HasanYahyaBlog, Chicago, USA.*****
Hasan Yahya

hasan yahya Dr. Hasan Yahya67 Articles on Artclesbase.com

Perfect Behavior, the Tale of a Jewish Girl!

A good story of a Jewish girl keeping her mother satisfied. The article also gives a joke about famous president George W. Bush facing God with Adolf Castro of Cuba, and Ahmadinejad of Iran. Read: Perfect Behavior, the Tale of a Jewish Girl!Read By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Humor

In the Doctor's Clinic!

Have you been in a doctor's clinic? sure you do! read this you may write it in your words tha same as the author did. Why doctors act like that. Well! it is the system. A doctor cannot tell a pregnant lady to open her legs directly! There are always ways to do that according to the health system of hospitals. Good to share! Read: In the Doctor's Clinic!Read By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Humor

How Japanese Cope with Economic Stress At work?

Coparative analysis touches the American economy and the loss of jobs recently observed. A nice analogy for readers and government personnel to consider and share. Read: How Japanese Cope with Economic Stress At work?Read

By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Time Management


Prices and economy in America then, America Now!

Another article for the author, this time he describes feeling toward prices and economy in America, good to read and share! Read: Prices and economy in America then, America Now!Read

By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | History


Innovativion of New Products !

Alternative miedicine usuall is much better than medicine, in this article advice from the author how to keep yourself healthy. Try it! it may work for you! Share it with friends and love ones! Read: Innovativion of New Products !Read

By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Alternative Medicine


STRESS management is an Art!!

Yes, it is. It's an art, if you made it. Advices by the author to cope with your stress. Good article to share with friends and love ones. Read: STRESS management is an Art!!Read

By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Stress Management


Stress as a Friend in Need, On the Highway Life!

Stress management is an art as the author attempt to give advices to stressed people. This is a good article to share with friends. Read: Stress as a Friend in Need, On the Highway Life!Read

By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Stress Management


To be a Mother, Parenting is not easy, but possible

The author gives as usual some advices to wome in parenting and how spend life in a familial way. Read: To be a Mother, Parenting is not easy, but possibleRead

By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Parenting


Quality Time to enjoy!

The author in his sense of humor question the readers about quality time and how to spend it. An intersting advice for readers! Good to share with friends and love ones. Read: Quality Time to enjoy!Read

By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Alternative Medicine


USE YOUR FEET, and Walk as You Can!

A wisdom by the author to all readers it says: walk by choice before you wish to walk in you become disabled by force. Read: USE YOUR FEET, and Walk as You Can!Read

By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Humor

Diego and Dora on TV and Arab Language

An interesting article about race relations and TV programs. The author analysis took sociological approach and wishes Arabic to be considered in th future in the TV show for kids. Read: Diego and Dora on TV and Arab LanguageRead

By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Humor

Funeral Coffee and Dressing Black among Arabs!

Why people dress in Black in funerals? and how to behave properly in the house of the siseased person? A funny article in sociological entertaining sense. Read: Funeral Coffee and Dressing Black among Arabs!Read

By: hasan yahya | 24/03/2009 | Humor


Honor - Killing, and Sexuality In the Arab and Muslim World

This article cover three issues in the Muslim and Arab world, honor-killing,zina, Sexuality iunder Islamic Law,Male Circumcise and Female Genital Cutting. Read: Honor - Killing, and Sexuality In the Arab and Muslim WorldRead

By: hasan yahya | 21/03/2009 | Sexuality


Arab and Muslim womenIssues! Part One

This is part one, covers three issues concerning women in the Arab and Muslim culture, Punishment, adultery and accusations of some Arab societies concerning women and defending them. Read: Arab and Muslim womenIssues! Part OneRead

By: hasan yahya | 21/03/2009 | Sexuality


Arab and Muslim women Issues! Part Two

This is part two of the articles on Arab and Muslim women ssues, five examples are given. including adultery, and punishement, and cultural practices.Examples of women status in Arab Gulf areas is given and defended. Read: Arab and Muslim women Issues! Part TwoRead

By: hasan yahya | 21/03/2009 | Sexuality


Are You Terrorist? Professor!

Giving courses for undergrad student is interesting, especially when they have to expeience college for the first time. The writer was a professor of sociology, teaching on race relations and inequality in America.This article is an interesting introduction to his course through class involvement in group discussion. Read: Are You Terrorist? Professor!Read

By: hasan yahya | 20/03/2009 | Self Help


Protect your email from scammers!This is what happened to ME!

