Jar Jar Binks

Movie ~ Star Wars: Episode One ~ The Phantom Menace
Jar Jar's Voice ~ Ahmed Best
Jar Jar's Animator ~ ILM
One Word to Describe Jar Jar Is ~ Bumbling
Jar Jar Wins the Award For ~ Most Likely to Trip Over His Own Two Feet.

Jar Jar's Story

An amphibious Gungan native to the planet of Naboo, Jar Jar is a luckless exile from his home city, Otoh Gunga. He was thrown out of his underwater city over the fact that he flooded most of Boss Nass' mansion and several ajoining bubbles while working as a waiter at a high class party. As this was not his first, or most serious accident (He once inadvertantly opened half of the Otoh Gunga Zoo Bubbles!), Boss Nass was furious and exhiled Jar Jar, telling him he would be "pounded unto death" should he return. He now lives in the swamps eating raw shellfish and other such fare. Jar Jar blunders through life with light-hearted good humor in spite of his occasional panic attacks. During the invasion of Naboo, Qui-Gon Jinn, a great Jedi Master, runs into and rescues Jar Jar. The simple Gungan's sense of honor binds him to Qui-Gon for life, even though the Jedi, particulary Qui-Gon's Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, would much rather do without him at first. However, Jar Jar quickly proves useful by taking the Jedi to his underwater city where they can escape from the ground forces of the Trade Federation. Qui-Gon's Jedi instincts lead him to save Jar Jar from Boss Nass' wrath and he uses the old Jedi Mind Trick to see that the clumsy Gungan be allowed to come with them as their guide, much to Obi-Wan's dismay. The Jedi Master's instincts about the Gungan's usefulness are proved correct when Naboo's young queen, Amidala, calls on Jar Jar for assistantance in uniting their two peoples against their common enemy, the Trade Federation. Boss Nass misinterprets Jar Jar's connections with the newly-favored Naboo royalty as maturity and makes him a general in the Gungan Grand Army - much to the horror of Gungan Captain Tarpals and the troops Jar Jar is going to command during the war against the Federation. He lives up to their expectations when he panics during combat, falls of his Kaadu, and instantly surrenders when surrounded. Fortunatly, few soldiers pay the new general any attention and since the Gungans win the battle anyhow, no one is ever the wiser! After the battle's won, when Jar Jar learns that his friend Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, the only person who ever really believed in him, was slain by a Sith in battle, he honors the Jedi at his funeral. During the grand Naboo peace parade following the planet's triumph, Jar Jar is at the head of the ceremonies and takes his place beside the other heroes of the epic war, young Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Queen Amidala.

Friends and Aquaintances

Anakin Skywalker and Padme Naberrie are the only two creatures in the galaxy who befriend Jar Jar and are kind to him despite his blundering nature. With everyone around him constantly critizing his every move, the poor Gungan is grateful that the two at least talk to him instead of at him and he likes them both immediatly.
The Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn finds himself bound to Jar Jar by a life debt, much to his initial dismay. However, his sensitivity to the living Force soon leads him to look deeper and sees that the clumsy Jar Jar might have more worth than he appears to on the surface. Qui-Gon's apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the other hand, thinks Jar Jar is just another one of his master's projects, an unnecessary risk. But, he soon learns to tolerate the bumbling Gungan and his wise master's instincts about Jar Jar are proved correct.
Members of Jar Jar's own race have zero-tolerance for his cluminess after cleaning up unbelievable messes for years. To the wary Kaadu Patrol Captain Tarpals, accident prone Jar Jar is a famaliar menace who occupies his own special category. The long suffering Tarpals helped Jar Jar out of the trouble he blundered into time and again, but could only save him so many times before Boss Nass banished him. The huge Gungan leader, Boss Nass is a stern, old fashioned being who commands great authority in his huge underwater city.

Jar Jar's Top Ten Quotes

#10. Qui Gon: Do you hear that?
Jar Jar: "Yah."
Qui Gon: "That's the sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way."
Obi-Wan: "And if they find us, they will CRUSH us, GRIND us into bits and then BLAST us into oblivion!"
Jar Jar: "Eh...yousa point is well seen. Dis way, hurry!"
#9. "Mesa hating crunchin. Dats da last ting mesa wantin."
#8. "But, but Mesa doen nutten!"
#7. Captain Tarpals: "No given up General Jar Jar! Wesa thinka somethin'!"
Jar Jar: "My give up, my give up!"
#6. "Da sun doing MURDER to mesa skin."
#5. Jar Jar: "Yousa tinkin yousa people gonna DIE?"
Queen Amidala: "I don't know..."
Jar Jar: "Gungans get perched toosa?"
Queen Amidala: "I hope not."
Jar Jar: "Gungans no giben up witout a fight. Wesa warriors! Wesa got a gwand army. Dats why yousa no liken us, I tink."
#4. "Da day start okeday wit da sunnup. Me Munchen clams. Den, Boom! Maccaneks every which way, dey flyen, dey scooten... Me get bery scared. Den me grabbin' the Jedi and POW! Mesa here!"
#3. "Count me outta dis one. Better dead here den dead in da core. Egads! What mesa sayin?"
#2. Jar Jar: "Wesa dyin' here!"
Qui-Gon: "Relax, we're not in trouble yet."
Jar Jar: "What YET?! Monsters out der, leakin' in here, all sinkin' and no power. When is yousa thinkin' wesa in trouble?!"

#1. "Why mesa always da one?"

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