (intimidation).