Don't be fooled with email scammers, the Author of this article tells the readers what happened to his email, Someone got the password and used the email in scam asking for money. Read it and you may respond to it. Read: Protect your email from scammers!This is what happened to ME!Read

By: hasan yahya | 18/03/2009 | Email


The Zionist Lobby At Work In The Usa Congress!

A Letter Sent to the Washington Post Editorial "blame the Lobby" (3/12), Concerning Mr. Freeman Withdrawing His Nomination for Chairman of the National Intelligence Council. Read: The Zionist Lobby At Work In The Usa Congress!Read

By: hasan yahya | 12/03/2009 | Strategic Planning


Islam And Democracy: Sociological Analysis

In this article, the author discusses Islamic beliefs concerning secularization of Arab and Muslim countries, and explain two different view-points, the intellectuals free thinkers and the fundamentalists in a unique sociological analysis. Read: Islam And Democracy: Sociological AnalysisRead

By: hasan yahya | 11/03/2009 | Strategic Planning


Have Trouble With Your Email? Read This!

Sharing readers in their problems with the computer makes life easy and reduce tension and stress. The writer describs his experience with his email, and ask for help, but in the same time provides solutions. Read: Have Trouble With Your Email? Read This!Read


Is Islam Accepts Secularization? Part Two

Part two of the article about possiblity of secularization of Muslm and Arab world. Read: Is Islam Accepts Secularization? Part TwoRead

By: hasan yahya | 08/03/2009 | Economics


Is Islam Accept Secularization? Part One

The article descusses the possibility and abostacles of secularization of the Muslim and Arab world. Read: Is Islam Accept Secularization? Part OneRead

By: hasan yahya | 08/03/2009 | Economics


Religions And The Muslim Philosophy!

The article describes religions and their connection with philosophy, freedom and democracy. It also describes religion through time. Read: Religions And The Muslim Philosophy!Read

By: hasan yahya | 08/03/2009 | Philosophy


Globalization And The Muslim World

This article descusses Globalization and its effect on the Muslim world. Read: Globalization And The Muslim WorldRead

By: hasan yahya | 08/03/2009 | International Studies


Islam, Judaism And Christianity, On Human Rights And Democracy?

The article discusses the relationships between the three Abrahimic faiths on human rights and democracy. Read: Islam, Judaism And Christianity, On Human Rights And Democracy?Read

By: hasan yahya | 08/03/2009 | Ethics


Does Islam Need Power To Be Recognized?

An argument over the subject: Islam does not need power to be recognized in the west. It brings the story of al-Imam al-Hussein , the Martyr of Karbala' in the process. Read: Does Islam Need Power To Be Recognized?Read

By: hasan yahya | 08/03/2009 | Politics


Western Perceptions Of Israel'S Strategic Significance

Six strategic significant points why Israel is supported by the West [EU-NATO,USA, Canada and Australia] Read: Western Perceptions Of Israel'S Strategic SignificanceRead

By: hasan yahya | 07/03/2009 | Politics


What'S Behind Russia-Nato Cooperation?

Politics of the great nations always have latent and manifest goals. In this article the author asks certain questions about the Muslim world reaction in the cooperation between NATO and Russia, without the Shanghai+6 (SCO). Read: What'S Behind Russia-Nato Cooperation?Read

By: hasan yahya | 07/03/2009 | Politics


Computer Users Anywhere, A Must Read!

An article on psychology of believing email scam. The author brings his heartly advice for internet serfers to be safa. Read: Computer Users Anywhere, A Must Read! Read

By: hasan yahya | 07/03/2009 | Computer Forensics


No Matter What You Think! This Is Good 4 U.

a message from heart to heart from the author to the female and male readers, Read: No Matter What You Think! This Is Good 4 U. Read

By: hasan yahya | 07/03/2009 | Psychology



Crusades, Jihadists And Conflict Resolution-Part Iii

Part three of the article: Crusades, Jihadists and conflict resolution. Read: Crusades, Jihadists And Conflict Resolution-Part IiiRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Ethics


Crusades, Jihadists And Conflict Resolution-Part Ii

Part two of the article on the Crusades, Jihadists and conflict resolution in an historical analysis. Read: Crusades, Jihadists And Conflict Resolution-Part IiRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Ethics


