dancing queen

welcome to dancing queen -- my online diary. i need some way to vent my feelings. . .and you're at the result of it. i'm asking nicely for those family members and close real life friends to exit the site. . .this diary is as private as the one in my room (actually. . .it's basically the same as the one in my room. . .but still. . .). you can read my text entries and hear my voice entries. . .see pictures of me, the room in which i live in, or the friends that surround me. . .read the poetry and feelings that i have at that time. . .or just be really bored and find something to do. oh well. happy reading. welcome to my life.


^^ preview of my webcam! don't expect it to be on all the time. . .you'll see a lot of views from out my window. . .*lol*