June 8, 2000
Whew, sorry for the lack of updates lately, I've been trying to finish off that hardest trial of ours lives: high school. I graduate in a week's time! Anyhow, John Smith is the hero of the month for June! His sounds will be up tomorrow. :-) Also watch for the votes, Current Heroes and Tarzan's Page to be updated ASAP!
April 1st, 2000
Happy Birthday Animated Heroes!!! AH is a year old today! Thank you to everyone who has helped make this place so successful! :-D
Current Animated Heroes has been opened featuring Miguel and Tulio from The Road to El Dorado. I just saw it tonight myself and it is fantastic, a lot of fun! Go check it out!
March 1st, 2000
The Iron Giant's Dean McCoppin is the hero for March, and I even got him up a few days early! His sounds will go up tomorrow. This guy is a really funny hero in the rough, go check out his page!
I did some little updates as well like adding fanclub members and updating links pages. :-)
The votes will be updated tomorrow as well, check back!
Until Next Month,
February 03, 2000
Princess Mononoke's Ashitaka is the hero for February and the first Anime hero on the page! If I could, I would give this guy the "Best Hero" award as he nearly flawless! Go check out his page.
Brer Rabbit's sounds are now up, Animated Heroes being the only place on the web where you can hear sounds from Song of the South. Enjoy!
The votes have been updated once again and they have a new layout; seperated into Feature Films, Anime, and Television Heroes.
Until Next Month,
January 09, 2000
Wow! The first offical update of the new millenium! *HUGS* to everyone out there! First of all, the maintainer is thrilled to announce that she has gotten a brand new, top of the line, HP computer! However, due to this, the capture card will be unavalible for awhile. I'm solving this problem by snapping as many heroes as I can before the new puter comes on Wed. The first of these is:
Brer Rabbit! His page is completly up and running, save for the sounds which will be updated along with the votes tomorrow.
Until then!
December 25, 1999
The votes were updated once again and The Tramp came out on top with 11 votes, followed closely by Woody with 10! I decided to give everyone a present and do The Tramp's Page. Merry Christmas! That will keep me on schedule with Woody as January's Hero, providing Y2K doesn't eat this page. ;-)
I've also started a new feature, the Heroes quote o'the Week. Each Sat. I'll put up a new quote. Since we' are at the dawn of the new millienium, I thought Buzz's famous words would be most appropriate. :-)
See you next Millienium!
November 27, 1999
Lots of Updates for November, everyone! First and foremost, I hope everyone likes to the new index page! I thought everything was just looking too cluttered and thrown together, so I learned forms and spruced it up. Now it looks like a brand new page! I've also eliminated the love interests and friends from each heroes page. After all, those characters have their own pages at Heroines and Sidekicks! This page should be just about our heroes! I also did some reorganization of each heroes' page to make it more user friendly.
Basil of Bakerstreet is December's Hero! His sounds and final banner will be up tomorrow.
The votes have been tallied for November! Tarzan continues his reign with nearly 80 votes! Other characters are moving up fast in the rankings along with several new heroes voted in, go check it out!
Until Next Time,
November 11, 1999
Dimitri's Page, at long last, is up! I apologize for the HUGE delay... but I had more trouble than one can imagine getting the pictures. The ones I finally did manage to capture are less than decent quality, but it was the best I could do. Until next time...
October 01, 1999
Another month has turned by, can you believe there are only *3* months left in this millinium and century?! Amazing... Anyhow, the votes have been updated for this month, with the Swingboy still on top after an unparelleled 4 months! If I ever find the backgrounds and clipart I want for the Heroes Hall of Fame, no one will deserve his place more than Tarzan! In other votes, Dimitri made a huge climb, guarenteing that he will have his page before the weekend is over! Watch for it! Until then...
September 04, 1999
The votes have been tallied once again! We had quite a few characters move up into the twenties with Tarzan still holding very strong at *59* votes! I'm telling you, it's the loincloth! ;-D Other characters making giant leaps in the voting are Basil and Jar Jar Binks.
August 28, 1999
The Beast is the Hero of the week! Go check out his page! Sounds coming soon!
August 14, 1999
Back from WDW and the HoND Con!!!!! :-D I just updated the Voting Results with 48 new votes! You guys have been busy, busy while I was gone! Tarzan moved up again with 54 votes, making him eligible for the Heroes Hall of Fame, which I'll put together tomorrow! Hercules and Simba are the offical new top heroes with 24 and 23 votes perspectivly. Several new additions including The Giant and Dean from Iron Giant!
August 06, 1999
CGI Heroes Page is now open! Jar Jar Binks is up and Draco is coming very soon! Keep checking back!
July 23, 1999
The Votes have been tallied once again! Not much change this week... Tarzan continues to draw farther and farther ahead of the rest of the pack. One more vote, and he'll be in the Heroes Hall of Fame! :-D
July 17, 1999
Aladdin is the Hero of the week! With his sounds and further adventures going up tonight, his page is offically finished and open! Watch for Beast coming next week! :-D
The Votes have been tallied again and our favorite ape man has lengthened the gap between himself and his competition even MORE! With 46 votes and counting, Tarzan is sure to be the first inductee to the Heroes Hall of fame! Check out the results page to see his new plaque!
