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Georges de Buffon (1707-1788)Georges Buffon, "Variétés dans l’espèce humaine," Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, avec la description du Cabinet du Roy (Paris: L'Imprimerie royale, 1749), t. 3, pp. 371-530.
Georges Buffon, "Of the Varieties in the Human Species," Barr's Buffon. Buffon's Natural History Containing A Theory Of The Earth, A General History
Of Man, Of The Brute Creation, And Of Vegetables, Minerals, Etc. (London: T. Gillet, 1807),
vol. 4 (of 10), pp. 190-352. Transcribed by Miriam C. Meijer. Translated by BARR.
Georges Buffon, "Of the Varieties of the Human Species," Natural History: General and Particular (8 volumes, 1781). Transcribed by Fran Moran. Translated by William SMELLIE. Georges Buffon, Discours sur le style. Discours prononcé; à l'acadèmie française par M. de Buffon le jour de sa reception le 25 aôut 1753. | Petrus Camper (1722-1789)Petrus Camper's "On the Origin and Color of Blacks," De Rhapsodist 2 (1772): 373-394. Translated by Miriam Claude MEIJER. "Petrus Camper on the Origin and Color of Blacks," History of Anthropology Newsletter 24 (December 1997): 3-9."Zusatz zu der vorhergehenden Abhandlung aus einem Schreiben an die Naturforschende Gesellschaft von Petrus Camper," Schriften der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 7 (1787): 197-226. "On the Absurdity of the Supposed Unicorns." Supplement to the Preceding Treatise from a Letter to the Naturforschende Gesellschaft from Petrus Camper. Translated by Miriam Claude MEIJER. Petrus Camper, "On the Best Form of Shoe," translated from Dutch into English by James Dowie, The Foot and Its Covering (London: Hardwicke, 1861): xxvii-44. | ||||||||||||||||||
Louis-Jean-Marie Daubenton (1716-1800)L.-J.-M. Daubenton, "Essay on the Differences of the Position of the Occipital Foramen in Man and in Animals," Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences avec les Mémoires de Mathématique & de Physique (Paris) (1764): 568-579. Translated by Miriam Claude MEIJER. | |||||||||||||||||||
Julien Offray de La Mettrie (1709-1751)J. O. de La Mettrie, Man a Machine (1748). Translation in Man a Machine (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co., 1912). | |||||||||||||||||||
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)Discours sur l'Origine et les Fondements de l'Inégalité parmi les Hommes l'édition de 1755. | A Discourse Upon The Origin and Foundation of the Inequality Among Mankind 1761 anonymously-translated English publication preserved all of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's original footnotes. | ||||||||||||||||||
Secondary SourcesZemplén Áron Gábor, Goethean Science–Recent Topoi of Goethe Scholarship Timothy Mason, History of Anthropology Glossary of 18th-century anthropological concepts Miriam Claude Meijer, Misunderstanding Natives in the Seventeenth Century Ashton Nichols, A Romantic Natural History Nell Irvin Painter, Why White People Are Called "Caucasians" Michael Sappol, Dream Anatomy Exhibit Claire Sherman, Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe Ross Woodrow, Lavater and the Drawing Manual | |||||||||||||||||||
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