June Letters
July Letters
July 6,2001 Thursday
Dear Count Saint-Germain,
July is here and it seems like June has come and gone rather quickly. I hope you had a lovely July 4! I did not celebrate. My doctor called today to say the lab results found nothing wrong with my recent month long illness. He said it must be viral and to expect to be sick for quite some time.And as he said I am still ill. Sir, I think your knowledge of mediciene is far greater than modern doctors and scientists.I also was reluctant to celebrate Americas Independance Day because my Southern sympathies do not permit. The surrender of Vicksburg was sad. I have no connections to Vicksburg though I have been there many times. I also want to express my saddness about the French Revolution. On Bastille Day I shall mourn for France. I'm sure you will mourn as well.
What else is there to say of life? I am concerned for the worlds condition. The ozone layer, the mad cow disease, the mesquitoes and the diseases they bring. I have spent much time watching the birds.There are so many varities out. I feed them crumbs in the morning. I've been reading again. I can't say I've done much else. I wish I had been able to do more this summer. I was wondering where you were and I though if I were you I would go somewhere not too hot, not too cold, but then you are probably where ever you are needed and that is best. I was looking at the books at online merchants shops that have the authors name listed a Count Saint-Germain and Count C. Saint-Germain. I have to wonder if they are you or if they belong to the long list of imposters over the centuries.
If I thought they were really you writings I would have purchased them years ago. Perhaps one day you will tell me if they are or aren't. I hope one day you will help me. Please consider my requests. Carley says hello. Until my next letter I hope you are well.
Best Wishes Wherever You Are,
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This page is ©copyright by Josephine
Updated July 6,2001