July 09, 1999
The votes have been updated again and Tarzan is still on top by a landslide! In fact, he has leaped so far ahead of the other heroes that tomorrow I'm going to back his #1 place on the list a bit more fancy. If any hero ever gets enough votes to take his crown, I'll do the same for them. ;-) Keep those votes coming, guys!
July 03, 1999
FINALLY, the voting booth is back up! Another big thank you to Bravenet for supplying the new, nicer form! It looks professional now. ;-D
With that, the votes were finally able to be tallied again. Our loincloth clad hero is still winning by a landslide of 32 votes!! Keep those votes coming! :-D
June 23, 1999
AHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHH!!!! Yep, Tarzan is the lead by more than 10 votes! Simba, Justin, and Hercules are trailing far behind him in the latest vote update. Let's hear it for our favorite swinger! ;-)
I added the link to The Animation Forum which I maintain with my sister, Mira. Check it out, we have some pretty fun discussions there, and you have to love those polls!
As you all know, Geocities and Yahoo are merging tomorrow and everything will probably be down... when it comes back up, I'm having my doubts as to whether my page will even still be here. If it is not... I don't think I'm going to try to rebuild. Cross your fingers!
June 18, 1999
Hercules is the hero of the week! Go check out his page!
And, after you do that, go see "Tarzan" which opens in theatres nation wide today! It is absolutly breath-taking!!! Visually, it is simply the best Disney has ever created... perhaps even emotionally as well. No words can describe the power of this movie, you have to see it for yourself!
The votes have been updated again and Tarzan keeps his crown, a crown he very much deserves! Closely behind him though are Justin, Simba, and Hercules though! New comers to the results include Taran and Charlie with a vote each.
June 6, 1999
With 16 new votes the results have been tallied again and we have a new hero swinging into the #1 slot! With 13 votes, Tarzan finally passed ex-lab rat, Justin. You know... I think it's the loin cloth. };-)
June 2, 1999
FINALLY, Simba's page is up, making him the hero of the week. ;-)
The results of the voting has been updated again with Tarzan tying Justin for the most popular hero! Pretty popular guy considering his movie hasn't even been released yet. ;-)
May 24, 1999
The votes have been tallied once again and out favorite rat is on top again! No, NOT Clinton... Justin! ;-) There was quite a bit of shifting around in popularity this week as well as two new runners, Prince Phillip and Mowgli with one vote each! Keep those votes coming!
May 23, 1999
Well, since I AGAIN didn't have the time to put a new hero up due to finals and such, I've made up for it by doing a big update on Tarzan's Page. :-) I made a much nicer banner and added 10 or so new pics. Enjoy!
May 19, 1999
Flik and Dodger's sounds are up now!! Sorry for the delay!
May 15, 1999
I've got good news and bad news... bad news is I won't be able to put up a new hero this week since I'm leaving for a short vacation tomorrow. The good news is I just updated the voting results and it ended in a tie this week! Simba and Justin are running head to head now, which of course means Simba will be the page I do next week. We have a new hero in the results this week as well, The Beast!
Note: When you vote, I get your IP addresses as well as your names, so I don't count votes for the same hero made by the same person/computer.
May 9, 1999
Dodger is the hero of the week! Go check his page out! Expect his sounds and picture gallery up tonight or tomorrow. :-)
May 4, 1999
With 10 new votes, the results have been updated again! And, Justin is still on top, by an even larger margin than last week! Maybe TPTB should take a hint and give Justin his own movie, sans icky animation and pathetic writing ((NIMH II, the horror, the horror!)). Who out there wouldn't want all the merchandise that would tie into it? Like that inevitable Plushie! ;-D Coming back from my tangent, keep those votes coming!
May 2, 1999
Flik is the hero of the week! His page is open now!
April 27, 1999
The votes have been tallied again and Justin is still on top with 9 votes! Simba is catching up to him fast though! Keep those votes coming everyone!
Can anyone out there tell me if Brian Jacques' Redwall books were ever animated?! I heard rumors they would be, but never saw a finished product. Thanks!
April 25, 1999
The hero for the week is Robin Hood! His page is open now!
April 24, 1999
The results of the vote have been updated again! With 14 new votes tallied, Justin came out on top with 7 total votes! let's hear it for our favorite NIMH rat! :-D Everyone keep the votes coming if you want to see your favorite hero be #1!
Robin Hood's page is 99.9% complete and WILL go up tomorrow. The only thing missing is his banner, and Photoworks has crashed for the night, so I cannot make it. First thing tomorrow though the banner will be made and the page will open.
All the backgrounds have been changed to fixed! Thanks for your help Persuivant ! :-D Doesn't it look cool?
April 17, 1999
The Results of the Voting Booth have been updated with 14 new votes!
Danny's Picture Gallery is now open! Several more pictures are going to be added soon.
April 16, 1999
Danny's Page is up! The picture gallery will be open sometime tomorrow, be sure to look for it!
I finally put the two sound files up on Quasi's page as well
April 14th, 1999
Today is the Grand Opening!! Welcome to the Animated Heroes Page!! As the notice at the top of the page says, this page is under heavy constuction, as is evidenced by there only being three heroes. ;-) I expect this page to grow very quickly, so check back here often! Everything new will be posted right here on the updates page. :-)