Hello my name is Curtis thank you for letting me share with you what Jesus Christ has done for me.
My earliest memories, were happy ones. I had a loving family, even though my sister and I fought all the time, that's what we're supposed to do as kids. My father had a wonderful job working on the railroad. Yeah he was gone a lot, but the times he was home,were great. My mother, what a wonderful woman. Who could as for a better mother. She had her friends, and they too were wonderful people.
I thought my life would always be a good one. My family attended church, every week. I thought that was just a place to visit. I went to suday school, but I don't really remember that much about it. After a few years I remember just not wanting to go, so I didn't. To think of all the joy that I missed out on.
Somewhere along in 1981, our family met some new friends. And they were great people, or at least I thought so. The oldest daughter and I hit it right off. We became the best of friends. It was about this time that my parents got the swimming pool put in. What fun I had. The oldest daughter I had mentioned, became my girlfriend, I thought. We did what most kids of the day did, went to the movies and the local convenience store, what else could you do at 11 years old.
Later that year, both daughters and the mother were baptized. I thought is was great. It started me thinking, "where is my life, is there any more." My uncle must have been reading my mind. He approached me and taught me. And in August of 1982, I to was baptized. What joy I felt. I was now part of a bigger family, not just one of the other kids.
Then came the first of many heartaches. What happend, I couldn't say. All I know is that in the space of 2 months, a friendship and a love that I had, was gone, mainly due to our parents. I never knew pain like that, and I never wanted to again. I did my best to close myself off, to become a loner.
Junior High came and went. High school hit. I found a new friend. We were the best of friends, I didn't want to go or do anything with out her. During this time my father lost his job, due to the fact he was not liked by some people. This forced us into new areas of life.
He bought a cleaning franchise and moved the whole family out to Las Vegas. City of bright lights, tall buildings, and a whole new group of people. All of which I wanted no part of. I wanted to stay in my home town. That is where I grew up, and wanted to die. The small town. And she was there.
Some how we lost touch. Maybe it wasn't to be. I found out in the fall of 87, she was dead. Why did she have to die? Why wasn't I there? Maybe I could have stopped her from going. Or maybe, I could have died with her.
My life was over, I didn't want to live anymore. And had it not been for a new friend,Todd, I most likely would have died one night in september. I had the gun, and I was alone. I remember someone yelling at me. It was Todd. The only thing I really remember that night, was seeing his fist as he hit me. Because of that, I lived. It hurt, especially the way he hit, but it helped, I realized that suicide is not the way to go, that way is only one road to damnation. To this day we are still the best of friends, I should say, brothers. For something between us was formed, a true bond of friendship.
High school came, graduation showed up. Then came the army. I had such hopes. Get a good job, have some decent pay, not great, just decent. Didn't have to worry about clothes, they were furnished, shoes, them too. Had three good meals a day. Was going to learn a trade. Then, my asthma acted up. Uncle Sam said, nope your outa here, medical discharge. One more blow to my well laid plans.
Nothing really happend until summer of 97. I had a good job, working with one of the airlines. I truly loved my job. I loved working with my co-workers. They were good people. I had been injured on the job in the summer of 93.
Finally the end of 97, and severl surgeries, my hand was working again. I had been to a local church off and on during this time. I enjoyed getting back into the WORD. I still love the people there.
In the summer is 1997, I was going through some re-current training for a loadmaster position. It was then that I met her Alyssa. I was awe struck from the begining. I'm surprised I completed the training. I went back to day shift, she stayed nights due to the fact she had a son. And she wasn't married. Could my luck be any better. Guess what. It got worse. We just didn't talk that much, I couldn't, all I could do was watch her. We would talk a little at our shift change, but thats as far as it went. Come late summer of 98, I decide to do something about it. I made it a purpose to talk with her, we became (I thought) good friends. I got to know her, we talked even more. Not a day went by I didn't see her, except days off. One evening I talked her into letting me bring her some dinner. OH JOY, she said yes. Was this night going to be the one that finally gets my life going. No it wasn't. The old problem showed again, all I could do was stare into her face. We spent near on two hours like this, she would be talking and all I was doing was staring at her face, finding myself living our lives right there. Me, her, and her little boy. Another family.
A few weeks went by, and she told me to call her, I told her I would and what time. I got online, just started surfing the web. Somehow found myself in one of the christian chat rooms. I spent severl hours in there just talking. I ended up talking to someone who would become a big part of my life. For some reason I felt at ease talking with her. On the other line, I finally get Alyssa on the line. I was ready to tell her, how I felt, was ready to tell her how much I loved her, how much I wanted to be with her. Before I could say anything, she tells me she is already involved with someone. Another crushing blow. Another layer of building blocks have fallen. Then she tells me, she is seeing another woman.
S I L E N C E .
My life, ended. I wanted no more pain, once again I faced darkness. I broke down, I have felt pain, but not like this. For the next few minutes, we talked, not much. She just kept telling me she didn't want to take a chance in hurting me. Just a little late for that. I dont know how but my new (on-line) friend, whom I had just met, kept me from completely falling apart.
She showed me that there was someone with me. Christ was with me. She showed me that, we have times of hardship. That God allows this, to teach us to rely on him. To give ourselves over to him without reservation. To allow Christ to steer our lives where He wants us to go. Not where we want to go. I have a new Light in my life. I follow a new path. At the end of this path, is LOVE. A TRUE LOVE, that we can only experience in the presence of the Father and the Son. Ask God to enter your life, and HE will do the rest. But don't rush HIM, HE takes his time. HE has to get the clay just right before he puts the final work in the oven to bake. It may take years, but when you enter HIS presence, you will know TRUE LOVE.
"For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them."
Matthew 18:20
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Who Jesus is a walk through the books of the Bible.