Office of the President
August 26, 1999
Mr, Jim Pruss
2987 Leafwood Drive
Marietta, GA 30067

Dear Mr. Pruss:

Thank you for taking  the time to write me about your experience with Professor Bonnel.  Other students have expressed similar feelings as those you've shared with me. It truly is cornforting to me to know that John has positively changed the lives of students such as yourself throughout his tenure at Macomb. At the same time,  you know as well as I that the world is a much different place today compared to what it was like when you were a student here in 1972.

For instance. State and Federal laws and recent Supreme Court decisions have set new requirements for educational institutions and the type of environment that students have the right to expect when on campus The College must keep pace with these changes or risk legal liability. Furthennore, the nature of today's issues are equally complex, and the factors that are considered when making decisions seern to be growing more and more demanding. Inspite of having said this, please be assured that we would Iike nothing more than a resolution to this issue in the best interests of the students, the community, and the fine employees who are and have been Macomb Community College.

RegardIess of the outcorne, I hope that you will continue to look back on your experience as a Macomb student with fond memories. I wish you the best in all your future endeavors

(signed) Albert Lorenzo