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 1970s Greater Los Angeles Region BBYO 
1974 Shofar Articles
 February 1974


Yaacov Springer AZA of Los Angeles recently held a family Shabbat dinner to stress the importance of the Jewish family and the Shabbat. Over 60 people attended the event.

 March 1974


Yon Kippur Day War

Reports continue to come in on BBYO activities in the wake of the Yom Kippur Day War. Greater Los Angeles Region AZA passed out over 50,000 flyers for a Community Emergency Assembly for Israel Bonds. In the photo below, Grand Aleph Godol Mike Lee and a few members of the GLA Regional Board make sure all passerbys get a flyer. Shown (l. to r.) are Dan Mylnarski, Bill Hilliard, Mike Lee, Regional Aleph Godol Rich Waldow, and Mark Frydman.

 June 1974

Golden Anniversary Happenings

Over 700 alumni and guests participated in the gala Los Angeles celebration of the Golden Anniversary. The program, studded with celebrities, was highlighted by the presence of AZA founder, Sam Beber. Serving as Master of Ceremonies for the evening was host of the TV game show, "Let's Make a Deal," Monty Hall, past Aleph Godol of Winnipeg #138.

Also participating in the program were the first member of Mother Chapter #1 in Omaha, Abe Babior, the oldest living member of the old Supreme Advisory Council and Honorary Chairman of the B'nai B'rith Youth Commission, Jacob J. Lieberman, former Grand Aleph Godol Judge Irving Hill, an alumnus of Nebraska #3, Los Angeles Golden Anniversary Chairman, and principal speaker for the evening; Chairman of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Hon. Kenneth Hahn, presenting a resolution of the Board of Supervisors honoring ZAZ; District 4 Aleph Godol Don Gershbock; Sam Beber's niece, Mrs. Alma Fitch presenting a resolution on behalf of the Los Angeles City Council honoring AZA; former Executive Director of AZA, Julius Bisno, alumnus of Memphis #71, who with Hy Haves, alumnus of New Haven #110, presented a slide presentation depicting highlights of AZA's 50 years. Serving as Arrangements Chairman for the dinner was Leon Rosenfeld, Jr.

 October-November 1974

District Conventions Feature Golden Anniversary; Problems of American Jewry

District Four

More than 250 delegates representing eight Western states and British Columbia attended the District 4 AZA-BBG Convention held at the Palm Springs Riviera Hotel June 30-July 4.

Expressing the theme, "In The Crowd, A Place For The Individual," were programs on "The Individual Self" by Dr. Louis Jenkins, a prominent psychologist, a discussion on Multiple Sclerosis; and an opportunity to "experience" the horrors of the Nazi Concentration Camps.

Other programs included dance, business sessions, forensics, and a hootenanny.

Hosing the conventions were the B'nai B'rith and B'nai B'rith Women of Palm Springs.

 December 1974


For the 25th consecutive year, Greater Los Angeles Region, Southwestern Region, and San Fernando Valley Region BBYO held tri-regional high holiday services in Beverly Hills, California.

This year, Greater Los Angeles Region produced the Rosh Hashanah Services which encompassed the traditional aspect of the holiday combined with prayers focusing on "relevant issues" facing the Jewish people and humanity. The semon centered on the Jewish mystical belief in the Dybbuk and selected rituals which have recently been acquanted with exorcism. Over 1,000 members and alumni participated in the services and the Oneg Rosh Hashanah which was sponsored by San Fernando Valley Region.

Southwestern Region produced the Yom Kippur service which was highlighted by a tribute to the memory of two great adults involved in the BBYO program from the southern California area -- Jacob J. Lieberman was the first vice-president of the Supreme Advisory Council of the Aleph Zadik Aleph and a past chairman of the B'nai B'rith Youth Commission. Ray Glass, as advisor for many years, founded the annual High Holiday services for Southern California BBYO.

Yaacov Springer AZA, Santa Monica, California, recently spent a weekend at the local chabad house. On Saturday, the chapter talked with the rabbi about Judaism and participated in Shabbat services. The next day, members came back to help build a sukkah and a few weeks later, the chapter put on a full Shabbat eve service in the local synagogue.

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