some LONG memos i wrote in 9th grade to my ppl..haha...


ALOHA baby!isint this bear just soooooooo cute???? WHen i see him, first person i think of is u lah!!!!! Oh my Gosh...time FLIES huh? Can't believe that you are no longer here lah! DAmn yo, 8 GREAT SUUUUPER years of memories! Hehe....Well, im blessed to have known ya...and also have ya as such a GREAT friend! I'll NEVER forget all those gayass things we did. ACC library and stuff.SUPER GAY we were just scaring ourselves. HAHAHAHAH little ppl dancing in the computer....a lady in the glass reflection...man, i wanna go back to those times....its always like this, when we were young, we say we wanna grow up, and when we finally get a little older, we wanna go back to the old days....hai....hehe.....u r super koo, got a super kind heart too baby. hehe admire your artisticness ! Well, i was lucky that i got to know you even to a deeper level during our first semester as sophomores. Hehe same free, pe, lunches, art....hehehe HUBERT! WAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Anyway, sweet rolls rule and free periods were da bomb this year. Hehe got to talk a lot with ya hehe which is good....always laughin our asses off with those gayass jokes we tell. Hehehe miss ur lame jokes lah! Aiyo..its ok, i'll still call you hehe and e-mail and stuff ma..also you're gonna come back to visit too =P hehehehehe OR ELSE....I'll go to LA and drag you back..... bla. hehe Anyway, hope you find the man of your dreams SOOOOON! Hey, we STILL gota go finish our sewing class u know?! Heheheh damn one day, we're gonna both be the RICH and FAMOUS rite? Miss ya TONS and luv ya more! hehe bai!

I guess Lawrence outta da pic huh? hehe ME too me too! Well, well, so Chrissy, Yuka and Serena all left us here! Blah. AIyoweya....its ok. We'll find the man of our dreams SOON. haha yea wutever....Its ok still got each other loh =P Hehe i wanted to rerite this whole msg below but i like it. hehehe.....HAHAHA i've known u for sooooo long too man!!!!! Well....yes baby! We've been thru sooooooooooooooo much too baby!!!!! Lightin, rain, thunder....ALL OF IT! (hehe...seriously...NMH remember? We RUNNING back to our dorm out in the LIGHTIN,THUNDER,RAIN!..oh yea...there was also HAIL one day hehe =P) Oh yea..and ok we've known each other since...um...3rd grade! HAHA!!! Summer school hehe..and fourth grade..yes i know we've been thru the bad times hehe...but still we built up a GREAT friendship baby! You know im sooooooooooo glad that i ended up being best freinds with you hahaha we are so lucky so good now that wont be any more problems btwn friendship Hehe...and wut else...hehe man we always saving each others' lives! HAHAHA....u pullin each other away from trucks...hehe etc.! WAHAHAHAHA!!!!And hehe we there for each other baby!!!! Hehe..yes baby! Haha like in 4th grade...sleepover...HAHAH!! SHOWER!! that was soooo funny!!!! i will NEVER forget that!!! And also cinnamonbuns!!! Me and Ser were thiknin u would serve it to us first....but wut happened? WAHAHHA!!! We wer laughin our asses off hehe! And remember photography class? Haha sooo funny! We like argue evrey day and like Ilyn's all like uh....hahahaha but then we start laughin heheh and we argue for the STUPIDEST REASONS!!! Like "HEY! ITS MY TURN TO 'AIGITATE'" hahahahhahah!!!!! ANd also...soccer field...that was soooo DUMB! CHI! WAHAHA!! CAn't believe i saw him in HK...hahha!!! Well..okok LOVE YOU 2!!!SMOOOOOOOOOOOOCH!!! HAHA...FRIENDS FOR EVERRRR!!!!!!!!!! YEs and im so glad i got you 2!!!!!

