onjour et bienvenue, I'm SpringRain, the princess of Chateau de l'Amour. You have just entered my castle, a world full of love and romance, a place of warmth where all are welcome. Here you will find everything your heart desires. Love in all its forms is something very special, very dear to all. I hope you enjoy your stay here, please leave any comments or suggestions that I can use in my guestbook, or email me with them. Merci!
What, you may ask, is romance? Romance n. 1. Medieval tale, usually in verse, of some hero of chivalry. 2. Prose, or rarely verse tale, with settings and incidents remote from everyday life; class of literature consisting of such tales; episode, love affair, etc., suggesting such tale by its strangeness or moving nature; romantic or imaginative character or quality.
La Belle Dame Sans Merci Get the poem behind the above picture here
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