Crusades, Jihadists And Conflict Resolution-Part I

Part one includes an analysis of historical facts concerning 9/11 and the relationships between the Crusades and the Jihadists. Read: Crusades, Jihadists And Conflict Resolution-Part IRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Ethics


My Favorit Researcher: Stanley Milgram: Milgram'S Experimental Research

In this series professor yahya selected a very famous intellectual in his experimental research. Read: My Favorit Researcher: Stanley Milgram: Milgram'S Experimental ResearchRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Psychology


Thinkers I Admire: Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

In this corner, Prof. Yahya brings one historical figure for hhis/her great ideas. Read: Thinkers I Admire: Charles Darwin (1809-1882)Read

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Stress Management


Thinkers I Admire: John Watson (1878-1958)

In this article Prof. yahya brings one of the thinkers from history which he admired for their great ideas. Read: Thinkers I Admire: John Watson (1878-1958)Read

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Philosophy


Psychologically, No Body Is Perfect, To Be Happy, Test Your Self!

in the preface of his book: titled: Personality Types and Stress Management, on amazon, the author provides this test to all to test themselves and see how much they are perfect or not. His argument is NO ON IS PERFECT, so why are you stressed? Read: Psychologically, No Body Is Perfect, To Be Happy, Test Your Self!Read

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Stress Management


Ilm (Science) And Knowledge (Ma'Arifah) Or (Abstract Knowledge And Practical Science)

A research paper on the Arabic concept of "Ilm (science), and Ma'arifah (Knowledge), Read: ‘Ilm (Science) And Knowledge (Ma'Arifah) Or (Abstract Knowledge And Practical Science)Read

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Literature


Arabs And Muslim In America And Race Relation

A very reasonable account of race relation in the United States of America. The article on how Arabs and Muslims in the United States perceived through the media, films, and videos. Read: Arabs And Muslim In America And Race RelationRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | K-12 Education


Have You Ever Been Fooled By Girls? Read This!

An experience of young man tells his friend's story how he was fooled by girl on schools or campus. Read: Have You Ever Been Fooled By Girls? Read This!Read

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Teenagers


Trust Fund, Old Anecdote

An old Anecdote about greediness. Read: Trust Fund, Old AnecdoteRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Social Marketing


Omer Judgment: Short Story

A short story about Omer jusdgment,from the author's book, The Beast in Me America, on amazon, target, and elsewhere. Read: Omer Judgment: Short StoryRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | History


Love On The Internet: Short Story

A short story for the author, from his book: The Beast in Me America, on Amazon. Read: Love On The Internet: Short StoryRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Psychology


Despite The Jewish State Palestinians Vision Will Prevail! - Part Two

Part two of the article about two visions: Israeli and Arab Palestinians. Read: Despite The Jewish State Palestinians Vision Will Prevail! - Part TwoRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Politics


Despite The Jewish State Palestinians Vision Will Prevail! - Part One

An article compares Israeli and Arab Palestinian visions from sociological point of view. Read: Despite The Jewish State Palestinians Vision Will Prevail! - Part OneRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Politics


The Search For Israeli National Identity!

An article shows Israel searching for it's national Identity outside its borders, rather than inside. Doing that the author believes that lack of inside democracy practices for Arabs and Jews equally, creates a problem for Israel looking for the lost national identity. Read: The Search For Israeli National Identity!Read

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Politics


What'S Common Between Jews And Arab Palestinians?

A common sense argument about common aspects connect Arab Palestinians and Jews together. Read: What'S Common Between Jews And Arab Palestinians?Read

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Philosophy


Arab Palestinians And Jews

An introduction to the book: Arab Palestinians and Jews, published recently at Amazon. Read: Arab Palestinians And JewsRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | Press Releases


Comment On Article On Barack Obama At: Ichikaeli Maro Daily News-Prof. Hasan Yahya

A comment from Prof. Yahya on an article written in Tanzania, on ICHIKAELI MARO Daily News. Read: Comment On Article On Barack Obama At: Ichikaeli Maro Daily News-Prof. Hasan YahyaRead

By: hasan yahya | 06/03/2009 | History


Talented Young Writers And Successful Teachers-Part Two

Qualities of talented writer in childhood and successful teachers are described, and some advices are provided in this articl. Read: Talented Young Writers And Successful Teachers-Part TwoRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | K-12 Education

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Talented Young Writers And Teachers-Part One

Qualities of talented writer in childhood and successful teachers are described. Some advices are provided. Read: Talented Young Writers And Teachers-Part OneRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Childhood Education


The Latent And Manifest Goals And The Nato

Complex organization or simple ones have two types of goals one obvious can be seen and one covered cannot be seen unless having a professional eye. In this article, the two concepts explained and some examples given in a sociological analysis. Read: The Latent And Manifest Goals And The NatoRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Causes & Organizations


Am I Proud To Be American? I Wish! Someday!

