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1971 Shofar Articles |
December 1971 |
February-March 1971 |
What's HappeningGreater Los Angeles region AZA raised $350 for the national Muscular Dystrophy campaign by means of a collection throughout the business district, according to Steve Ropfogel and Larry Stern, human relations chairman and regional godol, respectively. |
March-April 1971 |
Calif. 'Madness' Slogan Spurs BBG EnrollmentLOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Sharp characters who get what they want feigning nuttiness in their behavior, often earn a reputation of being "crazy like a fox"--which seems an apt simile for Greater Los Angeles BBG's chapter-building effort titled "Monthly Membership Madness." Shortly after the venture began, Joyce Jacobs, regional memerbership chairman, announced it had netted 41 members. Launched with appropriate fanfare -- news releases to press, t.v. and radio, posters, leaflets and meetings -- it soon brought results. One purpose of the "monthly madness" theme was to encourage chapter n'siot to turn in registration progress reports on a monthly basis, rather than to hold them up for longer periods--and to sharpen the inter-chapter competittion. |
June 1971 |
The BBYO $100 ClubListed below are 38 AZA and 41 BBG chapters who have become charter members of BBYO's new ISF ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR CLUB. They are chapters who have contributed at least $100 to ISF. Figures are based upon checks received in the International office by April 30. GLA chapters listed were:
AZA Chapters in ReviewLADERA, Los Angeles donated an Israel Bond to ISD as a means of aiding BBYO and Israel at the same time.Other ArticlesRon Goldtein and Candy Reffe. District 4 godol and n'siah, respectively, were guests of honor at the San Fernando Valley, Calif. regional convention. Main theme of workshops and discussions was the need for basic organizational changes. The convention elected Marc Klatzman and Michelle Venon as regional godol and n'siah, succeeding Steve Snyder and Rachel Lindenbaum. |
October 1971 |
ISF AwardsIn BBG, the results were similarly impressive. Greater Los Angeles Region was able to bring in a total of $1,999.06 (somehow they slipped up and couldn't get the 94 cents which have made an even $2000). This is the second straight year that the girls from Los Angeles won the banner for highest BBG contributions. |