10/06/98 10:17:55
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cindy - 10/01/98 08:31:08 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
The Pisces is sympathetic, sensitive, and generous. Intuitive and emotional, she is capable of great warmth and compassion toward others. Because she is so impressionable, she may sometimes be weak-willed, indecisive, and completely impractical in coping
ith day-to-day routine.
Turtle - 09/13/98 09:10:30
My Email:I think you know
Homepage: nope
Sex: female of course!!
Age: 11
Home: U.S.A.
Interest: B-ball,watch tv.
Favourite Hp: I don't know.
Hey Mel!!You know who I am right?Thought so.I really love your homepage.You goota teach me how to make one of those.Hehehe...Well I hope you update it more oftenand most of all...keep up the good work!
Angie! - 09/03/98 08:41:17
My Email:ihavenothing@hotmail.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Harbor/1893
Sex: SEX???maybe male but maybe female...let's check check sin!
Age: 1872322
Home: Winnie's stomach!
Interest: 無乜!maybe chast guys or girls!
Favourite Hp: OF course min la...
wai, your homepage is quite good bor...especially the dairy part..hehe^.^ Well...um...無乜o野講忝
anyway, don't make your sky that dark la and make it more colorful la, 好唔好??and i do think your mind is really like a adult bor, hehe, little child like me is better la, i think...happier and greater ka...hohoho In CHristmas holiday, i will go back t
HK again la, don't miss me bor... Don't cry for me, Melody Lu!!!
Anyway, don't miss me la...hahaha^o^
but i am considering should i buy "hand letter" for u or not... hehe
no money no talk ma...i am "cheap 精" la...and sor sor day tim la...i have to go back to 106 la...bibi
iceice - 09/03/98 07:09:50
My URL:http://move.to/iceice.com
My Email:icyici@hotmail.com
Homepage: Ice Ice Little Space
Sex: what do u think?
Age: umm.. ar... girl's secret!
Home: ar? home? somewhere in the world lor!
Interest: sleep la, eat la, and internet
Favourite Hp: ur hp lor! hehe...
Hey mel! it's really good la! i like it la! keep on updating la! i love ur diary part!!!!!!!!!! keep on the good work la!
0 D
穎穎 - 09/02/98 23:22:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/9272/
My Email:crtn00111@hotmail.com
Homepage: 穎穎的星之網
Age: 13
Home: 宇宙的一個角落
Interest: 不知道
Favourite Hp: 太多
好好呀!我會多些來的。繼續努力呀! ! !
Acer Huang - 09/01/98 03:29:07
Sex: male
Age: 13
Home: 6323 salish drive
Interest: basketball, golf ,shopping
Favourite Hp: don't know
I thought your honepage was great, its really creative and I would give you a A. See ya Hao Ban.
God Wu - 08/22/98 04:10:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/arena/9123/
My Email:swimgod@tpts4.seed.net.tw
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Favourite Hp: yours^^
Pheonix - 07/28/98 08:09:25
My Email:pheonix_l@hotmail.com
Age: 14
Interest: looking at others homepage.
I like your homepage very much, it is very good! I really enjoy reading the poem and story you wrote, they were very real.
AM - 07/22/98 07:53:40
My URL:Compare to yours, mines nothing..
My Email:watermelone@hotmail.com
Homepage: ...
Sex: female
Age: 14
Home: Heaven
Interest: talking with friends
Favourite Hp: My friends'
Hi Tequila~ I really like your hp, even though I can't read your poems or your thoughts which every one says its nice. But the english one's I really do think its nice. You're so good at English even though you say that you just came here this year, hmm..
ust be the Hawaii you went to went you were young.. That's not all, your stories are too good, I can just imagine them in my mind too..not like those stories that have to be told again and again..well keep up the good work and wish me luck so I can make m
hp nice like yours someday...
- 07/19/98 04:13:44
My URL:http://globalserve.net
My Email:jalee@Globalserve.net
Sex: female
Age: 13
Favourite Hp: certainly not yours.
Hill - 07/12/98 21:02:48
Sex: male
Age: 14
Interest: basketball
great homepage
Hill - 07/12/98 20:59:47
Sex: male
Miss Lonely - 07/11/98 20:04:50
My Email:miss_lonely@hotmail.com
Sex: Female
Age: fourteen
Home: Vancouver
Interest: Browsing on internet
Favourite Hp: Cindy Studio
Hi! Long time no see. I come to your homepage everyday, just to check if there are new stuff. You know the sound, I think there are some problems with it. Great homepage! Keep it up!!