Perceptions are made by an Arab American philosopher whishes to see America in its best global position, morally and politically. Read: Am I Proud To Be American? I Wish! Someday!Read

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Philosophy


Clash Of Perceptions In The Usa

Comparative perceptions between Arab-Muslim and non Arab teachers are explored through the author's experience in class management seminar. Read: Clash Of Perceptions In The UsaRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Culture


Marriage And Sex Patterns- Sociological Approach - Part Two

In this part two, Types of Sex and Marriage in Islam is described. Read: Marriage And Sex Patterns- Sociological Approach - Part TwoRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Sexuality


Marriage And Sex Patterns :Sociological Approach-Part One

Marriage and Sex Global Patterns shows types of marriage in Islam, and sex in different countries. Read: Marriage And Sex Patterns :Sociological Approach-Part OneRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Sexuality


I Have The Right To Be Angry

As far as Professor Yahya contribute with his philosphical thoughts, he brings here, some perception of his own as a Palestinian, an Arab-Muslim, a philosopher, and as a human beings. I think everybody is free to be angry, when thing go wrong in life. Read: I Have The Right To Be AngryRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Ethics


The Story Of The Palestinian Horse

Anecdote about the Israeli-Arab Palestinian conflict, and assessment of the results through a story of the horse. Read: The Story Of The Palestinian HorseRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Ethics


Poetry Morality, Quality Of Life And Logic

Hasan Yahya giving two of his poems in this space. The poems contain his wisdon and morality in this world. Read: Poetry Morality, Quality Of Life And LogicRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Ethics


The Future Of Conflict Over Historical Palestine

The Future of Conflict over Historical Palestine has taken too much debate, the writer shows some insights to vision the future of the conflict. Read: The Future Of Conflict Over Historical PalestineRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Strategic Planning



Media Bias And Morality: Critique Of Tom Gross

Prof. Hasan Yahya crtiticized Journalist: Tom Gross for his onesided articles defending Israel practices in the occupied territories of Palestine. Read: Media Bias And Morality: Critique Of Tom GrossRead

By: hasan yahya | 04/03/2009 | Ethics


Is Islamic Militant Returning Back?

Terrorist incidents were observed lately, made the author put the question boldly: Is Islamic Militant Returning Back? Read: Is Islamic Militant Returning Back?Read

By: hasan yahya | 03/03/2009 | Culture


Is Nato Alive And Kicking Or Dying Out?

In its 60th anniversary, NATO faces various complex problems, is NATO going to pass these problems as a global force? Read: Is Nato Alive And Kicking Or Dying Out?Read

By: hasan yahya | 03/03/2009 | Politics


The Future Of Conflict Over Historical Palestine

An Article about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Read: The Future Of Conflict Over Historical PalestineRead

By: hasan yahya | 03/03/2009 | Politics


Was God He Or She, Mom?

A short story, about a child lived in the tird World, made by the author. Read: Was God He Or She, Mom?Read

By: hasan yahya | 03/03/2009 | Free


Is Nato "Alive And Kicking" Or Dying Out?

A discussion of the challenges before NATO 60th Anniversary. The article describes the challenge in Afghanistan, challenge of existing abilities; and ; challenges of existing quality of relations between the allies to keep solidarity. Read: Is Nato "Alive And Kicking" Or Dying Out?Read

By: hasan yahya | 22/02/2009 | Causes & Organizations


Dr. Yahya On His Proposed Plan For Peace In The Middle East

A Message to President Obama describes a new proposed map for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Read: Dr. Yahya On His Proposed Plan For Peace In The Middle EastRead

By: hasan yahya | 22/02/2009 | Politics





Hasan Yahya is a professor of sociology, a columnist at wfol.tv, Malaysia, and TINA International News Agency, Chicago, USA. www.hasanyahya.com

Email: askdryahya@yahoo.com


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