HEY MY SEXAY BAY!!!!! How u doin?!?! I MISS YOU SOOOOO MUCH GIRL!!!!! hehe...man i cannot believe we were actually ENEMIES in Elementary School hehe....man but u see, we prooved one thing...enemies can grow to become SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPER BEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSST FRIENDS RITE?!?!? Haha yes i love you girl! Hehe..remember 6th grade??? Yes bay...SCIENCE, MATH, CHINESE, PE!! HAHHA!!! Man those were the FUN and PERFECT times!! =) Man I'll NEVER forget those times as long as i LIVE bay! Hehehe!!!!! Yes bay "Call on me thru thick and thin, a frienship that will never end...just call my name and i'll be there! Dun be afraid!!!" hehe...u know that song rite? U know lah hehe..Whitney Houston..and all..hehe yes and WIND WIND RAIN RAIN we've been thru too baby...heh NEVER forget EVERY single time u were there for me!!!! All the way thru-->today baby!!!!! Man time FLIES....but three more months until u coming back.AH!!!! NONONO!!!! CAnt wait hehe sigh sigh so many ppl leavin ok man man man...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Man we grew up soooooooo FAST....6th grade we were like can't wait till we are freshmen....and now its like I WANNA GO BACK TO 6TH GRADE!!!!!!! Ok then u come back now ba!okok bay!!LOVE YA!!! MUAH MUAH!!!!! FRIENDS FOREVER!!! YES bay....me BLESSED 2 have u 2!!!!

DOSHITE?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!? hahaha...... WAHAHAHA!!!! Man i love all of you guys lah! Oh well hehe man...still got ALL those leters we used to rite to each other every single day...HEHE!! Still remember how we started out as "pen pals" in 5th grade...i remember the first letter u gave me...it was like a doggie letter paper...and on it u were like u want to start writing letters like u and CLaudette? And i was SUUUUUPEEEEEER happy when i read it u know hehe....then like we became SUUUUUUUUUUUPER good hehe...and u remember first time u came to my house? 1 hour late....i was always makin up LAME excuses for u to come over...like mom we're moving soon!!! Let her sleepover! hahaha!!!....well 6th grade..yes those were da sexy times!!!!! Miss it soooooooo much!!!!! Hehe...it was just sooooooooooo fun!!!! Man all the memories.... =) Man...well yes baby....toooooooooooo many memorable things for us all to treasure...hehe! SUPER funny...when we were in 6th grade we were like cant wait till HS....then me and *** can maybe get back hahaa....but then now we are in 9th grade we wanna go back hahahah!!! Yes bay...and like with all the others...."FUNG FUNG YU YU" we've been thru...jes can't live da life without u! HAHAHAHA!! Hey that rhymes man! But kinda "meat numb" hehehehe...oh well hehe...I will ALWAYS remember Armegeddon...that nite!97year-during the time of CNY! That nite i called u hehehe and then u know wut happened!ALso eating "pao mien" watching 古惑仔..we were both like its just a MOVIE 2 ur mom =).....breakdowns....ALso when i ran to ur house hahaha *barefoot* shhhh..... HAHA!! All those sleepovers....6th grade X-mas dance...we bought our dress together up at Sec.7...we were like so happy hehe but when we look back at the pictures now its like WUT THE HELL WERE WE WEARING?!?!?! DOG hahaha wut else...KING KONG...haha too many i dun remember lah! And so many other times!!! hehe...well yes and I am so glad that we built back our friendship!!!!! YES BABY NEVER LOOSIN U AGAIN!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!!!! =)!!!!!!ew...that sounds like we're lez or something hahahha!!!!!!...hehe okok "Baby dun go...dun go...how can i wake up tomorrow...i feel so sad...." hehe DUN GO YUKA!!!!! BU YIAO LI KAI WUO!!!!! Ok yes i am soooooooo fortunate that i got to know u!!!! MAUHx55555555555!!!!! Hehe...yes bball...hahah SAME TEAM SAME TEAM!!!!!

