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I'm On Elfwood!

2/3/2001: Well, it HAS been a while...sorry, folks, no new art this time. This update is mostly just a "heads up!" to let you know that I've been working on a major revamp of this page. I hope to have a whole new look within the next month as I venture into the land of Adobe Photoshop. *gasp!* In other news, I have a brand new job that will enable me to have more money so I can spend more time on this page...and perhaps get my own web domain soon! Stay tuned!

1/9/2001: *calms down* I would just like to announce that I now have an official gallery on Elfwood, which is a really nifty sci-fi/fantasy gallery online. Go there, look at my stuff (which is different from what I post here), and leave comments! Also, look at all the other nifty spiffy artists there. I have a new link up on the Links page to the Elfwood site. Enjoy while I try to get more of my art uploaded for this page!

1/6/2001: Happy (Late) New Year! Sorry I haven't updated in so long...This update, we have more links, this time to three of my favorite online comics! The Frames version of the Frames Rant is gone, and I've been spending a lot of time trying to get a full-time job and doing basic clean-up on this page. I have a lot of reorganization to do and some nitpicky little things to take care of so that my page doesn't look skewed on different browsers and with different resolutions. I'm sure you always wanted to know that. Also, I'm trying to find a better webhost, so if you know somewhere that's free and is reliable, let me know. I've been sketching like mad and trying to figure out the webpage for my Tsunami! project, so that should be up and running soon. Next Update (hopefully within a week): More Art!

12/13/2000: It has come to my attention that the frames version of my Rant About Frames does not work properly. I am doing my best to fix this problem. Sorry for any inconvenience!

12/12/2000: Yes, it's yet another update! Within one day! Hoo! I've posted a possible format for my business webpage! Go and have a look, and then let me know what you think!

12/11/2000: Gah...finals have been eating away at my time and my mind. And now, in honor of the fact that I'm learning Frames in HTML Class, a Rant about Frames! Go, read it, and see what an oddly twisted individual I am...
*falls over, a victim of finals*

12/6/2000: Well, it took me long enough, didn't it? Today: NEW ART! And aren't we all excited? There's new art in the Other Art Gallery, as well as one new picture in the Furry Art Gallery! Go see, go see, and leave me a message in my Message Board! Next update: Another Rant, and possibly even More Art!

11/29/2000: Whew! An update at last! The Links page is finally up! And there was much rejoicing...yay... Anyhoos, there's not much there yet, but there's more coming soon. Next update: More Art! Wheeeee!

11/20/2000: Sorry about the long time between updates...I am still working on this thing, but school's gotten in the way. Today, just a quick warning, nothing exciting: It has come to my attention that the Message Board occasionally does not work. I'm looking into getting a new one. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thanks for stopping by! Hopefully, I'll be doing another update within the week!

11/9/2000: Wow, two updates in one day! My first rant is up. Go, brave soul, and read about...HARRY POTTER!

11/9/2000: I'm slowly but surely getting this place put together. The About Me page has been updated and finally looks the way I want it to. Coming next update: Links Page and Stories Page (I hope I hope!).

11/1/2000: Small update--About Me page is now up. Don't forget to leave a message in my message board!

10/29/2000: The Other Art Gallery is now up! Go see! Go see!

10/27/2000: AWRIGHT! I'm finally up and running, with three galleries! Thus far, the Furry Art Gallery, the Anime Gallery, and the Role Playing Gallery are all set up and ready for viewing. Coming next update: Other Art Gallery and About Me pages.

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