PoPo - 07/07/98 04:18:03
My URL:http://u know it la!!
My Email:vampire_popo@hotmail.com
Age: 13 but turning 14 tommorow!!
Home: in bomberland!!
Interest: bomberman!!
Favourite Hp: everybody's
I love ur hp hey thanx for adding me on ur friends list la!! C U later!! great hp!! =)
Kara Townsend - 06/27/98 01:21:54
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)
Porcupine - 06/24/98 19:10:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/8464
My Email:akim@iiworlcd.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/8464
Sex: hm...i donno
Age: 13
Home: my home
Interest: everything!
Favourite Hp: MINE!
Hello M""""Y. How are you? If your wondering who i am, ask umm... Strawberry Tabacco was it? Well i like you page. I like your page, and visite my page.!
Orange - 06/19/98 02:03:49
My URL:http://Orange.ca
My Email:orange@burger.com
Homepage: Orange's HP ^_^
Sex: mew!?
Age: ??????
Home: Orange Island
Interest: Orange
Favourite Hp: Anything about Orange
也許, 對於愛, 我的認知絕對不在妳之上. 也因此, 我對於妳的觀點也實不能給予任何評論. 只希望, 聰慧如妳能夠珍惜妳現有的一切. 不要再自欺欺人了........ 難道妳真看不出有誰是真的用他的真心去愛妳, 關心妳嗎? 何必為了自己對愛的憧憬而放棄妳的幸福? 妳應該最清楚吧?
眲O妳心中真的所愛......雖然我認識妳不久, 可是我想..........
應景霞 - 06/17/98 14:06:55
My Email:yyyin@hotmail.com
Age: Audul
Home: Taiwan
Interest: Reading
Favourite Hp: cooking
Mike - 06/16/98 11:45:24
Sex: male
Age: 47
Interest: SPORT
DanDan - 06/14/98 09:37:35
My Email:dandan3@hotmail.com
Sex: ............
Age: i guest you know!
Home: somewhere you know!
Interest: nothing
Favourite Hp: 方天's homepage
You have a lot of nice poem wor! I think this is not bad for a beginner ga la. But you really have a lots funny thoughts wor, if you see it in another way i think will be nicer wor..........anyway,
Keep up the good work!
Christine - 06/14/98 07:53:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/pagoda/9272
My Email:crtn00111@hotmail.com
Homepage: told ya already
Sex: female ar!
Age: 13
Home: Vancouver
Interest: kill people
Favourite Hp: nothing in particular
Tequila! pretty classy, girl! it's good to have ur own hp! work hard ar! you are tequila, i am chorona plus lemon!!!
Kanako - 06/09/98 03:10:33
My URL:Mine's too stupid to tell others
My Email:kanako_mok@hotmail.com
Homepage: Too sucky
Sex: Boy
Age: 160
Home: Space
Interest: Basketball
Favourite Hp: everyone's
Teq... when did you get my permission to put me on??...
Puppy - 06/01/98 05:43:44
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Home: Vancouver
Interest: Music, Asian singers: 鄭伊健, 陳曉東
Favourite Hp: a lot including yours
My comment... nothing. Except it is a bit too empty. Don't you think so? And I think you should update it more often so everytime I check I can read new stuff.
QQ - 05/18/98 01:49:13
My Email:qqichiban@hotmail.com
Homepage: http://www.nohomepage.com/
Sex: of coz "F",what do u think??
Age: 13
Home: I won't tell u here!!
Interest: many many!
Favourite Hp: your homepage!(hehehe..)
Hahahaha... I like that story coz I know them... then I can laugh at them.. hahahahahaha....!!
Unknown - 05/16/98 22:19:47
Sex: female
Age: 13
Interest: music
It is a great homepage. But I was just wondering if Acer and Satoko really kissed. That is a great story. I liked it.
Mr. Panda - 05/10/98 09:16:12
My Email:vanjames@hotmail.com
Homepage: none
Sex: male
Age: 14
Interest: anything about u
Favourite Hp: yours
Waa....melody! nice homepage wor...I think... kinda empty but i like it anywayz cuz it is yours a ma... How come i never see any progress on your hp je...? I never see me on here either...That is the only thing bad about this...So remember to add me to yo
r hp la...ok?? I am coming back to check later ga....