Hallo baby hehe my sexy sis! I LOVE YOU GIRL! =) hehe yes baby! Haha remember how we always used to fight and argue over STUPID things? hehe oh well im glad glad glad that we dun do that no more lah! Oh well haha man this computer REALLY should be in my room neh! Haha okok lah man i am going to SUPER DUPER 捨不得 you when u go off to college u know =( haha o well I guess we've been thru tons too...hehe family wise um....feeling....friends....all that lah! U know u know =) WUt can i say besides u the greatest SIs?! hah Well i only got one...hah! But still hehe glad that lao ma and lao ba gave me u as my sis...and not some *&^%$#@! girl. Haha! Well..."月亮在你的眼睛太陽在我心...."=)Yes baby SHUNZA rulz haha!Oh well hehe man LAI KI GO TO HAWAII!!!! WAHAHAH! Man we need a scanner hahaha! ok lah!Hehe i've got one more bay! "oh愛情,難以捉摸的愛情...oh也許我在下一秒愛上了你...." =) YES baby Lawrence da bomb haha! WOLALA! Ok baby i guess thas all i gotta say got nothin for you but love! =) Bai bai!

Hallllllo hihihi haha SUP SUP? SKY!??!?! hehe LAME LAME LAME! O-well THANKS man for helping me with this homepage. Hehe oh well u "Rockaholic"....haha yeye...sexy, unique, modest, cool, "swei" jk, hehehe toooooo many lah! Haha u Canadian EH! YES those SEXYsexySEXYsexySEXYsexySEXY tight shirts hahaha man so funny when u read Christine's info...hahaha! Hm...lets see...Black, dark chocolate, so "swei" hehe....Uh i think i am getting your "memory syndrome"!!! UH...what was that again? haha jkjk! Let's see...words starting with 'SW'....."SWANG" "SWEI" "SWAI" hahahha!!! sexy words!!! YEA SEXY BABY 38! HAHAHHAHAHA Oh well yea...AUSTIN POWERS eh? Hahaha...we'll see we'll see...! Hehe Singlish LAH!!! DAmn coo hehe! Haha Science class really sucks man!"A..a...a...al..all...i..i....ccc..caa...can...s..ss..say...i..i...is......ZzzZZZZzzzzzZzzzz" hehe that was mean haha.Okok well glad we've gotten to know each other!Bai bai! hehe Always be on icq hahaha=)! OH yea....and SHIT HAPPENS ok.......darn !

Hey hey hey! hehe...man Wow....this is very "diao"...gotta know each other from summer school three years ago and we're still super hao friends hehe. Yupos =) Man so funny how it seems like we've known each other since kindergarten or something...haha "U FROM TAIWAN?!?!"WAHAH! yup man first thing u ever said to me! HAHA! Owell...Summer 1996 at NMH hehe...never forget that lah! Oh well so u smartass...always getting such good grades..everything so perfect..got your gf! SHING FOO DE NAN REN! Haha u get it? O-well man man man well i guess we'll always keep in touch rite? Hehe..even though you in US so funny how u seem to know that TAS's "ji twei fan" is the best hahah! ANd u also know so many ppl i know too haha that was suprising...hehe oh well coo coo lah! So luv ya man! Friends forever! Miss u toooo! Haha u like my bro!!! I guess u can be my "dry bro" haha! Okok lah oh well thanks for calling me too hehe! Man remember when u got the wrong number and called my friend instead? Like it was one # off..heehee! Okok lah! Oh well so laterz man!!!!!

HEH HEH HEH...how ya like that?! Call you by ur SEXy full name! WAHAHAHHA!!!!! DAmn man....known ya since 7th grade. Hehehehe I still remember your first day of school it was SUPER funny....we were in da same math class and Serena was like HEY BEN! DO you remember me??!!? And she was like introducing you to me. Hahahahah dunno if you remember but i dunny why i remember SUUPER clearly wut u were wearing too! SUper funny! Like this gay vest and this Ck shirt inside and ur SEXAY glasses! hahahah damn its like 360 degree change after that man. hehehe anyway, you da MAN man. KTV anywhere. Hahahahaaah this year koo, got many classes wit ya. YOU GOTA stop sleeping in class man! Man, dreaming bout urself falling?!?! WUT THE? Hahahaha oko lah, anyway, keep up with ur nigger-ness, one day you'll become David Tao #2. Hehehe "Ben When you gonna realize you got the potiential?!" da famous quote by Mr.Murvine eh? hahaha ok lah anyway goooooo luck for u and Wendy! 881 =P

