

Dear Board Member,

Enclosed is a copy of a letter your English teacher, John C. Bonnell, sent home with my daughter on
her first day of class. I am appalled and sickened that a teacher can speak this kind of language in a
classroom setting. My daughter came home almost in tears from the first day of class due to Mr.
Bonnell's language in class. Not only did he speak in such a degrading manner; he advised his
students that they could not speak in the same language as he.


I am a graduate of Macomb Community College and continued on to Wayne State University and have
always told people about Macomb's high standard of education. I have told many of how I felt I
received a better education from Macomb than from Wayne State. That is why my daughter is
attending Macomb before any other school. Now, I don't know what to think. I can't believe the Board
of Trustees can endorse this kind of behavior or teaching style to our young children. You wonder why
there is such disrespect in our society today and here our teachers are teaching it in the classroom!


At this time I have a call into Ruth Reed the assistant Dean of the English department. I will be
lodging a complaint with her and pulling my daughter out of this class immediately. I felt that it was
impairative that the board is made aware of this situation immediately! I will then reconsider putting
my daughter back into this University if nothing is done about this behavior. Thank you for your time
in this matter and I'm looking forward to hearing what if any the board plans on doing about this.



Roseville, MI. 48066

**Name deleted