The use of my graphics are free only when you read and understand the Terms of Use written below. We love our viewers here at Zencat Graphics and because we do dedication to quality graphics is our job. Now this is where your job comes into play. Our graphics are free to all personal websites or non-profit organizations all we ask is that you provide a link back to our site with either one of our fun graphic logos or a simple text link. We ask that you provide this link ON the pages that the graphics are used to make it easier for YOUR viewers to find the place where you got your graphics. Please do not alter these graphics in ANY way without express written consent from the author. Do not use in any graphics collections these graphics are copyright and may not be displayed as free clip art or public domain. Please do not link directly to the graphics. When using the free images contain on these pages, copy the images onto your hard drive in your home page folder and upload them onto your web page server. I know this may seem like a lot but it is really very little to show appreciation for the designers and their hard work. Once you agree with these simple terms you may use our graphics gladly.
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