Aloha sexy! Heh heh heh....ok known ya for like 7 yrs now. HAHAHAHA god, im glad we stopped arguing. Hehehe damn those 4th grade days were like da funniest. Hehehe I'll never forget that. We argued for the STUPIDEST reasons....drew imaginary boudaries on the table. hehehehehe i always remeber everday during snack time, you'd drink ur milk tea. Heheheh super funny, miss those times when we were so small! Hahaha Hey, look, now you've become a 大帥哥 huh? Hehehe all the girls want ya BAD aye?! heh heh heh....anyway, Man, it was such a coincidence that Dave is like ur bro. hahahah damn man, if it weren't for him, I'd never get to keep in touch with ya. Hehehe well, this is super coo....gosh and we used to be neighbors man! hehehe Little Tammi and little Billy. Heheheheh Time FLIES...we've all grown up SUPER FAST. 一轉眼時間就過了! Kinda scary you know. Hehe anyway, i wish ya BEST of luck with ur studies and stuff! Heheheh also, dunt forget that you gota sing for me next time heh heh heh.......okok luv ya and miss ya lah!!!
HEY MAN! hehe...man o man..wow i've known you for pretty long too ah! Haha since like 5th grade? Hehe and yea 7th grade hehe yupos man u always there..THANKS! =) Chinese class was so FAY! but PE class was super fun haah remember Michael Kuo always following us EVERYWHERE!?!?! Haha that was pretty messed up hehe...Oh well haha man now U in FAy...wow my super hao friends leave me man! U...Ser...Kenny....and YUka is leaving too!!! =( oh well Always miss out on metting up..hehe SOlli lah! Okok well Luv ya and miss ya lots man! hehe...always..Friends forever!!!!! =)*** drool...heh JK!!!!!

Hallo Hihihi ALOHA! BAY BAY BAY SUP SUP SUP! MOON..S*T*A*R*S!Hahaha! Yes man baby's name =) Hehehe! BABU hehe jk LOLALALOLALA hehehe Yupos man...PARIS hahah the sexy place! Hehe man so funny...BEACH HOUSE...hehe yes man work on this dream! haha!!!!! Yeye...my goal! Man ZZzzz in movie heehee....spitting blood...haha man THAT WAS REALLY LAME haha!!!!! I was like uh....u not gon spit blood are u?! Then Jon started to spit it! WAHAHHA! Hehe man soo funny u see i told u i have "di 6 gan" hahaha yes CIRCLE we have haha!!!Sayin the same stuff man! but just not for meeting up haha! okok wow this is getting very bai chr! O ye and thanks man for always making me LAUGH like hell hehe! Heheokok lah! WEll friends always man! =)!!!BAI BAI! hehe! one more thing......FRIED RICE RULZ! PIA hehe!SHA LALALA WU GA SHA GA.......DO RE MI...A B C...1 2 3 4 GAN DA MA DE B....hehe oops... =P LUP DUP LUP DUP LUP DUP...yea always gon be my advice...for love.... LISTEN TO UR HEART* yea hahaha oh yea "HAVE U EVER?" damn good song hahahhaa!!!!! Oh yea my ryhme RULES OK! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

Jason Tsai:
you 38, Like i said, I'll add you in....hehehehe......man seems like ive known you FOREVER aye?! Huh? Heheh but only for a lil while i figured....well only knew you....as in really got to know you a little while ago altho ive seen you around forever. hehehehe o well LAI KI!! You 38 nan ren. Hehehehehe Taiwanese + Chinese + ENglish aye? Vely DIAO! Hehehehe anyway wish ya da BEST in St.Pauls! Get in harvard or something ok. heh heh baibai

HALU man hehehe u crazy bastard! HAHA sh*t we are always so GAY on icq! HAHAH!!! Like yea..i know.....we live really close u know...so..heh heh heh... Oh well haha hm.....i've known u since 6th grade..man remember all those time i used to call u and tell u all these "fay hua" and everytime u seemed like u weren't listenin..then id ask u to repeat wut i just said and u knew everything! HAHAHAH!!!!! Man those were such FUN times!!!!!!!!! Hehe..man i'll never forget that haha and yea u three pointer king! Haha...us girls alays wanted to play with you guys n bball hehe but still u beat me in one on one! Man i think we need rematch hahahah!!!! Oh well but still i am better at you in defense! HAHAHA!!! Jkjk lah u really good lah! =) hehe yea and i gotta admit this one thing....u the KING OF LOVE MAN! Sh*t....u are like so good with it...hahaha!CAnt stand u!!! KEEP IT UP WITH ALEX!!!!! UR SEXY HONEY heheh! Man! Hehe....so "CHUAN CHING"..haha dunno if u get wut i just wrote though! Haha ohyea and remember this: PANTS! haha pizza bar.... hehe okok lah! WEll man friends forever okie?! Hehe!!! BAI BAI!! LOVE YA LOTS MAN!!!! =)!

