August Letters

Dear Count Saint-Germain,

I hope you will read this letter. Perhaps you won't but I have to try. The illness is back. Just when I felt better and was attempting to make progress in life. I really don't understand. Where ever you are you must be helping people. Please help me. If you do then I can help others. No one should have to live like this. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Summers heat is unbearable. I think today is a Wiccan feast day. I think it is for the first harvest. I'm not celebrating. My plans are again delayed. Perhaps I will sit here and take up reading again. What else can one do in this state? I grow tired of reading sometimes. I also hope you will sign my guest book if you drop by. Carley and I check the page often to see if I have had any visitors. So far just us. I wish I had good news to share but I don't. Hopefully my next letter will have better times to report. Right now all I can do is beg for your help. I don't want to say everything here because its such a public place. You understand. Well I must be closing. I wish you well where ever you are and I hope you are having a great summer. I will continue to write.
Yours Truley,

________________________________________________________________________________ August 12,2001 Sunday Morning.
Dear Saint-Germain,
Sir, I hope you read this. My illness still persists. I am attempting some new ventures in life. I ask for your blessings and help. Summer is almost gone. I won't miss the hot weather but I will miss the time. It would be nice to have some more rain. The rain is good. I hope you will help me soon. I really need help. It's late. I haven't slept all week. Where are you?
I hope life is good wherever you are.
Yours Truely, Josephine

All Letters ©copyright by Josephine Updated August 12,2001 Saturday
