
Movie ~ Oliver and Company
Voice ~ Billy Joel
Supervising Animator ~ Glenn Keane
One Word to Describe Dodger Is ~
Dodger Wins the Award For ~ New York's Coolest Quadrapede

Dodger's Story

The street smart Artful Dodger is New York City's coolest quadrupede. This carefree pooch loves spending his time cruising around the Big Apple on top of cars with his gang and stealing hot dogs from old Louie, a well known enemy of the four footed world. Dodger is, in his own words, one bad puppy.
This too cool terrier mix finds himself in over his head though when he teams up with a stray kitten named Oliver to steal some hot dogs one afternoon. When Dodge tries to ditch the kitten after the hot dogs have been gotten, the orange tabby persistantly follows him through a wild song and dance chase through New York City. "I've got street savior faire!" Dodger sings as he dances down the street wearing the hotdogs and a pair of raybans. Dodger thinks he finally loses the kitten and makes track back to his home on an old barge at the docks to deliver the stolen hot dogs to his waiting friends. However, the little kitten is hot on his trail.
Dodge makes up a wild story about a physcotic monster he had to fight to get the sausages just as the big bad kitty himself somes crashing through the cieling. Dodger tries to play it cool, but his friends know better. The dogs laugh and accept Oliver, their first cat, into their gang. After all, they need all the help they can get to help their poor master, Fagin, repay his debt to a greedy business man named Sykes. That same night, Sykes kidnappes Oliver's owner Jenny, planning to ransom her to pay off Fagin's debt. Dodger promises the upset kitten that they'll get her back. The dogs and Fagin rescue Jenny and go through a wild chase through the subways where Dodger and Oliver fight off Roscoe and Desoto again to save Jenny's life. When an oncoming subway train and Sykes cars collide, Oliver and Dodger are sent flying. When the dust clears, Dodger reappears caring a limp, lifeless Oliver in his mouth. However, when Jenny holds him the kitten opens his eyes and mews softly.
Several weeks later the entire gang meet at Jenny's house for her birthday party. Before he leaves, Dodger tells Oliver that they'll always keep a place open for him in the gang like "Vice President: Uptown Chapter!" With a final wink and wag of his tail, the roguish terrier leaps onto a passing truck and dances off through the crazy, crowded streets of bustling, busy New York City.

Dodger's Top Ten Quotes

#10. "I don't eat cats, too much fur!"
#9. "The rhythm of the city, but once you get it down, then you can own this town, you can wear the crown!"
#8. "Whoa, whoa, cool it Dodger fans."
#7. "Enter Dodger, one bad puppy. Not just out for himself, but community minded."
#6. "They love me at the Chelsea, they adore me at the Ritz!"
#5. Oliver: "You're not being fair!" Dodger: "Fairs are for tourists kid. Consider it a free lesson in street savior faire from New's York's coolest quadrapede. Check ya later!"
#4. "Hey, when you got your pals you've got all you need."
#3. "The city's got a beat, you gotta hook into it, once you got the beat, you can do anything!"
#2. "Absitivly Posolutly."
#1. "Why should I worry?"

Dodger's Picture Gallery

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Dodger's Links

Steward's Dodger Shrine ~ One of the only other Oliver and Company sites on the web, and a nice one at that! It has *THE* best Oliver and Co. picture gallery on the web, check it out!

Oliver and Company Ring member site

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