HALO BABY!!!! Hehe I think it is super diao that i came up with your ever so sexy NICK....DUNG DUNG! HAHAH!!! Oh well hehe never knew that everyone would be callin u dat! =) Oh well hehe hm......i gues i've known u for...i dunno! Haha oh well yeye...summer shcool @ Exeter...hehe losta unforgetable memories!!! HAHA!!! Ah-Sam...Sang...太陽MING...that BBALL korean guy...sexy boy hehe...DAMN he so good! hehe remember all those?!?! Mifumi..Akiko! =) haha and yes yes yes our ever so crzy lil friend FUDY! Man i miss that crazy guys hehe! Oh well yaya we had so much fun there! Remember...music hall...eating Chinese food, going to outlet...callin each other...talkin on the phone till 2am hehe! Bball! u teaching me those sexy moves! Haha!!! And we always played one on one...and soooo much more! Hehe! Remember like first day of school we played bbal till so late?! The funny thing is everyone was so suprised when a "GIRL" was playing hahaha man! Oh well yea and all those times we went to the gym just go play ball! Hehe the losing the bal incidnet too...haha had to get another one! =) Man i'll never forget those! O-ye and u yelling to me..telling me to come out...hehe like outside my window! HAHA! SO FUNNY!!! Hehe man u and fudy crazy! Haha so funny how those guys....gosh already forgot their names...u know..that fat lil chubby guy and that vietam and...u kno lah haha htey always go into your room! HAHAHA! Oh well hehe okok lah! yea and thanks for always being there when i was like SO LONER! HAHA!!! I guess we were al loners in the beginning hehe! Ok luv ya man! Friends forever!!!!!!!!

Halo man! I miss u sooooo much lah!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha!!! Man u better come back ASAP or somethin hehe..man that was really coo how u came back last time withut letting us know.....it was sooo funny! I was like sooooooo shocked! Like hm..lets see..everythings normal.......hey...but wait..WUT THE HECK?! KENNY?!?!?!? U BACK??! HAHHA!!!!! Oh well hehe man happy times =) Oh well haha man i knew u since 5th grade.....kickballin everyday hehe! SO fun! HAH! MAN NEVER FORGET THAT GREEAAAT BIG SCAR U GAVE ME!!!! hahah!! I still have it....so big and ugly! Haha but its ok its from a good friend haha! Like in the future i'll look at and I'll be all like....hey..i remember that guy who gave me that! KENNY! haha! Okok man so funny u and Ben always coparing whos sexier and swaier hahah u guys both are FINE ok?!?! hahaha!!! Man miss u lah! Haha oh well man u really good in Bball too! AIYOWEYA... =) well just dun forget us back here k? hehe i know u wont...but if u ever do then......i will.....um...heh heh heh...ok no pervert thoughts here! HAHHA! Hehe okok baby! SO u just keep up with your coo style and sexy looks and keep it up with bubblin girls...man u actually tricked me into believing wut u rote over the mail....WA KAO about some girl waitress u met and u guys hit it off BLAH! haha! Ok so wut?! I am gullable! Ok?! haha and i also can't believe i believed wut u and Ben made up...that July 4th incident hehe! Oh well okok lah! hehe I MISS YOU MAN!!!!!!!! LOVE YA LOTS TOO! =) hehe FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! bai bai!

