After today’s class I was feeling like
a mixed bag of emotion.
First, I was so relieved to see that
you were there, so that was
a good thing. Confusion set in next at
the realization that
learned adults would come to such a ludicrous
end to an
obvious miscarriage of justice. Then,
I listened. I listened
like that very first day in English 122.
I listened with an open
mind and open heart. I heard everyone’s
support of you and
took comfort to have others in the same
boat with me,
although I’d sail it alone, if need be.
No matter what they say
to you or how they rule against you,
it hopefully is a comfort
to you as well to know we’re all on your
side. The right side.
The side that shouldn’t need choosing—it
should simply be
what it is. I get very angry at ignorance
because there is a
solution to it, but I guess it’s easier
for some to ignore than to
allow themselves to be educated.
As you know, I was one of those ignorant
people, too, until I
listened and learned. I’ve told you the
profound effect
you’ve had on me, and from what I’ve
heard, many others as
well. I believe in everything you stand
for and I know in my
heart of hearts I am going to be a better
teacher because of
you. When I see your undaunting tenacity,
I’m so inspired. I
can assure you, every student I come
in contact with will also
know the goodness of you. The rightness
(is that a word?) of
you. The braveness of you, because I
will teach them—teach
them what freedom really means and what
it really costs.
I hope that you know that I am very proud
to be a student of
yours and consider myself so very lucky
to have crossed
paths with you. I know everything happens
for a specific
reason and though things haven’t turned
out like we wanted
them to, I say to you, John, don’t you
ever give up on this
and you’ll always have the support of
this student. I’ve
written several letters and I’m so pissed
off that I’m afraid
the "lynch-mob" will miss my point, so
I’m revising and
rewriting my "hate-mail" to them, but
I’ll get it done. I want
it to be effective and enlightening.
These people need to be
aware of our side of this mess.
So, whatever you need in the support department,
know you
can count on me to go to bat for you.
I’m sure I won’t be
alone. I believe in you, as so many others
do – and you’re
right, we’ll all get through this together.
With a role model
like you, how could we fail? It’s going
to be okay. You’ll see
– so keep up the awesome work, my friend.
Christine Christel
P.S. I didn’t write this for points – I wrote this for you.