<BGSOUND SRC="/mark_q8/userfiles:/user/Matrix.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
~~~~~JaSoN.......da founder   of Pit-Pat~~~~~
Heyy...yea......In the  first pic...dats Peter(our scape goat) at the bottom , Jason in the middle.......at me at the top.
Anywyas......ya`ll might be wonderin wat Pit Pat is......huh? K.....here goes.....welll.....when we (jason n me) first met Peter.....he seemed...umm.....toleratable...but in time.....he began to get pretty irritating...so Jas began pushing him `round , strangling him.....n stuff like that....
So...We thought it was time he made invented something........something that would shock humanity.....and walllah! Hours n hours of hard work brought us to the birth of Chemical X...which would help rid the world of the irritating pests called "Peters"..homo sapiens that grow `bout 5`8 feet tall......and were sometimes mistaken for kangaroos...n are known for their irritating nature that mostly leads its victimes to suicidal deeds..
Anyways......We mixed Chemical X with added flavours n colours..and got PIT- PAT.....but this wasnt very effective....so he worked on it fer night n nights and got a revised edition ..and thus came ...                       
PIT-PAT 1.02
How to use n Precautions  : Shake well before use , and avoid contact with flammable objects. Before spraying....stuff cotton , cloth or underwears up ure nose , mouth  and cover ure eyes too. Some of the ingredients in it are so toxic...that contact with it can cause  the reddening of skin with frequent irritation....spongy n swollen eye balls.... abundant hair loss......n other minor things....nothin` much! so no probs! :)
Incase any of the above things happen......we will send you  PIT-PAT 1.02-uninstaller fer just as little as 20 $!!!!(6.110 Kd/-)
Ok.....back to the "how to use" details....when spraying....spray on the "Peter" till the pest begins to cough , choke n fall to the ground.  If the "Peter still doesnt die , aim PIT PAT 1.02 towards the target and spray it towards a flaming object (like a lighter). The "Peter" is sure to "Kick the bucket" now.
We stick by our motto which is "Success is our Ambition , Ambition is our Aim , so Sucess is what we shal achieve".
SPECIAL OFFER!!! Buy one Pit Pat 1.02 Spray for 25 $ only (7.645 Kd/-) and get "Lungi with Zip"(fer ya`ll men) ...or  a free Tank Top with a chiridar attached on it and a pair of navy blue cargoes with "I USED PIT-PAT on my PETER(fer ya`ll girls) "
Peter C....the company`s official dummy for the test of PIT PAT agreed to this.The company has got all the rights to its actions ..and any complaint filed against the company will be withheld.
Pit-Pat Incorparate
The First pic we took of Peter , when we met him
Jason trying to control Peter after PIT PAT was first sprayed on him
Physical changes in Peter after the effect of Pit Pat`s initial version  . The companies first achievement.
Pit-Pat 2001 ::::A Hamster Inc. Undertaking::::