October Letters

Dear Count Saint-Germain,

My letter is late this month because I have been so saddened by the tragedies of last month. This has affected my family and my business has completely stopped. I believed in this business and hoped it would give me a better life. Now I have lost half of my imported goods. I have investors in my business I need to pay back. My computer has had several problems. My car has died. I have no business, no car and no hope left. I was going to use the profits of my business for school and also to become a wrestling manager. I could cry. I know you help those who are in need. I am more in need now than ever. I am begging you with all my heart please please please help me. I'm so lost and sad. I'm sure you are helping others how have been more devistated by the tragedies. I know they need you too but so do I. If you could find it in your heart to help me I'll help you help the world. Thank You.

October 20,2001


Dear Count Saint-Germain,

I'm writing again to ask for help. I hope you read this. I am terribly paniced as October is almost over. People tell me my business problems aren't my fault. I wanted to start my business last year however everyone talked me out of it. I doubt I will ever see any of my lost shipments again. It greives me so. I have written to business asscociates of my supplier and to my supplier neither has given a response. I know the associates could most likely write back. Its like everything disappeared that has anything to do with them. I have even more expenses now. Everytime I turn around it's something else. I'm afraid my business will go bankrupt and I will be left with nothing. I can't fix this myself. I need your help. I also ask that you help me with problems I have been having with my teeth. Even if you do not help with the other things please help me with this. I am a three months behind with business. I have missed some really good oppertunities that perhaps could have made a real difference for me. I ask myself why I didn't make different business choices or perhaps I would have been better off just going back to school. But I needed the money from my business to do either one. I ask that you help me soon. Thank You. Sincerely,
October 26,2001


Dear Count Saint-Germain,

It is cold here today. The day is lazy as well.I have just received news from my sister my family is in turmoil. Please you must help me find freedom from my family. I want to be my own person. They can't control me forever. Dear gods I could cry. This isn't right. I beg for freedom, something I may never know. If only I could help my business. I'm so angry right now I can't write. Hope you are well as always.


All Letters ©copyright by Josephine
Updated October 27, 2001
