I am flabbergasted with the amount of ignorance in today's society. I am a twenty-three year old practicing Catholic female engineering student, who attended Catholic school for twelve years. Upon graduation, I attended MCC where I had the opportunity to take one of Professor Bonnell's classes. On the first day of class, Mr. Bonnell forewarned the class that his language is explicit. He was completely up-front and honest with everyone in the class. It was each individual's choice to either transfer out and take a different English class or stay. Everyone had a choice. No one was forced to stay and listen to Professor Bonnell teach.
Professor Bonnell was an excellent teacher. I learned not only about poetry, but about everyday life lessons. Currently I work in the field while attending school, and I have never learned about life from an engineering class. I dare some of you who are quick to criticize to ask your kids where they learned life's lessons. I am betting it isn't from a differential equations book. The best teachers are the ones who relate to the students and make them think for themselves. Professor Bonnell is that kind of teacher. For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to befriend him, you really shouldn't criticize him. He is a top-notch teacher with many intelligent students who will back him up to the end!
Heather Rohlfing