MAAAASSSSSSSHHHHEEEEEEEEEWWWW!!!!! Haha do re mi. Oh well first of all THANKS MAN for being there hehe! Oh well u know you've really changed ah! Like LOTS n LOTS n LOTS! Oh well u always that person i'll turn to for MATH haha jk hehe! Oh well just can't help it....y are you so smart??! Y?! Y Y TELL ME Y! hehe ok man i am so lame hehe so crazy wild whacky hahah Murvines class.....our mosiac is the BEST!!!!! haha! GIVE ME 5! Heehee! Oh well ma 6th grade...Mrs.Mock La/Ss hehe u and Ronald always getting the rite answers and all hehe! haha oh well okok yep and of course u can turn to me lah! Haha! Ok? Alrity man hehe any probs u facin...hehe okok lah! oh well...LAI KI LAI KI LAI KI LAI LAI KI..LAI KI GO TO HAWAIII!!! HAHAH! Yes i know u hate that song! But its cool u gotta admit it.......500 rote it u know! WAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! Man i am LAME! Hehe okok baby! Im gald got many classed with u this year....hm....actually only two lah....but good enough haha MAN U DITCHED US !!!! U LEFT US I CHINESE!! HOW COULD YOU?!?!??!!??! Hehe jk man! Oh well yes u will surely become a great SAX player hehe yea sax the sexy instrument =) haha yea well this is the face for you =O haha that BIG SMILE U ALWAYS HAVE! Haha! Oh well okk man keep on smiling...hehe like u say to me! Haha o ye DUN sigh u age faster hehe remember??!!? haha oh well u know u i learned lots from u man hehe! Yes of course FRIENDS FOREVER! LOVE YA LOTS TOO MAN!!!! hehe! BAI BAI!!!!!! Hehe yea "there are lotsa fishes out there".....o ye....how life treating u.....rephrase....how u treating life? hehe yup sounds familiar eh? that quote from your ever so greatest sis! hehe okok lah man peace! bai bai!
Hehe HALLO MAN!!!! "GA ZHE WUO" GRAB! haha jkjk hehe oh man damn ive known u soooo long! HAHA!!! like before kindergarten we were in Ms.Lee's class haha!Still have those pictures! Hehe yup yup! Man and my mom saw u and your bro crying hehe like just the two of u sitting there! Haha!!! Yupyup then we went to TAS ES school hehe 3rd grade.....ms.Borgen!ES-MS-HS now we are BIG KIDS! HAHAHA!!!! hehe! yaya! I remmeber and i had crush on you! HAA!! That was soo funny man! Can't belive we have known each other for soooo long! u know it seemed like not long ago we were super small! And u and ray like MONKEY BAR king! HAH!!! u guys could go fwd, backwards, skip...hehe all dat! Yup and u are super Point Guard! =) Hehe yup yup! Hehe now sciencs class ahaha u always ZZzzzzzZzzzz me yuka wakin u up...!! HAHa! And last year PE..hehe! hehe AA BB! Hahaha oh well okok glad that i've got u as a friend! =) FRIENDS FOREVER! Always Luv Ya man!!!!!! Hehe!!!!!

HEHEH HALLO BABY! U GAYASS.....ALWAYS troublin bout girls...this girl n that girl...hehhe!!! jkjk! OK i've known u since....6th grade...Mrs.Mock la/ss hahaha u haven't cahnged ONE BIT....but u grew GREW!!!!! Hehe...u STILL that PERVERTED u heh heh heh....Jeff to me will ALWAYS be PERVERTED FUNNY LAME SNOPPY hahha!!! Hehe..so how's it going with baseball? Hahah......jia yio next year then u can get into VARSITY! RITE? heeheh!! YAYA!!!!! Yes...so ARE U GON GO ON DIET OR NOT EH???? U always say u are...but still end up eating heheh! Just EXERCISE! HEHEHEH!!!!! Hahah okok....well...U GAYASS.....think CoCo and Mariah Carey r so hot hahahah ALWAYS takin up the EXACT SAME CD when u go to KPS ehehhe BEN DAN!!!!! Heheh okok lah! Oh well...hehehe okok friends forever aiite? hehe...u and MATT are SERIOUSLY GAY eh? yes i am RITE! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! OKOK LAH! LUV YA MAN!!!!! 881! =) SHO JIA PAI SAY IM SOLLIE!!!!! HEHHEHE!!!!!!


