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Christopher Robin, Eeyore, Gopher, Kanga, Owl, Piglet, Rabbit, Roo, Tigger, and Winnie-the-Pooh are fictional characters based on the original works of A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard. The characters and their names are registered trademarks of the Disney Corporateion and/or Dutton Children’s Books (a division of Penguin Books U.S.A., Inc.). The images used may or may not be fully copyrighted illustrations of the Disney Corporation and/or Dutton Children’s Books.
The Disney Corporation and/or Dutton’s Children’s Books in no way endorse this website, nor are they affiliated with this page in any way. Furthermore, the author has not used this page, nor does she intend to use this page (or the information contained here in) for personal or professional gain. Rather, the information is supplied as a public service to Pooh-fans the world over for their enjoyment, and to help themselves embrace the child within and the spirit of friendship that Pooh brings out in each of us.