Thanks to a Ethical Society of St. Louis Stuckenberg Grant, Miriam Meijer is writing a biography on Nancy Blanche Jenison, M.D. (1876-1960), an Ethical Heroine to inspire teen girls!
[1] I gave a Platform on my research on May 17, 1998, Founder's Day, at the Washington Ethical Society and a Platform on January 6, 2002 at the Ethical Society of St. Louis. My entry on her was published in American National Biography, ed. John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), v. 11, pp. 933-934.
[2] Text on a plaque of Nancy Jenison in the Washington Ethical Society.
[3] Mary P. Ryan, Womanhood in America: From Colonial Times to the Present (New York: Franklin Watts, 1979): 138-141.
[4] N. B. J., "Ivy Oration," Cardinal (1898): 147-151.
[5] A 1906 letter from her sister addressed to Nancy in Milwaukee states: "I'm sorry you?ve had such a hard time." Madge Jenison papers, 1905-1960, The New York Public Library, Manuscripts & Archives Section.
[6] Mary Roth Walsh, "Doctors Wanted: No Women Need Apply:" Sexual Barriers in the Medical Profession, 1835-1977 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977): 184.
[7] Henry Kuhn Spooner (1837-1908) was a surgeon in charge of the first division, twentieth army corps, during the Civil War. He became one of the oldest and best known physicians of Seneca County in Ohio. Regina Markell Morantz-Sanchez, Sympathy and Science: Women Physicians in American Medicine (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985): 93.
[8] Female medical students were generally older than their male counterparts. Alan M. Chesney and William H. Howell, The Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine: A Chronicle (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1943-1963), vols. 1-3.
[9] This clinic exists today as the New York University Downtown Hospital.
[10] "Nancy Jennison." Mount Sinai Hospital annual report 1914. Our thanks to Barbara J. Niss for this information. Levy Library, Mount Sinai Medical Center, 1 Gustave Levy Place, Box 1013, New York City, New York 10029-6574.
[11] Nancy Jenison, M.D., "Blepharochalasis," New York Medical Journal 118 (September 11, 1915): 555-556.
[12] Cornell University Medical College Announcements (1916-1930). Our thanks to Adele A. Lerner, Archivist, for this information. New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Archives, 1300 York Avenue, New York City, New York 10021-4896.
[13] Letter to Nancy Jenison from Melinda R. Abbot, 5 High Ridge Road, Worcester, Massachusetts.
[14] Nancy Jenison, M.D. co-author, "Report of Work June to October, 1917 War Service Committee of the Medical Women's National Association," The Woman's Medical Journal: A Monthly Journal Published in the Interests of Women Physicians 27 (October 1917): 218-225.
[15] Mary P. Ryan, Womanhood in America: From Colonial Times to the Present (New York: Franklin Watts, 1979): 142.
[16] John William Leonard, ed. Woman's Who's Who of America: A Biographical Dictionary of Contemporary Women of the United States and Canada, 1914-1915 (New York: The American Commonwealth Company, 1976): 429-430. Publishers' Weekly (March 14, 1960): 41. Publishers' Weekly (July 4, 1960): 167-168. Who's Who of American Women: A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living American Women, vol. 1 (Chicago: Marquis, 1958): 646; vol. 2 (1961-1962): 507.
[17] Manuscript, Washington Ethical Society Archives.
[18] Letter from Catherine Beauchamp to Miriam Meijer, October 30, 1997, from Kissimmee, Florida.
[19] Email communication of April 8, 1999. Amy L. Robinson, Acting Director of Development, Pettibone House, Wells College, Aurora, New York 13026.
[20] Catherine Weaver Beauchamp, Family Ties and Tales (Daytona Beach, Florida: The Daytona Beach News-Journal, 1989): 162.
[21] New York Law Journal. Wednesday, January 15, 1964. L. D. MacIntyre, The Washington Ethical Society 1943-1944?1963-1964: A Story of Its Beginnings and Its Development (Washington, D.C.: The Washington Ethical Society, 1964): 69.
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Miriam Claude Meijer, Ph.D.