<BGSOUND SRC="genieinabottle.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
~~~~~~~MuH SiS~~~~~~~
Michelle...........dere.......`cause of the wonderful sister u`ve been......thought i`d dedicate a page to u......so......here it is!!!
Hope ya like it....as i did it with no other intentions in mind....just wanna tell u how special u r to me! [ok...thanx to this page...u now owe me 10 bucks (30.27 $)..so pay up!!][ :P
Ok........So.....wat have i got to say `bout u.....hmm......k...here goes. Dis is my sis ,Michelle  a 20/f , who is  currently studying in the states...and....and...hmm....has been real sisterly to me when she was here. I still remember da wunderful times....when she used to help me with my homework...n when i disobeyed her...she used to catch my legs and drag me on the ground like a dead cat(luv dem child hood memories :P)....untill i got a bit too heavy to drag around :P
Anyways....she left the country 2 years back.....and.....and.....last saw her last august....now we just meet on cam n through voice chat(Sure do miss her alot!!!!) . oh well....in 2 more years...home to join ya ,  Mich! 
And once again.....thanx fer  everything!!! wat else have i got to say......ummm....ummm.....i dunno. Yea.....guess dats bout it.......cya!