ARTICLE V TEACHERS' Rights (Continued)

1. The teacher shall be entitled to freedom of discussion within the
classroom on all matters which he considers relevant to the subject matter
under discussion.

2. The teachers of a discipline who teach a particular course shall have the
right to collectively determine course content, course goals, course
textbooks (which shall be adopted for the fall term and shall be continued
for the following spring and summer terms), and the prerequisite skill
levels for sequence courses.

3. The teacher shall be entitled to use any materials which he believes
achieve the course goals agreed upon by the teachers who teach that course.

4. The teacher shall be fee to use methods or innovations of instruction
which he believes achieve the best results and responses from his students,
This provision includes the use of books and any other material furnished by
the teacher.

5. The teacher shall be free to request any books, magazines, newspapers, or
any other materials to be purchased by the library or his Department, or
Area, without censorship, subject to budgetary limitations.

6. The teacher shall be supported with instructional resources and services
appropriate to his instructional assignment and subject to budgetary
limitations. Such resources and services shall include, but not be limited
to, Research and Development, Learning Media, and Data Processing.

7. There shall be no administrative rules or regulations governing teachers’
dress or appearance.

8. Involvement of any teacher in a systems, experimental, or other related
approach, must be voluntarily assumed.

9. The teacher shall determine the method for evaluating the academic
progress of his students and assigning grades upon the basis of the
evaluation, provided, however, that the grades assigned shall be within the
grading system adopted by the Board.

10. The presence of any mechanical monitor or communications device during
the meeting of class shall be with the prior approval of the teacher

11. Only instructional administrators may be assigned the duty of verifying
the performance of a teacher's responsibilities as defined in Article VI of
this Agreement